YEC and Yosemite

So when conventional science changes, it is to be commended for correcting itself.

When young earth science corrects itself, it is “changing its tune.” Biases on display?

Really? Rapid sorting and layering of sediment is an understanding of geology that has been held for decades? So now it is possible to interpret megasequences in the Grand Canyon, some of which are continent spanning, as being laid down by rapidly moving currents, perhaps in days or months or even years as opposed to millions of years?

And I think I see a tacit admission that standard geology has moved away from near complete geological uniformitarianism --“the present is the key to the past”–and now incorporate some catastrophic geological processes in their explanations. This is of course without any acknowledgement that flood geologists saw evidence for geological catastrophism all along.

If there was any such thing as “young earth science”, sure – but I have yet to find a YEC organization that actually does science, or that when it attempts to doesn’t engage in misrepresentation and other forms of lying.

Yes, it has.

Laid down, yes; eroded, no. A canyon that deep with the slopes on the canyon sides that was cut through soft sediments is contrary to physics.
That’s what happens when you don’t do science but instead grab at ad hoc solutions to fit scenarios that are kept separate from anything else.

Um, what? Catastrophic geological processes have been included for most of a century.

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Depends on what you mean by “rather gradually.” The iron age began sometime between 1100 and 1200 BCE. By King David’s time, smelting iron was widely known. Thus, a reasonable defense of a 6000-10000 year old earth would have to explain how smelting iron, a technology not known prior to 1200 BCE came about.

I made this post largely because YACs cite the Bible as their source (generational ages, length of the 6 days of creation, etc). Well, Genesis 4:22 says Tubal-cain, two generations removed from Adam, was smelting iron. Anyway, if Tubal-cain was smelting iron at say 1300 BCE then:

From Adam to Abraham:

  1. From Adam to Noah: 1,056 years.
  2. From Noah to Abraham: Approximately 292 years.

Adding these together gives us roughly 1,348 years from Adam to the birth of Abraham.

From Abraham to David:

  1. From Abraham to Jacob’s birth: 160 years.
  2. From Jacob to the Exodus: Approximately 220 years.
  3. Egyptian bondage: 430 years.
  4. From Exodus to David’s reign: Approximately 480 years.

Adding these together gives us roughly 1,290 years from Abraham to the start of David’s reign.

Combined Timeline:

Combining the two periods (Adam to Abraham and Abraham to David): 1,348 years (Adam to Abraham) + 1,290 years (Abraham to David) = 2,638 years.

Historical Context:

If Tubal-cain was smelting iron around 1300 BCE, then This places the Great Flood at around 300 BCE.

This was likely a reference to iron from Meteors. This source of iron was very rare and used principally for small baubles, the occasional knife, and so forth. Meteoric iron was not used for large iron implements such as pick axes, plows, and so forth. However, working with meteoric iron didn’t require the heat required by smelting. A Blacksmith/forger could shape it by hammering (even though it was harder that wrought iron).


Sequence stratigraphy has absolutely nothing to do with catastrophic floods or tsunami’s, and involves the migrations of shoreline patterns and fluvial action as relative ocean levels ingress and regress with climate and geological change.

Nobody is working to prove a long established fact like the Grand Canyon is ancient. The strata of the Grand Canyon is a result of millions of years, but the real interest is not just how old the formations are, but the details of the processes and environment over that time. The different characteristics relate to oxidation and reduction, erosion, ocean level changes, climate, and gradual processes punctuated by dikes and intrusions.

It would be a boring novel which read “James was born in 1805 and lived for 76 years. The end.” We want to know the details of the story.

You can find an in depth treatment by searching for and studying special paper 489 from the Geological Society of America - Grand Canyon Geology - Two Billion Years of Earth’s History. Or with much less effort by way of this recent overview video from Geo Girl.