Was Abraham Father of the Jews or of Humanity?

The fact that Eden, Flood and Exodus have geographical matches.

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Let’s start with an easy one.
Did God enter into a covenant with Abraham?

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I propose that we add @Bill_II to Fox’s Book of Martyrs

sad day for Abraham back when

Peanuts are actually legumes, like beans and peas. Not nuts at all.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Questions about the Philistines

There is definitely something strange going on, and I’ve had that feeling for a while.

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“zera nuts” sounds like something they sell at whole foods.

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Abraham had sad emotions

Abraham went through a lot.

@jpm would u know of a Jewish forum that could throw light on this?

Bj1.1. Yes.

Sorry, I am pretty limited in my knowledge as I spent too much time here!

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First the definition of Jew and Jewish has changed over time.

Given the Mishnah was first written in the 3rd century AD it’s definition would not apply to the people in the OT.

Edit to add:
I found a page discussing why the change from patrilineal to matrilineal descent.

Can the .changed. jews change the word of God?

Abraham had a wife name Sarah

Hebrews are human beings and I’ll learn remain more on topic better.

Define what you mean by “word of God”. It means different things to different people.

The OT was written in a human language. Human languages change over time. Do all of the words in the KJV of the Bible mean the same thing today? And that is only over a few hundred years. You have to understand the text in terms of what the words meant at the time it was written, not by what you think the words mean today.

I think Abraham is Father of Humanity

Remain calm. Don’t struggle to get out, it will only make you sink even more. Call for help. When help comes, have them pass you a rope or long branch from firm ground so they can pull you out. (And don’t make a tiktok video of your ordeal)

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