You’ve already been asked by the Admins to stop spreading medical misinformation And you have claimed that you have been reincarnated several times in the past, one time in ancient Egypt. So your credibility to me is zero. What makes you think that you can get away with spreading religious misinformation here? And on Easter Sunday?
Firstly I thought that moderation on this site was private. How do you know that I have had posts removed citing “misinformation” as the reason. Those posts had to do with immunity and stress, but I have also been criticized on the grounds of stress and disease. . Well if I am spreading medical misinformation then I am in good company. I’ll just quote a few because Google comes up with hundreds of thousands.
So here: an NIH paper
In the discussion at the end it says, and I quote:
" Psychological stress has been implicated in altered immune functioning in many diseases. Stress induces chronic immune activation and altered health outcomes that resemble those seen in chronic inflammatory diseases such as RA [39, 40]. Altered immune function can lead to exacerbated symptoms of both physical and psychological illnesses. In irritable bowel syndrome, sustained cortisol activity during stress is associated with an increase in gastrointestinal symptoms [41]. High levels of proinflammatory cytokines resulting from stress have recently been implicated in the etiology of schizophrenia and schizophrenia-related brain alterations [42]. Chronic stress has been shown to enhance risk for developing autoimmune disease"
The authors are PhDs from University of Kentucky Are they pooh too, just like me?
Now the real offensive posts were with stress causes the immune system to be declined to some extent depending on the stress. So here:
So these are doctors and again I quote:
“In addition, stress decreases the body’s lymphocytes — the white blood cells that help fight off infection. The lower your lymphocyte level, the more at risk you are for viruses, including the common cold and cold sores.”
What about this? And again I quote
“: Under sustained, long-term stress, you also can develop cardiovascular problems, including a fast heart rate and heart disease, as well as gastric ulcers. You’ll also be at greater risk for type 2 diabetes, various cancers and mental decline.”
What I don’t agree with is their remedies, i.e., meditation and yoga.
And I quote: " Stress can also dysregulate humoral and cellular immune responses to pathogens, increasing risk for infectious illnesses including influenza and the common cold (Glaser and Kiecolt-Glaser 2005). The association between psychological stress and susceptibility to the common cold has long been recognized; stress suppresses the host resistance to infection and increases rates of infection (Cohen et al. 1991)."
The authors are academics form U of Zurich, Rice Univ. Houston and Ohio State University.
Now for the religious misinformation. Who is the authority that dictates to people what to believe and what is misinformation? If you don’t like to have this discussion on Easter Sunday, then pray tell me why was this thread started over Easter? It is about bagging Islam and Muslims.
It is, I estimate, between 5 and 6 rebirths in ancient Egypt. Don’t understand why that is so offensive? Maybe the reincarnation bit?
Yeah, I am pooh for speaking up, triple pooh as you have stated, even pooh to the nth degree. I am very tempted to give you an upvote.
This is the only part to address, as I see the rest as a way of trying to denigrate Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
You seem to think that the word “Allah” is a name. It is Arabic for the word “God”. Why didn’t the English translation of the bible not use the Greek word “Theos” but translated it as God? There is no difference between the words “Theos”, “God” or “Allah”. They all mean the same. And indeed even Brahman, which is “the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena” This too can be translated as “God”. You don’t need to be a Baha’i, to recognize the word “God” in different languages and /or religions. Even in the shamanic / Old Religion’s rituals where at the very start the witch or shaman say “where all things meet as One” is basically pointing to the same thing, God.
1 The thread was not started on Easter. Check the dates.
2 People can look up the stuff you have posted and see what is going on.
3 This is supposed to be a Christian site.
4 What do you think of Verdi’s Aida?
Only someone who believes that Muhammad actually was a Prophet would think that my denial that he was a prophet is denigration (i.e. unfair criticism) of the Prophet Muhammad.
You may disapprove of my denial, but I am unfazed by your disapproval. However, I reject your suggestion that my denial is “unfair”. That’s another irreconcilable difference between you and me.
Only someone who believes that Islam should not nor can be criticized can accuse me of criticizing it. I would be unfazed; however, your disapproval of my unfair criticism goes too far. I reject your suggestion that my criticism is “unfair”. That’s a third irreconcilable difference between you and me.
The only thing that you haven’t accused me of is “Islamophobia”. If you want to accuse me of that, go ahead; I would reject that too, and that would be a fourth irreconcilable difference between you and me.
YHWH speaking to Moses got it right. There are not many gods, there is only one God, Who creates/ed the universe through God’s Pawer, speaks to God’s People through God’s Word, and loves everyone through God’s Spirit… Allah speaking to Muhammad got it wrong. Allah may be Simple, but God is not. God can walk and chew gum at the same time. God/YHWH is the Father Creator, the Son Savior Logos, the Spirit Love. God is One God, One in Power, One in Goodness, One in Purpose and Will.
But the real issue is not Who is God? The real issue who is willing to stand up for God. Who is willing to say that the warfare between and among Christians, Evangelicals, Jews, Orthodox, Sunnis, Shiites, Hindus, Buddhists, and None has got to stop. No one has clean hands. Hate and injustice are not God’s Way. It has got to stop and God’s People must be in the forefront. Faith without the Fruit of the Spirit is not Faith.
