Witchcraft and sorcery is Biblically evidenced, but does it still occur in current times and is quantum physics a component?

References: 1 Chronicles 10:13, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Exodus 7:11, 1 Samuel 15:23, Leviticus 20:6, Acts 8:9-13, Proverbs 26:2, 1 Samuel 16:14, Revelation 21:8, etc.


My observation is that witchcraft and sorcery are increasing trends in post-Christian societies.
Many of those who do not accept the teachings of classical Christianity are spiritual seekers. According to one questionary made here, 30% of young women classified themselves to that category. Some of them end up in loose movements that can be classified as witchcraft and sorcery.

In some African societies, whitchcraft and sorcery are still major elements. In these societies, even people belonging to Christian churches may consider these as normal part of life, although they do not themselves parttake in such activity because they believe in and serve God.
The meaning of the word ‘witch’ may be somewhat different in these societies than in the western countries but the word is associated with persons who can do things that are not possible for others.

What is the role of quantum physics in these movements and phenomena is beyond my knowledge.


I have yet to meet anyone who can do real magic
through any means regardless if it’s prayer, spells, through Yahweh, Satan, or Zeus and so on. Same goes for shamans from any Native American tribe. No one has also ever been able to tell me that they’ve seen this person do it, and then have me that person’s contact so I could see it myself. It’s always stories like “a missionary in some third world country stood toe to toe with their faith against the faith of some pagan/satanic wizard” or a friend or a friend who they trust saw it. Few times it was something like voodoo by some immigrant in Florida or some hillbilly in the mountains of Tennessee but even then, never any actual names.

As far as magic back when apostles was here. If it ever did really exist, and I think maybe so, cessationism is the view I take.

As far as evidence of it in the Bible, I would not say the Bible itself is evidence it existed. There are many within biblical scholarship for example that believes that those elements are evidence of the story being a myth or using hyperbole. It’s even debated if Moses was an actual person.

When it comes to anything supernatural there just seems to be no solid evidence for it. Now I still believe in God despite that and I mostly lean towards fallen angels having existed at some point along with magic, but it’s because it’s just what I choose to believe despite there being nothing to actually back it up.

I think what happens often is sleep paralysis. Someone then becomes convinced they are being spiritually attacked. So they have someone in their faith preform rituals ( including prayers ) to drive it away. Since sleep paralysis is rare for many, they don’t often encounter it and feel that it was a demon that was rebuked or driven away. I think most “experiences” stems from that.

Most of what the so called witches and sorcerers do is psychological manipulation. Witches have power because people give it to them.

Missionaries have told some very strange events that are close to impossible to explain with psychological manipulation, optical trickery or anything comparable. They do not usually talk about these cases because westerners do not believe in such possibilities and the missionaries want to be known as sensible persons. In all such cases I have heard (not many), there have been demonic forces involved. So, these have not been cases where the ‘witch’ or ‘sorcerer’ has some magical powers.


I frequently have sleep paralysis, it never occurred to me it is demonic. It is simply a dysfunction during REM sleep.


Sure. Just to be clear, I don’t believe demons exist so I don’t think anything is demonic.

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Not just westerners. The majority of my friends are actually from asia. The bulk of them don’t believe in anything supernatural. One of the men originally studied the Bible with me back in 06 was named Jallo and he was from Africa. He also did not believe in the supernatural in this day and age and held to cessationism. Being in the Bible Belt of America, most westerns I know believe strongly in the supernatural.

However, I am a westerner and don’t believe in any of the claims I’ve heard. I’ve also have seen zero solid evidence for it from anywhere in the world. Strong beliefs in the supernatural seems to be centered more around poverty. Regardless if it’s a poorer Bible Belt Appalachian area or in a third world country.

I once had an encounter with a demon, notable in my unrepentant state of mind. I was walking home in the night of the city of The Hague (Netherlands) and while only 500 meters from home I heard some noise behind me and so I turned. I saw a man with bewildering eyes storming at me, obviously to harm me. In about that same second he stopped running, his eyes became full of fear, he turned and ran away as fast he could. At the time I did not understand, my appearance is nothing to be afraid off. It’s only years after my conversion I understood it was the Lord Who protected me.


Hello Mi!

