Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom

Well i believe the numbers are like over 600,000 Americans have died from covid-19.

I think maybe three died from something related to the vaccine. I’m pretty sure you are more likely to die in a car wreck than from the vaccine.


The 3 deaths were with blood clots related to the J&J vaccine. Not a single death has been linked to Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines.

They have also given 367 million vaccine doses in the US.

The 637,000 US COVID deaths came from only 38.8 million COVID cases.


I can’t respond freely because it will be edited but he was concerned about the side effects of the vaccination. My view is that we need less restrictions and power from on high. My confidence in the medical community has tanked because of what I have seen. If the medical and scientific community wants the publics trust, then there needs to be a free flow of information. For example, the masks benefits need to be examined scientifically and published. Some reports say they are less beneficial than the scientific community says. Does it impede oxygen flow? Is this dangerous? Is there psychological implications for children’s development? How does social isolation play in suicide, drug overdoses and reduction in worker productivity? If a person has had COVID, why should they be required to have the vaccination? In my mind, these questions and many more need to be answered.

Good questions. These have all been studied and explained in CDC website. It has the relevant data in MMWR associated with it. The video above addresses some of these questions too.



I don’t know the specific case referred to here. Usually this is taken in conjunction with history of following instructions. However, there is a very, very short list of livers available. Delta variant is extremely infectious, and more fatal to those who receive immunosuppressive drugs, such as this case would require. Even with a vaccine, some folks with immunosuppressive drugs will die (see the video above). If someone went through the treatment for, say, $300,000 (more with ongoing immune suppressant meds for a lifetime), and then died with the pandemic, then that would be someone else’s life lost, as well, as they did not get a liver. The cost to society is not negligible, either. . Does this help? I am saying this from the limited experience I have as a primary care physician–it is not my area of training, but I do see these questions somewhat. Thanks.


What you have seen is not a failure of the medical community, but a failure of the public to have any sense at all when it comes to evaluating sources and platforming quacks and nutjobs. There has been plenty of information, and when major media outlets attempt to intervene in a major public health emergency by removing lies (many of which have been documented to come from bot-farms in Russia and are essentially cyber-terrorist disinformation attacks) that is not censorship or disrupting the free flow of information.

So many studies on the efficacy of masks have been published. “Some reports” say the earth is flat and germs don’t exist.

I have not heard anyone claiming that the pandemic and the responses have been awesome for the mental health of anyone. But, the fact that everyone is tired of it and just wants it to be over without any more mitigation efforts is projected to lead to another 100,000 American deaths by December. Everybody wants stuff. We all have to play the hand we are dealt though.


The U.S. is projected to see nearly 100,000 more COVID-19 deaths between now and Dec. 1, according to the nation’s most closely watched forecasting model. But health experts say that toll could be cut in half if nearly everyone wore a mask in public spaces.

In other words, what the coronavirus has in store this fall depends on human behavior.

“Behavior is really going to determine if, when and how sustainably the current wave subsides,” said Lauren Ancel Meyers, director of the University of Texas COVID-19 Modeling Consortium. “We cannot stop delta in its tracks, but we can change our behavior overnight.”

That means doubling down again on masks, limiting social gatherings, staying home when sick and getting vaccinated. “Those things are within our control,” Meyers said.

Great. The answers are out there. Are you seriously looking for them, or just planning on using your ignorance as a way of throwing shade on the medical community and the idea of vaccines?


Most choices do have consequences. A public agency overseeing the distribution of the extremely limited supply of livers for transplant has a duty to make sure they go to people who will cooperate in their own success. An unrepentant alcoholic would be a very poor choice and would be rejected as a candidate if a more likely to succeed candidate is available. Anyone refusing mask or be vaccinated should likewise be passed over in favor of a less self-destructive candidate.


Apparently there is now a website dedicated to collecting stories from many people who were staunchly against the vaccine and died a tragically preventable death:



Hi Dale,
How does the Lord speak to me…in my heart…I hear His voice.
For me, getting the vaccine would be out of fear to not get the virus. I don’t take the flu vaccine for the same reason. I don’t want to think…Oh, I might get it (whatever the it is) so I best get a shot.
What I do hear and read is that the efficacy of the vaccines are diminishing.

Does everyone hear God in their hearts? If so, do they all understand what they are being told all the time? How often does He speak to you? Is it always perfectly clear what the message is? I don’t scoff at listening to that inner voice. I just don’t see why this isn’t a question best left to medical science.

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And now there are Christians who, of the same mindset, are of the conviction that hydroxychloroquine is the cure for covid-19. I will never cease to be amazed.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think you are hearing well, nor do I trust what you think you are hearing. What you think you are hearing in your heart you have said with words, and there are good reasons to think they are leading you to [in]action which is not righteous.*

A short argument:

A longer one:


Even if your motivation for doing it may not be the best, that does not mean that doing the right thing is wrong. Not doing the right thing is wrong.


The efficacy in those who have been vaccinated does diminish somewhat with time (over many months), but that does not affect the efficacy in the newly vaccinated, so that is not an argument against getting a vaccine and saving children’s lives. And they are still way better than getting full blown COVID. The current surge is not being called a pandemic of the unvaccinated for nothing!


*If that is so, then you have not been hearing the Lord speak to you in your heart.


From the longer article:

To the extent that he or she takes risks, those risks should be on behalf of others. As a person created in the image of God, taking care of yourself is an independent good. Taking care of yourself so that you can care for others is an even nobler good.


We have to be careful about claiming that God spoke to us. Often it’s our own imaginations. And sometimes the mentally ill actually hear God telling them to kill somebody. So talk this over with a doctor.

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As a postscript to my last post in this thread, here is the exact same headline from over 100 years ago- a vocal anti smallpox vaccine activist dies of smallpox:


Hi…appreciate your concern and I am NOT having auditory hallucinations.

So, I will be leaving this discussion for this reason. I find it interesting that people who do not know me or my walk with Jesus and my relationship with the Holy Spirit are telling me I have not heard from them. Reminds me of what the Pharisees said to Jesus…You are not the Son of God.

thank you for your concern…I wish you well.

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God has been ‘telling’ too many evangelicals not to get a COVID vaccine!

How does the Holy Spirit communicate with you? Through ‘feelings’ or verbally somehow? If you are being ‘told’ anything that is contrary to scripture, it is not the Holy Spirit!

And the excerpt cited above is scriptural! –

To the extent that he or she takes risks, those risks should be on behalf of others. As a person created in the image of God, taking care of yourself is an independent good. Taking care of yourself so that you can care for others is an even nobler good.


If you claimed that God told your to murder your family we would not believe you. Sorry.

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