How to downplay COVID-19 Bingo Sheet

I was only saying that “it is illegal to wear a mask during concealed carry” is a response that I have seen.

Was it new to you?

Nope, it’s not new to me. I was suggesting (in jest, since I don’t know anything about the legalities) that if this is true, a mask mandate would also have the effect of outlawing concealed carry.

Most states have made exceptions to that law during this time, making it legal.

But I would add it to the bingo card. :slight_smile:

Did anybody see this from PBS/Nova : The Violence Paradox

Also known as my boss.


I appreciate his tone and agree with him. However, his point that it’s the coronavirus that is the enemy, not each other, doesn’t necessarily work for those who believe that the coronavirus is entirely (or mostly) a hoax, engineered to control people and take away their liberty.

Is there an “American myth,” taken from the Revolution, that it’s moral and right to cynically denounce everyone in power, or the intelligentsia? Why is it that Europe and other places seem to follow their experts better than we?

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I’ve started hearing two new rumors today. Maybe they’ve been around but I have not heard them. Well
Sort of.

I’ve heard random people say that it was created in China but this is the first time I have been hearing a thought about a virology lab within 9 miles of the suspected outbreak. Turns out there really is a lab there, which sucks because it definitely adds a layer to paranoid people’s thinking. They said it was created there , but not for biological warfare and escaped the lab. Some obviously said for the lab.

The other one is that when Epstine ( whatever that billionaire pedophile’s name was ) case was broke open is when this virus was released to take away the nations attention to a global kid sex trafficking ran.

That virology lab in Wuhan was in the news pretty early on, as were conspiracy theories about it.

I never heard a single thing about it until today.

But I also have spent next to no time looking any of it up. Never cared if it was a biological weapon or not. To be honest, the virus has had very little impact on my life besides it flooding social media. It was a impact on my life when I decided to start taking smaller jobs to keep smaller crews. I almost never go out to eat and pandemic or not, almost no one is hiking 20 miles out in forests. But overall it’s not affected my life. I know one person who has caught the virus and they caught it from their teenage daughter and did not even know it. They found out by chance getting stitches.

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Here’s an early example:

…probably before I heard about it.


More abuse of religion in the service of anti-masking fanaticism. Makes you wonder which beliefs go deeper for these people.

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Here’s my favorite video discussing the origin of all these China conspiracy theories:

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Wow… robotic nanoparticles - that’s a new one for me.


Yep. In the name of freedumb.


Probably rare enough to leave off the bingo sheet.

One worry I have is that by allowing the virus to spread through so many of us we are providing the organism many opportunities to evolve and improve. The low actual mortality rate actually marks it as an effective parasite. Perhaps it can beat the timeline of the The Time Machine, turning us into their Morlocks to feed their Eloi in just a few of our generations.

On the plus side, any simple beneficial changes will have already occurred by this time. The one change that is likely functional (the D614G Spike mutation) occurred quite early in the outbreak and has largely taken over the world by this time.


Well jpm…it probably depends on How “many” are the “many” in the church who are concerned more about personal freedom than etc…but I got it. I try to ignore people who are in the business of ignoring possible infection by a virus for which there is (currently) no known cure —

Got a question for you since (if I recall right) you are in the medical field. Someone told us yesterday that they saw on “the mayoclinic site” an article that said the COVID is not a virus but a protein and thus antiobiotics will not impact it. Best cures: alcohol above 65 proof and lots of sunlight. (I don’t think they mean to DRINK the alcohol…but I could be wrong!!).

I was just trying to look into this. I found a Journal of Virology article describing the infamous coronavirus as a Class 1 virus/protein fusion – I don’t read the Journal of Virology very often (read: never) and so the lingo is unfamiliar. It “seemed” to say that cell membranes (i.e., in general) are made of proteins and thus the coronavirus has to mimic a protein in order to penetrate the cell membrane of a human cell and infect it? Correct me if I am wrong…just have not found the mayoclinic article yet!!


Covid 19 is actually the name of the disease, not the virus. The Coronavirus that causes the disease is a typical virus with several different proteins, a lipid envelope, and a RNA core. This article does a much better job of describing it:

Note that some of the info in this article may be dated, as it states hydroxychloroquine is efficacious, whereas later studies have failed to show any benefit. But the graphics are still pretty that describe the virus!

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