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I know I am going to enjoy responding back… I am taking my time with this. It’s a treat to have discourse like this with intelligent individuals such as yourself. Feel free to make any post as long as your heart desires. I feel words are a gift for illustrating the depths of one’s soul. So, feel free to illustrate the world from your eyes as you see it, and I will take my time to read each word. And, if you for some reason do not feel inclined to reciprocate this gesture regarding what I write… and I suspect it will be somewhat lengthy (and I will try my best to be concise), I promise I won’t take offense :slight_smile: So, no pressure.

Okay, let’s begin with witchcraft. What is it anyway? Well, witchcraft is a form of manipulation for unholy purposes and comes in various forms. I referenced some Biblical examples above in my original question. I think the Bible is the kind of book that requires pondering and deep meditation with inquiry questions to God. I believe I have the privilege of carrying the Holy Spirit within me, and because of this, I can communicate my questions to God and wait for the answers, if and however He chooses to provide them.

I keep an open mind and try not to use my experiences as a basis for how others have experienced life.

I understand that, as it is written in Proverbs 16:33, "The lot (gamble/dice) is cast into the lap, but every decision is from the Lord.” In other words, we may have free will, but God has the final say. I understand that God is more qualified to determine what experiences I should have because He is infinite and more qualified to illustrate the story of my life than I am. So, I may (and have in the past) seek to attain a particular experience, but as they say, “Rejection is God’s redirection.” I understand that God is infinite and, well, as it is written in Isaiah 55:8-9, “As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Life is like a gigantic pearl necklace and I am standing at the shoreline, only able to fit one pearl in the palm of my hand at a time. I can’t see the entire necklace at any given moment, because most if it is out of view, submerged under the waters that rise and fall with the breath of the wind, sprinkling my toes with warm water and the taste of salty sunshine mist splashing up towards me in a rhythmic flow. If I attempt to hold the entire necklace at any given moment, I will surely drown from the weight of it pushing upon me. So… just one pearl at a time in my hand so that my feet don’t sink too far into the sand. Only God can see the entire necklace at any given moment. His ways, are after all, higher than my ways. I am a created being, created by Him. Him - the only uncreated being and even the concept of Him exceeds the capacity of my created and limited mind/perception.

What reaches beyond the gap between mental capacity and perception is faith. Faith is that bridge that allows me to experience God in profound and even unusual ways. Because God is infinite, He has the capacity to have unique experiences with His creations, with each one of us. I don’t believe that any two experiences with God are identical. Look at Genesis 32:22-32 where Jacob wrestles with God - a unique experience that is factual and the underlying philosophy behind it applies to many modern-day situations; as in, sometimes one has to “wrestle with God” so to speak for a blessing. As it is written in Matthew 11:12, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Prayer is an important tool to utilize. The word of God, after all, is a sword (Ephesians 6). Think of it this way, just like there are legal laws, there are spiritual laws. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” The word of God can either be used against you (Revelation 12:10, “And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, “Now have come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ; for the accuser of the brethren is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night.”) Or, the word of God can be used for you (Matthew 4:1-11, where the devil tried to unsuccessfully tempt Jesus and eventually had to leave as a result of God using the word as a sword (Ephesians 6:17, what makes the sword move is faith. Attaining a high-degree of impenetrable faith is a… process).

The Bible also says in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert and sober-minded. The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” This is why the Bible explains the importance of prayer. For, “The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have the divine power to demolish strongholds.” Ah… “stronghold.” “The power to demolish “strongholds.” And… are there unholy agendas to keep man in bondage via vehicles such as strongholds. A stronghold is something that stands in the way of one’s relationship with God. The things that the Bible advises man against, such as Lust, envy, pride, etc. - are all of these things a stronghold or access point for the seed of spiritual contamination to grow? And, does consent via unrepentant resonation with these unholy energies permit a “curse to stand?” See: Proverbs 26:2, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an underserved curse does not come to rest.” So… does that mean that a deserved curse may come to rest? Where does a curse come from? A witch, a warlock, a sorcerer, a demon, and ultimately one’s own free will choice to willfully resonate with the frequency of sin.

I think witchcraft is ultimately a manipulation of matter.

