Why Pray for Ukraine?

This by her is also good – not precisely on topic, but not unrelated, either (there should not be a paywall):

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God will not answer that or any other theistic prayer. If Putin could be killed he should be. Just like any other otherwise unstoppable criminal.

God answers “theistic prayer” and we have objective evidence. The Bible in at least two places in English translations says he is inscrutable, however. To think we can hold him accountable for whatever is a silly mistake.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
Romans 11:33

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable.
Isaiah 40:28

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You must not be familiar with George Müller, a man of prayer and answered prayer.

I don’t think this detracts from Corrie ten Boom’s forgiveness for German guards, but there is such a thing as righteous anger, and mass murderers and serial killers need to be arrested, as in stopped. It may take an international police force to do it. There is nothing wrong with praying for Putin at the same time as making preparations to stop him.

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I don’t know how well it is known that during the last years, Ukraine has been the strongest center of revival in eastern Europe. Pentecostals, babtists and comparable movements have established hundreds of new churches during the last years. They have sent about 500 missionaries, mostly to Russia. It is claimed that 80% of pentecostal churches in Russia have a leading worker coming from Ukraine.

Orthodox churches are also strong, the majority of people belong to these. There has been lately a schism between the orthodox churces of Ukraine and the Russian orthodox church, lead by Kirill. The orthodox church of Russia (Moscow) wants to rule the eastern orthodox world. Most orthodox churches of Ukraine separated from the Russian orthodox church and got an autonomous (autocephalous) position under the Ecumenical patriachate of Constantinople in January 2019. In an interview, a bishop from Ukraine told that the schism may be one reason for the attack. Kirill supports strongly the war in Ukraine and has stated that it is part of a struggle against sin and pressure from liberal foreigners to hold gay parades. He claimed that the war has not a physical but a metaphysical significance.

If Russia gains a ruling position in Ukraine, it is likely that the treatment of other Christian groups will become similar to the current situation in Russia. Freedom of religion is a relative concept in Russia - yes for the orthodox under the leadership of Moscow (Kirill), not so much for the other Christian churches.

Citation? Otherwise it’s hearsay.

I have read the information from several sources - not the original because I cannot read Russian. Here are some links


How does one “keep away from politics” when talking about praying for a country [i.e. Ukraine] whose “crises of the moment” are due, not to “natural phenomena”, such as earthquakes or climate change or the weather, but are due to politics?

Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

  • [2:00 - 45:45] “The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine Crises” [The University of Chicago, June 2015]
    • John J. Mearsheimer, R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Professor of Political Science

One can talk in general terms about a situation without bringing specific discussion of individual leaders, parties, policies into view.

If any user thinks they would not be able to do that then they may wish to reconsider whether this is the best topic for them to engage in.

[edit: additionally the question in the title is theological, not political.]

In general terms we are closer to extinction than we’ve been for 60 years, thanks to an individual leader.

It’s fascinating as to what one man in power can do, it is also terrifying.

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I agree. I guess we can also say that he would have no power if it were not for others who think he has the solution to their problems. The truly powerful despots convince people that they are serving them.
This sure reminds me of the Cold War.

Good song at the end about where our security is.

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And then there’s this… :cry:

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Yes. It seems we don’t care nearly as much for the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, either; or for their refugees, perhaps. Parents Selling Children Shows Desperation In Afghanistan : NPR

And this:

Viewpoint on Ukraine: Why African wars get different treatment - BBC News

We can pray for all of them.

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In every sense it’s about distance, but above all ethnic, cultural, historical, political, religious. How many boxes are ticked. We’re that kind of monkey.

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A refugee from Ethiopia was almost bitter about the warm welcome that was given to refugees from Ukraine. He said that nobody has said ‘welcome’ to him, although he feels that he is in a comparable situation than the refugees coming from Ukraine.

Our love is selective, which is a shame.


deleted this post.

Thank your christian brothers and sisters for that .You guys are indeed hypocrites.You have the worst people in the chuirch.

I think Nero would be a good replacement in the world right now so you can learn some manners . :wink: