What about psychopaths?

What disease figures?

You saying it doesn’t make it true. The evidence shows otherwise. Everyone who wants attention, wants a particular sort of attention and to be sure there are sorts of attention they do not want. Psychopaths are not introverted but extroverted – so if anything they want more attention than other people on average. But of course, they want attention which agrees with their self image as more intelligent and better than other people, since ego and narcissisms is another of their personality traits.

Yes they are very good at manipulation which requires wearing the mask that best suits what their purpose may be.

When there is evidence then they are put on trial.

It is a conspiracy theory when there is no evidence.

By all means go into law enforcement if you actually want to do anything in that line. Your talking conspiracy theories accomplishes exactly nothing.

Good. I have very little interest in people with no tolerance for people who think differently than they do or who disagree with them in any way – people who will never learn anything from others.

What I have found is that most of disease is nothing more than a nocebo effect. That is to say a person has reacted to negative ideas, which seem to them are their own ideas and thus carrying their authority.

Let’s take Cardiovascular diseases . These are the leading cause of death globally. An estimated 17 million people die of CVDs, particularly heart attacks, every year.

[Heart Disease Facts | cdc.gov]
In the USA alone, “ Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups “
They go on to say “ About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths. ”

180,000 British deaths in 2009 and they make up 1 in 5 men and 1 in 8 women


  • Each year cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes 3.9 million deaths in Europe and over 1.8 million deaths in the European Union (EU).

While this disease is obviously of great concern there is nothing in the literature that even remotely explains how and why it comes about. We are told that the risk factors for developing heart disease are:-

  • unhealthy diets
  • lack of exercise
  • environmental toxins or pollution
  • smoking and
  • drinking or drinking too much.

These we are told are generally the causes of all disease and that if we have a healthy diet, get enough exercise, live in a clean environment, and don’t smoke or drink then we can avoid disease.

There are two problems here.
One is that that there is no evidence that the above conditions cause disease. There are only hypotheses claiming the above.

The other problem is that we see plenty of people, who are super careful what they eat, take ample exercise every day, never smoke nor drink and live in clean areas and yet get deadly diseases including heart disease and die of them. In these cases genes are blamed, but here again there is no good evidence to confirms it. A lot is based on inference. "If heart disease runs in the family”, then it is supposed that it must be genetic, but no inherited genes can cause it, which is why they talk about genes PLUS some environmental factor.

One thing the biomedical establishment do appreciate, though superficially, is stress. What is stress and how does it play a role? No one gives any good physiological explanation. If we listen to the psychiatrists we hear them telling us that stress is due to a malfunctioning fight or flight response or chemical imbalances in the brain. But these too are unproven hypotheses.

What evidence is there in heart disease.
High blood pressure . How does high blood pressure arise?

Exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several factors increase risk:

  • High salt intake or salt sensitivity
  • Smoking
  • Overweight or obesity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Too much of alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Age above 40
  • Genetics

In as many as 95% of high blood pressure cases in the U.S., the underlying cause can’t be found. This type of high blood pressure is called “essential hypertension.”

The Mayo Clinic says the same.

So we draw a blank here.

High cholesterol , a build up of cholesterol on arterial walls.

And they blame obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, age and diabetes. No explanations how these give rise to high cholesterol.
Recommendations of diet, exercise, weight loss and quit smoking, won’t help a bit.

I’ve known people who were not just thin, but wiry thin, got lots of exercise every day, had a healthy diet and never smoked and still had high cholesterol. The prevention program given in the link above would be totally useless.

So we draw a blank here.

Diabetes . Here again it is all blamed on physical causes. Page Not Found | American Heart Association The above risk factors are given but no real explanations why. Sure in many cases high blood sugars are seen but why?
So we draw a blank here.

Depression .
A large percentage, more than 50% of people with depression will end up with some heart problem. Heart disease and depression: A two-way relationship | NHLBI, NIH

“Many investigators recoil at the use of the word “cause” because almost all evidence connecting heart disease and depression comes from observational studies.”

