What about psychopaths?

I did not. I’ve read hundreds of studies and multiple books over the years. Nothing is going to say something I’ve not already read. I had one issue.

The belief that to be a psychopath means that you are without a doubt a cruel violent person with no change at living a functional, healthy life or of you did do something wrong that you are beyond the hope of rehabilitation. I think that’s a crappy unfounded mindset.

Someone either believes that or they don’t. I don’t. I kept seeing those that do. I responded.

I also brought up how every single time someone does not maintain that it’s always broadcasted as simply just a misdiagnosis.

As far as not putting others at risk. I don’t. It’s also not my job. I’m not Batman. I’m not a cop. If my life is threatened by someone I’m sharing the gospel with who turns out to be a psychopath I’ll defend my life. I have zero qualms taking the life of someone trying to harm me or a innocent person. I don’t believe it’s a sin or evil to kill someone whose trying to kill you. I don’t see any reason for self defense to be considered sinful. I will always do my best to protect myself and anyone else from immediate harm.

I’ll also speak up every time I see someone trying to create a “clade” of people beyond the possibility of redemption through personal conviction.

Especially when it’s something that even professionals in the field can’t seem to get a good fitting on and every few years there is a whole new layer added or taken away with a example after example of outliers showing up and when they do it’s brushed off as well I guess they never really were because they can’t change.

Yes, a clade or branch of people beyond the possibility of redemption but NOT through personal conviction.
A person who deadens their conscience destroys their connections with others, which is why they have no remorse for their actions, no guilt and no empathy. This is seen in all cases of inhumane people, where they have been found to have done some action to adversely affect others around them.

Who is doing that?

From the very first, we have said that only God can judge. When we don’t know the causes then we cannot say what their choice in the matter is. People with a brain tumor can do horrible things, and I don’t think that means they are going to hell. I see no reason to make the strange argument that psychopaths are not all violent or cruel because of this. It defines the character disorder. The question of redemption is an entirely different issue.

Agreed. BUT I am not sure you can judge that all people without conscience are a result of them doing this to themselves. Lots of things can do this, including physical damage to the brain.

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God’s fully responsible, He’ll sort it out. No, not that way, the other way. The fully responsible way.

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A tiny, tiny fraction of people with a brain tumor or brain lesion do crimes and there is also the timing to consider. Is it the brain tumor or not? There is a lot hanging on this, especially for the psychiatrists, but also biomedical scientists in general because they want to show that we are nothing more than machines.
You think we should leave it to God to judge. Man we are drowning in the crimes that are done and they will only escalate.
Most of disease is the result of foul game play. Have a look at the “in our faces evidence” at least.
Take cancer for instance. We are told that it is due to carcinogens and random mutations. Yet since the late 1990s it was shown that cancers arise from cancer stem cells. And what do you know they have embryonic stem cell markers. You really think that say stirring your coffee with a plastic spoon or eating bacon or getting a sun tan might give you cancer? Please!

Millions upon millions develop cancer every year worldwide and around ten million die of it. This is really murder one, but hey the inhumane people behind cancer are hiding in full view.

If we don’t ask questions and yes, judge, then we end up all eventually getting cancer at least once in a life time because it suits some people to get a stranglehold around another person’s neck for some reason, most commonly in relationship.

How about in politics? Wars are waged at the drop of a hat. Some, like the Rothschilds boast that they have made all their money funding both sides of every war since Napoleon. You don’t think we should judge them?

What about the Deep State? This is not simple some American outfit. This is a hint of an international consortium of inhumane people, with a handful of politicians involved. They had Americans elect an African American president to settle the “black lives matter”. And it was confirmed when his foreign secretary returned to the States to declare “we went, we saw, he died. Ha, ha, ha”.

We need to open our peeper wide and take a good look around us and JUDGE, for God’s sake judge otherwise we become the slaves of the inhumane in a NWO that would be unimaginably cruel.

What are you saying? God is fully responsible for what? The cruelty in the world? And if God was responsible and set forth the cruelty, then why sort it out in any way? Is this a joke?

If God exists, then He grounds all infinite, autonomous being from eternity. If He’s incompetent, then He can’t fix the infinite number of agents of cruelty in the transcendent. At best He can only fix the other infinity of victims of cruelty who aren’t in the intersection also as perpetrators.

When it comes to salvation, heaven, or hell? Yes.

When it comes to public safety? No. That is for society to judge.

When it comes to making decisions about how you will live your life? No. That is for you to judge.

Not interested in ghosts, devils, UFOs, or conspiracy theories. I will leave that to the paranoid schizophrenics.

Some things have more effect, have more power, and do more damage, when you believe and pay attention to them.

So with this we can look the other way and say “see no evil, hear no evil”.
We have free will and that means we need to take responsibility and take control We can’t just sit back and do nothing and simply call anything we don’t want to deal with a conspiracy theory, which is no better than saying “oh well God will fix things”.

So there was no murder of Gadhafi, no wars for grabbing natural resources or making money etc. Just some things have more power to do damage. And of course no psychopaths doing any harm, other than the ones in jails.

Just because these bratty psychos and terrorists want attention doesn’t mean you have to give it to them. …unless it is your job to hunt them down of course. I am not looking for such employment.

The psychopaths don’t want any attention. However they are only one side of the problem. There are teeming millions of victims. They don’t matter?

Certainly no less than other people, but I think more so. It is the way in which they seek attention which is undeserving.

One can help those in need even better without chasing after devils, UFOs, and such.

You are correct in saying God will sort it out. He will divide the sheep from the goats. The sheep He will gather into His kingdom and the goats will be cast out into outer darkness.

Uh huh. If He’s incompetent, inadequate, unjust, yes.

Then you have no faith in the truth that Jesus spoke in Math 25:31

Psychopaths don’t seek attention. They are masked.
As for helping the victims, the key is to stop the abuse. What help is there if the slaughter continues and you choose to call it a conspiracy theory. I think I will put you on my “ignore list”.

What slaughter?

I have every faith that Jesus can do what He says on the tin.

The disease figures show the magnitude of the problem. And it is ever increasing.