To repent means to “turn away from.” It takes a high degree of skill to turn away from sin consistently past a certain percentage. This is why I believe there is an agenda in place worldwide to normalize sin and shift man’s focus to external circumstances rather than internal terrain. What if physical life is dictated by spiritual life? What if physical life is a reflection of spiritual life? Cause: spiritual, Effect: Physical (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Look at the promotion of transgenderism amongst children. Look at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Look at the new “trendy” acronyms such as MAPs (Minor Attracted Persons). Look at all of the followers on social media idolizing their looks and obsessing over painting their faces with excessive flavors of makeup and injecting their lips with potentially hazardous materials to look… synthetic. Look at the glued-on eyelashes on some of these people, looks like a spider that got caught in a harsh breeze. Look at all of the people jumping on the bandwagon with trends. Look at the rate of jealousy, envy, and covetousness. The normalization of fornication. Etc. Would a person who purchased a brand-new car let a stranger drive it? No, because they see the vehicle as a thing of value, and things of value aren’t meant to be touched by everyone, much less driven. Yet, nowadays, people hold their metal cars in higher regard to their own bodies for the sake of candy-coated sin that is an ultimate access point and free will entryway for bondage. There are plenty of examples in the Bible of generational curse, 2 Samuel 12:10 for example (regarding King David and Bathsheba). Look at the focus on over-consumption that profits off of a sense of dissatisfaction.

The devil constantly seeks to taint God’s original image and the will of God for man’s life, and sometimes he uses human vessels to accomplish this task (1 Samuel 6:14, spiritual law is a factor in this example). Life is like a game of chess and the Bible is the manual on how to navigate it. That’s why Romans 12:2 says, “Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Yet, so many just want to fit in and feel that sense of worldly acceptance past the point of loyalty to God (and I have been there before, and will never return to that level of… desperation in exchange for the acceptance of man and/or seeming self-gratification). I know who my audience is, and my audience is God. I understand that I walk a narrow path (“Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.” (Matthew 7:13-14).

Acts 2:17 says, “In the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Matthew 24:7-9 says, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then, you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death because of me. At that time, many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of many will grow cold.” Look at the state of the world today. Broken. And no Democrat or Republican is going to be able to glue the broken pieces of glass back together again. Humpty Dumpty is now coming to mind… lol. “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the kings horses, and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty together again.” The only savior is God.

And, God’s imagination is far superior to my own, and who am I to impose a limit on how He (the only uncreated being in existence) chooses to interact with His creations on a moment-to-moment basis where interdimensionality is likely a component. For example, in Exodus 33:18-23, where Moses… (who was a man; see: Exodus 33:20, “For man cannot see my face and live.”) Where Moses and God were within proximity, and yet, Moses was unable to visually digest the raw image of God and live. In the Garden of Eden, God was often described as a thunderous whirlwind. If one really thinks about the Bible through the lens of the leading of the Holy Spirit, it becomes an entirely different ballgame and the same words take on an even more amplified life. But, back to my point… Perhaps, the Fruit that Adam and Eve ate was a sex act, an orgy even (sex magic) involving the devil himself. Look at the Biblical examples of sacrifices offered to molech, baal, etc, (see: Leviticus 18:21, 2 Kings 23:10, etc.) Clearly, the enemy is interested in the genetic materials of man, etc. Now, there is scientific evidence of “Superfetion” in humans, or, getting pregnant a second time while pregnant. Then, there is also the possibility of some sort of spiritual technology causing such an occurrence through the consent of sin. Regardless, perhaps Cain and Abel were half-brothers, and Cain was genetically corrupt. Perhaps the Canaanite bloodline still lives today and perhaps these “hybrids” are inherently soulless - See Matthew 13:25-30: “But as men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But, when the grain has sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then how does it have tares? ‘ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares, you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them into bundles and burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” A wheat and tare both look like wheat but are not. A tare is just a weed. In the initial stages of growth, the plants are identical, as they grow, the tares stand upright and the wheat bow/have curvature. A prideful person cannot bow. An accurate parable, fact, and metaphor all at the same time (a fine example of God’s skill level when it comes to words - Now apply that to the entire Bible). Some may argue that God didn’t write the Bible, but the Holy Spirit operating through Man is an extension of God in some ways, even more accurately, a partnership.