It has to yes but the other religions will not inherit the Kingdom if they persist on their ways.Unless of course someone here is a universalist which im not gonna debate as i have done a million of times here
As stated, that’s an uninformed opinion. If you’re uncertain or confused by what I think, it would be helpful to restate your opinion as a question and end it with a “?”.
So what?
Did you know that “allah” is the word for “god”. What do you suppose the difference is between “Allah” and “allah” and between “God” and “god”? Personal whims and preferences? Does your syncretism distinguish Allah and allah, and God and god?
Sounds like a question for Ulfilas. “Ulfilas (c. 311–383),[1] also known as Ulphilas and Orphila, all Latinized forms of the unattested Gothic form Wulfila, literally “Little Wolf”,was a Goth of Cappadocian Greek descent who served as a bishop and missionary, is credited with the translation of the Bible into Gothic, and participated in the Arian controversy. He developed the Gothic alphabet – inventing a writing system based on the Greek alphabet – in order for the Bible to be translated into the Gothic language. Although traditionally the translation of the Bible into the Gothic language has been ascribed to Ulfilas, analysis of the text of the Gothic Bible indicates the involvement of a team of translators, possibly under his supervision.”
Ahhh, … so you’re a Shakespeare fan. “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” If what matters is not what God is called, what is God?
As a former acquaintance of mine, in another forum–who is, in his own words, an Atheist, Advaita (Non-duality), Orthodox Hindu–would say: नेति नेति (neti, neti: Not this, not that.)
Personally, I prefer the atomic monist version of reality described by a now-deceased, agnostic atheist acquaintance of mine, according to which the Cosmos is infinite and eternal, “where all things meet as One”.
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(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
What I think about Islam is that it has a full spectrum of morally developed people like all other religions. One of my heroes is the peerless Captain Mbaye Diagne. A magnificent man in a Christian on Christian genocide. And even tho’ they’re not supposed to have non-Muslim friends according to some fundamentalists, I have Muslim friends. Pity they’re all going to burn forever. They fear for me too! Here’s another superb, inspiring human, Mohamedou Ould Slahi. An innocent Muslim victim of Christian crusaders. I wept throughout the film. He burns forever too of course.
To be clear at least you "accept: Christ was a historical person.Thas the thing.If i were you saying "the bible is children stories"as you have said before(not verbatim) i would have the guts at least to admit im an atheist or agnostic and not pretend im into the religion
(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
Sorry? Whatever. Do I burn with these great men who happen to be Muslims? For believing in the faithfulness of Christ regardless of His full enculturated humanity?
My comment was clear.i didnt comment on your universalism thats already known.I was commenting on your little sarcastic comment
But whatever i guess believing something is not real while at the same time believing that one thing out of 100 things the bible has claimed or said is, is perfectly compatible.
(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
So they are going to burn forever? I didn’t think the Orthodox were that bad.
If they havent heard the gospel no theyll end up in heaven accordingly.If they have rejected it knowingly thats up to God.Both of these are up to him to be honest.Well good luck with Stalin on your paradise who killed some thousands muslims during his reign
(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
Good luck on George W. Bush and Tony Blair and me too. So, what’s the gospel? How would you know if you’d heard it? Understood it? Were condemned to eternal torture for rejecting it? How does this work? This Christianity thing? This good news? For whom?
Your Good Friday was the 2nd of April. The thread was started 26th March just about a week before Easter. So really the thread is running through the run up and through Easter.
What do you mean it is supposed to be a Christian site? Is there areas that should be banned? This thread openly asks for people’s opinions on Islam.
I have not seen Aida, but Verdi was an Italian (Christian) composer, who reluctantly took up the request for an Egyptian opera. He weaved a story that would suit the dramatic music he was composing. Sure he set it in ancient Egypt but that doesn’t say anything about the Egyptians. But even if it were a true story so what? There are good and bad in every country as I have seen. I went to Greece for a holiday in 1974. The American backed military Junta was in power. I saw horrific problems for the Greeks with the American presence. The American navy ships for instance dumped sump oil into the Greek waters. I went for a swim in what looked like a pristine beach, against the warning of the locals. American navy ships could be seen further out. I came out with huge oil marks all over my body that took a lot of scrubbing to remove. There was news of women and children raped by American marines and so on. I began to dislike all Americans.
Then in around 1985 to 1987 I went on two visits to Hawaii to do some Zen Buddhist retreats. I met a lot of Americans and found that the vast majority of them were really nice people. You can’t judge a nation based on the behavior of a small number of people.
If you came to Australia you will find that we are a pretty uncouth lot, “rough around the edges” we would say, “but good as diamond at heart”. The Australian character as played by Crocodile Dundee, I can assure you, was seriously played down as to be acceptable for an American audience. That doesn’t however make us bad people.
For all.If they are willing to accept it.But i guess an atheist dictator who killed thousands of christians and other religious people is going to heaven.You must be really embarrased you will be with that man there.Thankfully these people who actually hurt others dont end up to my heaven.If universalism would be true then there wouldnt be any Christianity and no one would trying to live accordingly to the Word.And nobody here cant convince me that if they had the chance to go to heaven with sinning and not repenting they wouldnt have done that
(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
I will rejoice at Stalin’s transcendence. At Jesus’ faithful salvation.
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(The only thing that matters is faith expressed in love.)
I’m sorry that you can’t have faith in the faithfulness of Christ, like most here can’t.