Panda’s Thumb has a great article on why Young Earth Creationism (YEC) is incapable of explaining geologic features created by glaciation. One such example is Yosemite, a valley carved out of solid granite by glaciers multiple kilometers thick over many ice ages and many millennia.
The problems for YEC are legion. Since these glaciers cut through what is considered flood deposits by most YEC’s, these ice ages had to happen after the flood, just 4500 years ago or so. They are going to have to explain how you get continent spanning glaciers kilometers thick. They are going to have to explain how solid, unfractured granite can be carved out in such short time periods. This was enough ice to lower ocean levels by 130 m, so it’s no small task.
Earth use to be surrounded by rings of ice like
Saturn. After the flood, all the water that evaporated made the atmospheric humidity higher which warmed the rings enough giant chunks of ice feel to earth and slid around creating stuff like what you’re asking.
I was once told something like that about something. Obviously I don’t believe it because it’s stupid. But i imagine the argument is something like that. I once heard also ice rings for the flood water, and even ice rings acting like magnifying lenses destroying stuff.
“The climate changed really fast”. No, not a good argument, besides being dishonest about the clear evidence that multiple intervals of glaciation and retreat have occurred in the Pleistocene and many other times at various points earlier in the geological record. More fundamentally, there is no effort to actually model the effects of the YEC idea and test that against the physical evidence.
YEC’s once proposed a vapor canopy that they claimed held all the water necessary to flood the globe. Once people pointed out that such a canopy would make the Earth more inhospitable than most autoclaves they changed their tune.
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