They observe that “The prevalence of depression among cardiac patients ranges from 20 to 30 percent.”

And they say that “cardiac patients with depression have worse outcomes, which translate to more deaths and repeated cardiovascular events. But how does depression have such an effect?”
This is claimed by psychiatrists to be due to chemical imbalances in the brain. All doctors learn about it at university as the “well accepted theory”. In truth the “theory” is total fiction. No science was ever done. The person’s life issues however are trashed and not considered, not even remotely, as the source of the problem. Since they have been caught out, though still promoting it, they have now developed other “theories” like the one about the gut bacteria and genetics.

In the case of depression it is not that they don’t consider stress because here we have from Harvard University: What causes depression? - Harvard Health a discussion where they consider stress ah but…. Though they admit that the chemical imbalances theory is baseless they are still claiming “The ultimate goal in treating the biology of depression is to improve the brain’s ability to regulate mood.” And that is going to address the heart problem???
So we draw a blank here.

So let us consider these above factor, i.e., high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugars (type 2 diabetes) and depression.

Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. If the blood pressure is high over time then the blood cells, hitting against the blood vessel walls, are going to do some damage. The body will try to repair the damage. The main damage would be damage to membranes. This is not only logical but also for the fact that the body brings cholesterol to the sites. Membranes are made of lipids, which means cholesterol is a mending ingredient.

Now if the blood pressure remains high over time then the repair sites are going to get damaged so there is damage on damage. More and more cholesterol is brought to the site. Thus what doctors call “plaques” are created, a build up of cholesterol in the inner walls of arteries and most particularly those which do the most work like the coronary artery.

Another aspect here is the high blood sugars. If the blood pressure is high then it means the body has moved to a higher metabolic rate. That involves several processes and conditions but one of them is that the liver will dump sugar into the blood stream to be used by cells, especially muscle cells, for fuel to make energy.

What about depression. The key here is the fact that ". “The prevalence of depression among cardiac patients ranges from 20 to 30 percent.” This is important because not all depression has the same causes. There are several causes, but one of them is anxiety. Here we need to discard the psychiatrists’ chemical imbalances theory, which Harvard University and many, many others admit has no scientific basis.

I can give you my findings, but they do make sense here. Anxiety is due to two conflicting emotions that are not coincident but occur in rapid succession. These are fear, which is facilitated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and gives signals to the heart to beat faster or even fast depending on the fear. The other emotion is worry. Worry is facilitated by the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), which also facilitates digestion and resting metabolism. The reason here is because in worry the brain needs to be given a priority for fuel materials. Worry is rumination and in particular circular thinking because the person has a problem or issue that they can’t find a solution to for various reasons.

So with this form of depression the heart is getting signals to go fast then slow then fast then slow and so on continually. Thus in many ways the heart may be adversely affected. There may be a higher blood pressure overall, but not necessarily. The heart can become ineffective as a pump, which is why the person may experience cold limbs. Not enough fuel is getting to the extremities to maintain body temperature.

For all of the above, stress is the key factor. And it is worth mentioning here that a person stressed can self medicate to some extent but weight gain becomes the side effect. If a person eats something they trigger digestion. This is facilitated as I mentioned above by the PNS, which also facilitates rest. If they eat something oily or fatty, which are digested late in the digestion process, then they maintain PNS tone and resting metabolism for longer. The down side is that to obtain the relief from stress they eat frequently so they gain weight. Obesity is not a cause of heart disease but a symptom of stress and a person’s attempt to relieve it by the use of digestion to gain resting metabolism for a while.

What is the stress about? How does it come about and come about over time? And what causes the actual heart attack? It is not a matter of course.

What is the connection with psychopaths (inhumane people, i.e., with no conscience and no empathy)? And of course the psychopaths are in the person’s life, in among their relatives and friends and co-workers.
For what reason do they stress others around them? Knowing the answers one can overcome the problem. I can answer if you want to know. I might add here that if they were to call attention to themselves there is no way the problems a person faces can arise.

