How to downplay COVID-19 Bingo Sheet

I’m hoping once we have plenty of vaccine, we can promote anti-vax Covid parties for those who don’t want it to help out with herd immunity.

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I will send pizza, or my vaccinated body might deliver it in person.

My middle daughter contracted measles before she was old enough to have the vaccine. Fortunately, she did not experience long-lasting effects.

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Oh, I so want to make use of this. Can you share the link with me?

Scratch that request. I got it.

@beaglelady, this is very good. However, have you noticed that conspiracy theorists have their own interpretations on everything, too? It seems that everything is “Big Brother” or they take a factual response as condescending. It reminds me very much of the YEC mentality that inserts interpretation into everything they read in science books and at museums, etc. May God give us wisdom.


Yes indeed. They have their own sense of reality. Like any cult.

Take a look at this link:
As Pandemic Toll Rises, Science Deniers in Louisiana Shun Masks, Comparing Health Measures to Nazi Germany


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I just received a message from one close friend that this is like Orwell’s “1984.” They seem to take this deadly seriously (seriously, they are refusing to wear a mask and will quit their jobs if they have to wear one). Talking about it makes it worse. May God preserve our relationships with those who fear so much.

I struggle to imagine what gain they think anyone would get from enforcing masks. It can’t be that they think the governor has stock in fabric. The video above says that only Democratic governors enforce these things, and that creating an urgency will make them win the election. I can’t believe how a Democratic committee would be able to cause such a conspiracy. And how would Gates (who gave all the money) and the CDC, and Fauci, win by making us wear masks? It blows my mind.


Absolutely. I saw this today which helps a bit.

It is interesting that he calls for compassion and love in dealing with those who disagree. Zdogg is not a religious sort so far as I know and see in his work, which makes perhaps a bigger impact, as we have a secular voice calling for compassion and love when many in the church are more concerned with personal liberty and individual freedoms. Makes you wonder.


To expand on item 1 (“Most people don’t die from it”) I’ll add these thoughts from Wesley Elsberry:

"Death is not the only bad outcome from COVID-19. Many people are going to have permanent lung, kidney, and vascular damage from this disease, including lots of young people. Many people continue to have lingering symptoms long past the typical recovery times. And even the people who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic can accrue damage from the virus.

Economically, someone who survived a stay in the ICU is going to be liable for the sort of eye-popping bills you only see in healthcare in the USA. If you didn’t have insurance, it’s likely you didn’t get admitted. But even a 20% copay is gonna hurt you and your family."

How about the response my two college-age sons have gotten repeatedly from their evangelical friends, many of whom have been home schooled: “They’re just trying to make Trump look bad.”

Who are “they”? Media (except Fox)? Deep State? Dems? Medical professionals? Probably all of the above.


Good addition. I see that a lot around my area also. It is interesting how we accept whatever our tribe says as truth. The desire to be a part of a group is strong.


Where are these Nazi comparisons coming from? One of my friends posted a pro-mask article and one of her insane relatives came back with something along the lines of “The government mandating masks in public is exactly the same thing as the Nazis forcing Jews to wear yellow stars.” I mean where do you even start with everything that is wrong with that statement? Why would you even bother if the person was so devoid of basic reasoning skills and knowledge of history that they thought it made sense to say in the first place? It’s so offensive. But I guess that is where we are at as a country. Co-opting Holocaust imagery to make people feel better about selfish non-compliance with public health ordinances.


Reminds me of this


It’s totally cray-cray!

On the “face masks are effective” line, another response is:

It’s illegal to wear a mask during concealed carry

So you’re saying it’s a win-win mandate?

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Or a lose-lose if they decide to both go maskless, and to carry. Would give new meaning to the phrase: “double jeopardy”.


I figure going maskless in a ‘stand your ground’ state and getting within 6 feet of anyone else would provide legitimate grounds for them to shoot you. So if both of you are maskless and both are carrying, it becomes a question of who draws first.

It’s good to see our country getting back to its roots.


Discourse need an irony ‘Like’ emoticon.

Our family just finished watching Hamilton last night, so now we have a better idea what some of those “roots” were like. We could replace the old pistol duels with an updated and more humane form of duel today. Both parties show up to the agreed upon spot, de-mask, letting their “seconds” hold their masks, then count ten paces, turn, and sneeze toward each other. [whoever wins the initial coin toss gets to pick the upwind spot]

Of course, if we just can keep gun violence accelerating upward, then either more Covid carriers are removed from circulation, or if the victim didn’t have the virus, then there is one less person who could get it.