It would seem to be the time to discuss the theological differences between the Eastern and Western Churches. The most obvious difference is that there is no separation of church and state in the Eastern Church. Both agreed that both Church and State were important, so they used the Trinity as their model. The Father was the State, and the Son was the Church. The State was over the physical and the Church over the Spiritual.
However, in the West the State of Rome as defeated while that Church of Rome gained undisputed power. In the East the State in Constantinople became the bulwark of Christian power, while the Church had many power centers.
In the West the Church at one time claimed authority over the State, but generally the arrangement is separation, but not everyone agrees. In the East the Empire was fighting for its life and maintained its power over the Church.
In the West there are no “national” churches. In the East most Orthodox Churches including now the Ukrainian and the Russian Orthodox Churches. They generally support they respective states as is their tradition.
At the start of WW2 Stalin almost blew it. His people would not fight for communism. They would fight for Russian nationalism and Stalin, who studied to become an orthodox priest, made peace with the Russian Church to rally them to this cause. This is how the USSR and the world was saved from Hitler.
Hitler’s racism was anti-Slav as well as anti-Jewish and anti-Black. He planned to enslave the Slavs. If he had treated the Ukrainians decently, he could have won their support. As it was some people did support Hitler, but more fought against both Hitler and Stalin. So there was a history of fighting Ukrainian patriots after the war.
Putin, originally a KGB officer, (they ran the GULAG for Stalin,) has taken the best of Stalin, the victory of WW2, and used Stalin’s nationalism to steal from the people, neglect the economy and fortify his power.
His invasion of Ukraine is a failure. He is weakening Russia, destroying the Ukraine, killing many Ukrainians and Russians, and probably destroying the Ukrainian wheat crop, which will starve many.