Yes, the only uncreated being, the only capital G, God is interested in partnership with… us. And, what an honor it is. For example, I happened to have some freshly baked bread in my car and felt led to give it to someone in need who I passed on the street - My choosing to do so was a partnership with God, because, by my free will choice, God’s goodness operates through my vessel and I cannot take credit for this good deed, because all Glory goes to God, who is: simultaneously describable and indescribable, the essence of Goodness, the sweet songs the birds sing, the sunlight warming my skin, and the only one who has yet to ever truly love me. Many people love for what they hope to receive in exchange. God’s love surpasses that and once one truly feels and experiences it… there is no going back.

So perhaps, through the permission/conduit/vehicle of willful sin, there are some people out there in the world who have impregnated tares (or vice versa) and are trapped in miserable circumstances due to selecting the wrong spouse (because this selection was done independently from God’s assistance), and these wheat are literally lying in bed with an “NPC” or Canaanite/souless/hybrid whose agenda or programming seeks to keep the souled individual within a certain set of mental parameters (like a handler) for the sake of domination, control, imposing limitation, and navigating the souled individual away from God’s purpose for their life, which likely involves assisting in the saving of souls and coloring “outside of the lines” so to speak. To determine if one is in such a predicament, these steps would likely be required: Repent (Acts 3:19), flee from sin (Acts 3:19), ask God for help with transforming one’s mind and heart to be Holy (Romans 12:2), fast (Matthew 17:21), pray (1 Thessalonians 5:17), make a legal-like document renouncing any perceived unholy covenants (Habakuk 2:2-3), and keep the relationship with God strong, consistent, and personal. The destination is a byproduct of the journey and it’s best to travel through life via the leading of God remembering that, ultimately, “All” (and God is intentional with His words). “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

So, witchcraft is manipulation. Sin is ultimately a manipulation of truth and matter. What is matter? Anything that takes up space or can be weighed. This ranges from things such as sex magic (human body is a portal (and an energy-carrying vessel) of sorts and so this is why one needs to be refined by God and not do things like watch pornography, etc., as eyes are also gates (Matthew 6:22-24 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light…”, and generally, repentance does not always negate consequences.) And, depending on the frequency in which a person willfully chooses to operate, experience is dictated as a byproduct of choice. Experiences shift based on choices made, and so it is important to… simply put, be in the moment. Choosing not to gossip (breath is measurable, breath is matter), choosing not to fornicate, choosing not to… well, you catch my drift. Why, because choices impact the outcomes of reality experienced. In order to successfully improve incrementally in the eyes of God, one needs strength from God.

There are some people out there who are either soulless (as described above) or simply lost souls (and sometimes the difference can be hard to tell). There are some out there who to this day participate in child sacrifice (in ways even more ceremonially disturbing than abortion), and there are some out there who even eat human flesh. There are some out there who participate in incest and bestiality, etc. Some of these people are even celebrities. Some out there participate in organized cults and recite spells together while skipping along the perimeter of a campfire. Some hate and are jealous of their children, attempting to stifle their success out of a sense of envy. Some out there just want to exert control and inflict pain. (Many of these unholy desires stem from unhealed traumas and generational curses). We all have free will. One can either choose to vibe with the frequency of God or of the devil. And, while we will never be perfect like Christ, we carry a responsibility to truly attempt to be mindful and aware of the moments that we experience, and the choices that each moment carries. Why? Because accumulated moments gain momentum. Now, thank God for Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. He not only died, but outlined a standard for us to live by, and considering the way they opened up his body on that cross and threw a vinegar-soaked rag in his face as he hung there, thirsty… well… I see it as my privilege to express my gratitude through obedience and constant submission to God. After all, “To obey is better than sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). And so, I choose with my free will to not be a contributing factor to the momentum of the disease that is sin and ultimately witchcraft (regardless of degree). Thus, allowing myself to experience the will of God in my life, by whatever process He deems fit. It’s like having a blindfold on in some ways.

There is beauty in the world though, and that beauty is God. Ultimately, all true beauty is attributed to God. And, once the restrainer is lifted (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8) and that beauty is taken away, some people will be left with the consequences of their choices (and some choose ignorance). Ultimately, it’s only ever a choice between two things: Good vs evil. And, sometimes, one’s transition to the other side is incremental over an extended period. In the end, everyone would have had their chance to choose.