Sorry? Can you reconstruct a single sentence after deconstructing that?

A single sentence?
Disease is a nocebo effect and psychopaths are involved.
I tried to give you the medical picture so that you can see what that means.

That’s not a medical picture. You’re not a medic.

You don’t need to be a medic to give a medical picture. You only need to be able to read and understand the medical information. Anyways, you’re not interested so let’s not waste time.

I’m more than capable of understanding medical matters presented by a medic. In one sentence, what is your claim? That most disease is nocebo effect?

Provide a respected link for that.

I gave the link, the third one in my post above. Harvard university admit that stress is a factor.
You can do the math, 2 + 2 = 4, i.e., the so call risk factors are all about stress. Clear evidence.

So how does that stress arise? For that it is useless to look at the scientific /medical area because as the Harvard link say “duh… we don’t know”. You figure it out.

I have thanks. What’s this got to do with psychopathy?

A person doesn’t stress themselves. They are stressed by others. And to stress someone else in their life over months and years they can’t have any conscience. Yeah psychopaths,

I hope you’re able to talk to someone who can help you @Ani99.

Well now FYI I am surely making waves exposing the inhumane subculture, which IMO includes the Deep State. Otherwise why would a US president bother coming to my humble little blog to try and bag me. In the same way you are trying to do here.

It would surely be like a gorilla on one side of the planet trying to squash an ant on the other side of the planet for something trivial.

But I am making waves and I will win. I am exposing all the methods that I know of, which are used by the inhumane, psychopaths or whatever fancy label you wish to call them. And I am putting the fear of God in them. “We can’t take this much anxiety” they are saying.

Here is the post and my reply: WordPress.com They are now calling me Obaku. lol

All will be well @Ani99

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All will be well.
“All” meaning all psychopaths/ inhumane people
and “well” with the meaning they have given. That is " a hole in the ground".

God is competent. He has to Zen autonomous physical creation, but He fixes everything for you and me and all the other afflicted and the OK in the transcendent. All will be well for all.

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You are effectively trying to say social justice doesn’t matter. That people can ravage other people’s lives and they get to go to Heaven at the end of the day. If you believe that you are not understanding religion and the purpose of religion at all.

God is compete but God has sought to test each and everyone in creation. That is why God gave us free will. What do we do if free to do whatever we want?

Who will follow God’s way, the Way of Righteousness, even if faltering sometimes? And who will follow the Devil and the dark path? God separates the wheat from the chaff.

Those who are evil will perish, as they have chosen eternal oblivion.

Those who are good will be granted eternal life.

Neither Jesus, nor any other prophet came to save anyone evil. They came to help those who are God’s children walk more easily and more firmly on the Path of Righteousness that leads to eternal life.

On the contrary, social justice is the gospel fulfilled, on Earth and in Heaven. On Earth it is painfully slowly being realised, it’ll take to the next ice age, in fact that should do it. Ten thousand years. And even then, not really. It’s achieved instantaneously in Heaven by comparison; equality of outcome for all, in paradise. Full compensation for the random inequities of the physical. For all of the victims of psychopathy, including those with it.

All are saved by pistis Christou - the faith OF Christ. I.e. Jesus saves.

Whatever you have experienced at the hands of others will be rectified for you. And in them.

Next ice age?
So let the savagery go on?
I don’t think it is worth any more discussion.

If Christ saves all after death then it is not necessary in this life to love, trust or obey Him. Some may say following Jesus is a better way to live in this life but Jesus and the apostles make it plain that in this life those who follow Jesus will suffer persecution and hardships for Christ that unbelievers dont. If all will be saved after the resurrection then let us eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die and Christ will let us enter the Kingdom of Heaven no matter what anyway. If we want to follow our fleshly desires now it’s no big deal, Christ has us covered.
This way of thinking is not the gospel of Jesus. This is a different gospel and no gospel at all. Those who follow this so called gospel are cursed and are without hope in this life or the one to come.

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