Not the way it reads. Doesn’t that say there is such a fact? I refuse to believe that ‘scientific fact’ too. How can there be any scientific fact about God, yea or nay?
That there is no objective, observable, and maybe I need to add indisputable evidence of God’s existence in God’s creation?
There is no scientifically testable evidence of God’s existence.
You are not using the same meaning, by quite a wide margin, that I am using for the terms “subjective” and “objective”! Poorly defined terms significantly contribute to the confusion.
Subjective: subject to feeling or sensation. Don’t confuse personal with subjective. The former does not necessarily imply the latter, but the latter probably does imply the former.
Objective: factual. Make a distinction between fact and scientific fact.
It is a fact that I personally am seeing what I subjectively perceive to be black letters on a white background on my iPad right now. (I could hypothetically be mistaken about the colors because they are subjectively perceived.) Without maybe a PET scan and/or some EEG electrodes plus some science that probably doesn’t exist yet, that fact won’t be a demonstrable scientific fact for a while yet. But it is still a fact, a fact about my perceptions, nothing subjective about it. You, of course, may choose to believe that fact or disbelieve it for whatever reason.
I will maintain that Phil Yancey had an objective experience with God. Likewise Maggie and Rich Stearns. There are discernible facts involved. Deniers will deny, but that will not change the objectivity of the facts.