I appreciate your time! <3

© Amina (Yes, when I write things like this, I generally tend to copyright it.)

Also, in conjunction with my other response to you, I respectfully disagree that “Strong belief in the supernatural seems to be centered more around poverty.”

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I believe you, Ed, and thank you for sharing. Once you experience the supernatural… well… you see things a bit differently. For me, the Bible is the explanation of many life experiences that I have spent years trying to make sense of, etc.

The Netherlands, huh. Cool! I love it there and had a wonderful time when I visited. Do you like house music and techno?

Here is a link to my Soundcloud, hope you enjoy :slight_smile: I think I have a couple of mixes on there as well.

And feel free to read my longer response below, you may find it interesting.

p.s. Oh, I didn’t realize the link would post this way. Okay, regardless, that intro is me reciting a line from one of my poems (but I used software to morph my voice). That poem is pretty applicable to this discussion: “In through the pupil through a visual junction, to the optic nerve where my gaze is believed, valid, to my mind where vision is perceived.” It’s about how belief has a causal effect on perception/experience.


you might want to get ahold of King James (yes the same king KJV) work on this topic, I just heard it mentioned recently. I have not read any of it.

For those interested in the academic study of the topic, below is a news release and link to a doctoral thesis that deals with the questions of sin and evil (including demons and witchcraft) from the viewpoint of classical Pentecostalism.

I have listened to some experiences and stories told by the writer. Especially experiences from Africa were interesting because the local cultural background made the practices and beliefs of Christians somewhat different from what is usual in the western countries. It made me understand how much our cultural background affects our interpretations of these topics in the biblical scriptures and in real life.

Theology of sin and evil in classical Pentecostalism

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Kai (Knor),

Some of the most interesting conversations are had by individuals with opposing viewpoints. Have you ever seen an Oxford-style debate? Think along those lines. Citations are also lovely, in this context. Conversations like this have a rhythm to them… kind of like playing b2b with another DJ. Whilst the article you posted emphasizes points previously made, without adding anything new in terms of rebuttal to the response provided, it runs the risk of degrading the quality of the conversation.

It’s not just about reading the word or perceiving the word (regardless of cultural background). It’s primarily about rightly dividing the word. This involves studying Hebrew culture, language, traditions, etc. The Strong’s concordance is a handy tool. The Bible is about seeking to understand, not imposing one’s prior and rigid understanding. It’s about seeking to receive a transformative kind of education, the kind that brings to question prior mental constructs. To understand the Bible is to receive education from God. It’s important that when being educated, one leaves room to shift or at least try on various perspectives - this is a mark of intelligence.

Now, ever notice that Jesus spoke in parables? Notice how in one example, Jesus explains the Parable of the Sower to a crowd and later explains the meaning of the parable to his disciples who inquired. An inquisitive mind may wonder: Why not explain the parable as it was intended to be understood to the crowd rather than using a parable? Was the Bible not meant to be understood by the vast majority? God surely did know, even then, that the Bible would turn out to be the number one best-selling book of all time.

I am going to give you an example from my life. My family owns an exotic/rare tea cottage. Sometimes I hang out there and have interesting conversations with all kinds of people. Some people are local, some people are on holiday, and people from all kinds of socioeconomic backgrounds and various cultures. Lots of people travel to where I live for vacation. For what it’s worth, I live in the US. So, one day, I met this woman for the first time. I was polite, showed her around, etc. The conversation became strange in the sense that she ranted about how I need to understand that I am God, and that Jesus was possibly gay, and that the Bible had no value because it was written by man… She was saying all kinds of bizarre things. I later figured out that she had a bone to pick with me because her friend had visited the day before and tried to convince me to allow her to do psychic readings at the shop. Of course, I sternly but politely declined, explaining that I believe in Jesus and don’t need a third-party human to tell me or any customers what they “see “ So, anyway, as this woman (her friend, also a psychic) continued on the rant with wild eyes, she said: “If the Bible was meant to be understood, why was it written in parables?” Ahhh, such a good question. This question brings me to my main point. I explained to her: “Perhaps, the Bible is not meant to be understood by everyone.”

