Why a Designer?

That will suffice for now (and not included is anything from Paul in Romans or Ephesians! ; - ).

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This says that GOD can do what GOD wants, not that GOD must make everyone do what GOD wants them to do.

It is because GOD is so powerful thar GOD does not need to control everyone and everything. GOD is secure, so GOD can let go.

That mentions a whole single one of my citations, maybe myopically? (And like I said, I did not include anything at all from Romans or Ephesians – I’ll be glad to add some if you’d like. ; - )

Yep, it was a human who wrote Psalm 104, but maybe with some kind of divine inspiration?

Check it out.

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Talking about God’s wonderful acts, either in creation or in our lives, is hardly stupid and senseless. There will be some things we cannot get our heads around, but it sure doesn’t hurt to talk about them, especially if it leads to worship.

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If God is directly responsible for the lives of my wife and I then His idea of care sucks. We are both in constant pain. I still have to work an 11 hour day three times a week money is never plentyful.
Fortunately I do not choose to “blame” God (I certainly do not thank Him for this).

Your view of God is unrealistic. And you clearly have no idea of the consequences of your beliefs outside your own little world.


I am sorry for your pain, but shouldn’t you fix your eyes on Jesus?

Easter morning last I was moaning with an SBO but not complaining in the ER (A&E) after a 1:00 a.m. ambulance ride, but hey, we’re mortal? Shall I tell you all my physical ailments? (I actually keep a list, and I just counted them: 27. :astonished::grin:) I had two new diagnoses just this month, one of them after wearing a Holter monitor for a week. Our local clinic is the most frequent place we visit – I have two appointments next week and one the following. I frequently quip that retirement is great, but the getting old part has some distinct disadvantages.

What did the Apostle Paul say after his answer from the Lord?

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses [plural], so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

I presume you’re familiar with 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (the two verses preceding it are okay too):

Give thanks IN all circumstances

That’s fairly easy, because you can pretty much always be thankful things aren’t worse. Like, whatever you’re dealing with, at least you’re not in Ukraine?

But shouldn’t a mature Christian remember the hard one?

…always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 5:20

I don’t suppose you could concur with any of this (not that pain is any fun!)?:

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The issue I was addressing was the claim that GOD exercises Absolute control over reality, not GOD’s Power and Glory. Clearly evil exists in this world. GOD in GOD’s wisdom allows evil to exist. Therefore GOD is nut in Absolute control of reality.

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You can be stoic if you like. I could as well but why the heck should I? I see no glory in sufferng of any kind. I see no care or love in it either. Your use of scripture is disgusting You are justifying suffering and death and actually assigning it directly to God. I think you need to reread Job. It is not about patience, or stoic suffering, it is about (not) assigning that sufffering to God. or claiming to know God’s purposes. You are claiming that.

Regardless of the opening discussion with the Devil, suffering is not inflicted. Not by God or the Devil. And the book of Job actually declares it, if only you could look beyond the individual words or speeches. God’s rant is not about whether He did or did not do it, it is about daring to claim that He does anything, And you claim He does everything!


@RichardG & @Relates: Neither of you think our trials are designed for us and you both don’t think God intends to grow us thereby. I know I trust Paul’s words more than your opinions.

You plaePaul over all Scripture? You placePaul over Christ?

Job 42:7
My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for *you have not spoken of Me what is right ,

Read what they said. They are quoting Jewish Doctrine.

Luke 10
n reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two denarii e and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

The preist was not sent. The priest was not there by predestination, The priest was there of his own volition. He happened to be there.

Chance does exist. Coincidence does not mean providence. Coincidence means the collision of two unrelated events. God does not control coincidences. God does not interfere with the normal running of people’s lives. God does not inflict suffering. God has not forced Putin to invade Ukraine. And Ukraine is not under some sort of hard providence.

You are just plain wrong and trying to justify your beliefs by quoting Scripture (Just as YECs do) Reality denies what you claim.


Don’t conflate the VFA with the VFB the natural, worldly view with God’s view and the supernatural, but I guess you don’t know how not to. And you are citing the parable of the Good Samaritan to validate your opinion of God’s relationship to time and chance, timing and placing and providence? Okay then.

This has nothing to do with VFA or VFB even if they do exist. This is about you imposing Jewish thought onto the world as a whole and claiming the Bible tells you to.

For every Maggie there are literally Millions who just suffer and or die. God is not cruel or a murderer. Providence does not mean controlling the minutia. God does not dictate what will happen to me or even what has happened to me. He interacts yes, but He does not impose His will or claim to know what is best for me at any one point in time. And He certainly does not impose that so-called best for me.
I don’t care how many ailments you have had. Or even how you justify them to yourself. You have made yourself some sort of Job or martyr to the cause. It is self-indulgent at best.

Do not accuse me of conflating anything. I know the difference between reality and theology. You do not.


Note my strikethrough and edit.

I’d rather be cheerful me because I know who is in control than whiny you. :grin:

Doesn’t change a thing. The terms are synonimous and still false.


In your oh-so-humble opinion who forgets what he has read (isn’t there a verse to that effect?):

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