The size of the Exodus

So Amenhotep III lived in Mohenjo-daro?

“could” seems to be your favorite word.

Passover is a fundamental part of Judaism and is celebrated yearly to this day. Talk about Living Traditions here is one. And the ritual makes no sense if the Israelites hadn’t been enslaved and escaped from bondage.

So is this a case of Hebrew text getting it wrong?

Since I have already answered what I thought was the question once maybe you need to restate the question.

We need to take into account various evidences in assessing whether the Exodus took place from Egypt or Indus Valley. I can think of 5 types of evidences: 1] Parallels in Local Names, 2] Archaeological evidence, 3] Parallels in Local Texts, 4] Living Traditions, 5] Geography, 6] Culture.
The evidences you have presented, if I recall, fall into the categories 1] and 6]. So we need to first look at evidences from other items; then we need to decide precedence between them. Hope clear.

Please do see:

The bondage could be in Indus or Egypt. I am not denying Passover. I am showing it has cultural antecedents in the Indus Valley.

There is no Amenhotep in the Bible; nor in the Indus Valley.

Earlier you denied that the Hebrews were ever in bondage. They just worked for crappy wages.

So in your theory it isn’t “real” it is just a modified memory of something else. A modified memory that is the basis for their religion and has persisted for thousands of years.

What pharaohs are there in the Bible? Shishak (Shoshenq I) comes to mind. Minority scholarship put Amenhotep III as the pharaoh of the Exodus by Biblical chronology. The actual pharaoh of that time is of course Thutmose III. Was he in Mohenjo-daro? Scholars who for some unknown reason accept an historical core to the Exodus (why I’ve no idea) put it in the C13th-12th BCE in the reigns of Rameses II or III. Did they live in Mohenjo-daro?

Not at all. There was a tradition X. This was carried as Passover among the Hebrews. Same X was carried to the living hindu tradition. So there is no denying of Passover. Only i am showing that it is more plausible that it took place in the indus because there is a cultural antrcedent.

Please read my writing as alleged bondage.

There is no Shishak (Shoshenq I), Amenhotep III, Thut mose III in the Bible. None of the exodus events took place in Egypt. At the time of Ptolemy or earlier the biblical place names were wrongly reidentified in Egypt. Perhaps Ptolemy wanted to capture the event.

Wrong . . . Even better, do you want to put money on that?

Anyone has a view on why the omnipotent God simply not kill the Pharaoh instead of making the Hebrews escape?

Yes. Usd 100? But who will be the jury?

What omnipotent God is that?

Google . . . .

My reading of google, then, or yours?

One That led the Hebrews out of mitsrayim.

OK, read this.

That is 10c bce. Perhaps true egypt. I am speaking of before exodus c. 1500 be.

So you’re wrong then.