Yes, ever consider that the Bible is one of may tools used to sift the wheat from the chaff (Matthew 13:24-30 - The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares). Look at life. Each moment drifts into the next moment, further gaining momentum. The moments that pass are not empty, they contain options, and choices. Choices such as: Exercise and heed the word of God or throw caution to the wind and sin, etc. People have free will, but free will does not negate the consequence of choice. I have reason to believe that if someone seeks the truth past the point of discomfort and **ego, they will move incrementally closer and closer to God. God is Truth. The Truth does not change. God does not change. If I am standing to the left, or to the right, or from above, or from an angle, if I am looking at the Truth, it will look the same regardless of my vantage point. That truth supersedes cultural conditioning and even widely accepted social norms. There is a large-scale agenda to distort the truth.

This game of life has levels to it. Think… video game (feel free to google how video games work if you are unfamiliar). You know how there are “bosses” etc. You have to get to a certain level to cross paths with a boss. Spiritual rank has nothing to do with worldly titles such as “PhD”, rich, poor, etc. Spiritual rank is a component regarding the kind of experiences one may have. The people playing at the lowest levels have had the least (if any) supernatural experiences. Now, this does not negate their value to God. Think of the body of Christ as an actual body for a moment, a head is nice, and a toe may not be as pronounced, but without that toe, balance is impacted, and so, each part serves its designated purpose. There is a spiritual hierarchy and jealousy is one of the devil’s most prized tools for getting a person to walk away from their “place” on the totem pole.

I have noticed a trend, an inferiority complex in people who have not had experiences out of the ordinary. They tend to say things like, “Only poor people see supernatural things” (true poverty is a state of mind, btw). Or, “Prove it to me so I can believe it.” The thing is, God does not answer to man. Man answers to God. Faith is the necessary component to connect the bridge between things seen and unseen (Hebrews 11:6). The thing is, it takes a clean heart to have the privilege of receiving the gift of faith. Faith is a gift (Ephesians 2:8-9). 1 Corinthians 2:14, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are only discerned through the Spirit.” As stated in my prior response to you, A stronghold is something that stands in the way of one’s relationship with God. Distance between God and man is a vehicle/conduit for spiritual contamination and the seed of sin to grow, contributing to even further separation.

Remember in my last post how I said “Special things are not meant to be touched by everyone?” Look at Matthew 15:21-28 - The Faith of a Canaanite Woman. Jesus was opposed to being touched by her initially and even referred to her as a “dog.” Again, the Bible is not meant to be understood by everyone. And, the enemy perpetuates confusion in this regard by using the vehicle of sin (envy, pride, jealousy, etc) as a conduit to increase distance. Think… battery. For a battery to receive the charge, it must be connected at the proper orientation and at the right points. God rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Earnest: Resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction. Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit.



I can also give passages from the Bible describing the earth as something which can never move.

But more importantly these passages do not say what witchcraft and sorcery consists of, and I certainly do not believe that they were ever any kind of violation of the laws of nature, but always a combination of trickery, showmanship, and technique. And there is nothing in the Bible to give evidence otherwise.

More impressive than these are miracles which are more statistical anomalies than violations of nature. To be sure quantum physics plays a role here because it means the laws of nature are all ultimately statistical in nature. However in both cases the most impressive has always been examples of healing where the placebo effect is more relevant than quantum physics.

would you agree that reality is at its base, pure potential that is actualized by something.


I am a fan of Aristotle (and his hylomorphism), understanding the ultimate substance of all things to be a sort of pre-energy (physical energy being a space-time mathematical form of this) which can be described as the pure potentiality of being – that which can be given form in all the different things in existence (both physical/natural and spiritual).

This potential then is the juxtaposition of actuality. A negation or a void of actuality. meaning the empty set. Or possibly space itself.
If so to this empty set would need to come into existence by some event. Then it could be formed into different things?

No. No. No.

Potentiality is a component of actuality. Thus the infinite actuality of God provides an infinity of potentiality from which all things are created. There is no potentiality in an empty set or nothingness. Nor is empty space the same as nothing. Empty space is a mathematical construct and thus the potentiality of being given form in an actuality.

In another context… Created in the image of God means God’s infinite actuality is reflected in our infinite potentiality. Although our potentiality only has substance in a relationship with God, where there is no end to what God has to give and no end to what we can receive from God. Certainly there is no potentiality in the negation of the perfect actuality of God.