I think that that is the driving “take home” point of Deistic Evolution. It is that there are three considerations, almost unrelated: 1) How is (was) it possible that this universe and all that is in it come into being, without an intelligent designer (examples to come), 2) If an intelligent designer was necessary, and set it into motion, did that entity care about what we now call Christian ideals to live a Christian life?..because 3) God IS irrelevant as to how we live our lives. I am not a Deistic Evolutionist, but I shall discuss what I THINK their beliefs rely on.
And it is this: Regarding point 1, there are so many things we are discovering, without which life would not be, that defy possible randomness. E.g. the 4 complex systems of protein electron transport chains, I - IV, each of 100-150 aa’s that strip electrons and hydrogen protons inside the mitochondrial membrane, shuttling them laterally in a series of handoffs to the final ATP Synthase molecule called complex V. Each of these spin like a top in an almost impossible way, moving electrons laterally and a hydrogen proton reentering the mitochondrium. The possibility of this evolving without help is difficult to imagine. The space of time in the past 13.8B years is not large enough for random mutations to have just happened to succeed in doing this.
Another is the actual creation of our universe. How can every single molecule of H2 have been created 13.8 Bya, with no other source? And then He comes along, with Li, Be and B from fusion. Then a billion years later, dying supernova stars make C, N, and O all the way to Fe (26 Ps and 30 Ns)? Next the heavy metals must evolve, and amazingly each one with exactly one more P in it, to fill the periodic table. Life is impossible without the heavy metals, our bodies requiring ~40 for us to even exist. A 70kg man has 7,000 mgm of the 10 top heavies, and there are now 59 elements in our bodies, many without known biologic roles (Rubidium leads the way with .68 gr followed by vanadium at .11 gn).
I think they rely on the lack of sufficient time for beneficial mutations to evolve into the complexity of our systems without intervention. This is different from the Watchmaker analogy of Dawkins, albeit related to it.
And also, the “chicken-egg” of how a molecule (DNA), containing molecules necessary for coding and creating the molecules necessary for them to be there in the first place?
So, in conclusion, DE folks see this as having been set in motion by a God such that all of this could then evolve on its on. This has little or nothing to do with Christianity as we understand it today, I think.