What's on your gift list? 2021 edition

Any good books you want to give or get? Gift ideas related to science and/or faith? I would put this coffee mug on mine, but have too many mugs as it is:


I always buy field guides* for gifts. I mean I’ll get other things but I generally only get gifts for a few people and I always get them a field guide in addition to whatever else I get.

I also am going to try something this year. I already do geocaching type stuff. This year I’m going to buy a handful of decent field guides for the local area and properly weather proof them and hide them in harder to get to areas. That way someone who is similar to me and likes to explorer harder to get to places and looking for the right things will find it. Like a good $60 weather proofed field guide on snakes hidden in a off the beaten path log that someone looking for snakes will for sure notice from a distance and look in.


Maybe that one should be saved for Valentine’s Day… could find a lot of odd material from SOS there.

I have a few books on my list that have come up on the forums somewhere or other… “Born to Wonder,” “Friend of Science, Friend of Faith,” “The Manifold Beauty of Genesis one.” Also “Where the Light Fell” (Philip Yancey’s memoir), and “Phantastes” by George MacDonald (which has come up in a few different places for me). Also, a book by a neurosurgeon called “I’ve seen the end of you” which sounds really interesting, and “Turning of Days” by Hannah Anderson.


Climate, Catastrophe, and Faith: How Changes in Climate Drive Religious Upheaval

By Phillip Jenkins

A great cautionary tale!

I’m hoping to receive the gift of passive aggression. I’ve already been gifted with sarcasm but I just feel I’m not getting everything out of it that some have been gifted. :wink:


Ahh, the gift that keeps on giving!

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I asked my husband for this shirt. He said it might be a bit controversial, especially at the moment, what do you think? :rofl:


It’s actually a shirt that advocates for Human Trafficking victims from the “Be Hers Foundation Charity Collection”. All profits going toward the cause. It’s an Australian charity so I’m not sure about overseas shipping.

But I love this shirt on multiple levels!


That reminds me of this one:

(Some may recall the accompanying story.)


Reminds me of a line in the movie “Lucy.”

“Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.”

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Apart from a bunch of haiku books, I’m hoping Father Christmas is going to bring me this new translation of Augustine’s Confessions:


The segments I’ve read are fluid, lacking in pretentiousness, and, mercifully, in contemporary language.

Also, hoping to get this (TRIGGER WARNING) revised and updated field guide to British spiders:


So many books… so little time!


For me I’d want some how to books, like how to fix my car or my electrical wiring, etc.


Fine Art Mugs

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Pour moi:

A Rollator

We have one with a seat – I would recommend it highly, or does that have one?

It has one: sturdy cloth, not a hard or padded seat. Folded, it looks like this:

I won’t be using it in the house, just for fairly-short outside walks.

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Not sure whether to laugh or cry. I have several limbs in the garage that I plan to make walking sticks or canes out of, but wonder if I will get it done in time to use them!


Prosthetic? (Coming from a doc, that is how I first read it, for a fleeting second. :slightly_smiling_face:)


Hum, if I can fuse tibia to the femor, the femoral head would make a nice handle…
Actually, persimmon. I had a persimmon tree in the orchard, it was never fruitful, and I realized I didn’t like persimmons anyway, but saved a few straight branches.