Thoughts on spiritual beings?

Inadequate how? God obviously precludes God doing any such thing, nowt ter do wi’ me.

What course?

Love NEVER fails. That the ‘choices’ in our ephemeral, constrained, deterministic lives can defeat that is utterly absurd.

He also precludes the possibility of God’s special providence in individuals’ lives. If I recall, you have an issue with that, too?

@mitchellmckain: split topic…

I’m not putting this here necessarily as an endorsement for everything he speculates about, but as usual, it seems to me that conversations with Richard Rohr as in this recent video through “Ragamuffin TV . com” bristles with scriptural insights about spiritual beings.


And there is the crux of the problem. Is love something which you can use? I don’t think so. If it is something to use, if it is means to power, then that isn’t love at all.

Yes, love is useless. That is the way it is supposed to be. Because not everything is about power. Not everything is about finding a way to get what YOU want. Some things are about surrendering to what other people want. And sometimes they insist on things which are not good and there is nothing you can do about it.

Oh there is. What could newly transcendent beings in paradise irrevocably insist on that is wrong? And who won’t need deconstructing and reconstructing? You and I will for a start. There’s certainly nothing we can do about our personality issues now.

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