The science behind Cancer Immunotherapy

Have you found a publisher? Are you asking any professional oncologists to review it?

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What do you mean by this phrase?


Dog and other pets, as well as children are affected indirectly by first adversely affecting the owner or parent or care-giver.

When the person understands this they can overcome the problem by rejecting the ideas and address issues to resolve any ongoing emotional reactivity.

You will find the ā€œcancersā€ that are pointed to in wild animals, which have no human influence, are far different.

In cancer we see that stem cells create all the other cells in the tumor. I donā€™t think that there is any recruiting of any other cells This was well demonstrated by Dr. Micheal Clarke when he transplanted breast cancer stem cells into a mouse and got the identical copy of the original tumor, complete with the microenvironment.
So there is no genetic disease nor is there any miscopying of genes or damaged DNA, no carcinogens. We see embryonic stem cell markers on ā€œcancer stem cellsā€. So what are they?
Somehow the body creates new type of stem cells to give rise to the tumor. These stem cells are called cancer stem cells but they have normal cell and stem cell markers on them.

In solid tumors a barrier that is aimed for to try and shield some area from a perception that there may be possible danger. So I see that as stem cell mediated immunity.
Yes, there is going to be genetic changes that affect cell proliferation because like in wound healing / tissue regeneration, the body needs to create new tissue. There is nothing out of control about it because if it was then it would be continuous growth and that is not the case. We see that rapidly dividing cells from a single cells, a fertilized egg, ends up in about an eight pound baby in just nine months and that is rapidly growing with controls.

Some cancers do grow faster than others, but none of them can really be called rapidly dividing cells. If a person can be repeatedly angered then yes, the tumor will grow faster but still not ā€œout of controlā€. The person believes the theatre of war is in their body, when in reality it is in the Mind. If they believe the fight is in the body then fighting harder translates to faster growth.

This did happen to me with another cancer (I believe because it was not diagnosed by doctors), but even so we are talking about a mass developed from a pea to a small almond size in about a month and a half, enough that I was no longer able to swallow solid food. I had to puree my food to get it down my esophagus. When I resolved the problem the lump disappeared probably over the same period of time as it grew. I canā€™t be sure but bit by bit I was again able to eat solid food.

How many people have you counseled in this way? And how many have been cured of their cancer by employing your methods?

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Did you had the kidney removed due to cancer? Kidney cancer has a different underlying conditions. There is usually an issue of danger so emotion of fear but that can be often difficult to discern. The person may only feel higher emotional reactivity or simply feeling hot from time to time. So was there some security issues that you may have been aware of?
There would also be ideas of some harm possible. These ideas are most often made in a general way and they are usually garnered from some events in the personā€™s life so that the person may accept them and not realize what they are really about.
For example I had a floor ripped out and replaced in my veranda. And ideas were presented to me of ā€œitā€™s been guttedā€. At first I had accepted these but later I began to realize that something was wrong. So I made the general mental suggestions specific. The floor was gutted. This stopped the problem. The aim in that case was bowel cancer because I had suffered a loss and I was grieving.

Not many mainly because there havenā€™t been many in my life with cancer from the time that I had cancer episodes and resolved them so as to gain the knowledge I have. However the one that I tried to help and who was starting to see good results developing was convinced by others, (who wanted her dead), to move to another area for treatment. I lost contact with her. After moving away I heard she had radiation therapy and chemo, but she very quickly went downhill and was dead within the year.

I am not prepared to tell people not to have medical treatments. That is entirely their business and I donā€™t see that I should in any way influence them to have or not to have treatments prescribed by their doctors. The counselling I give does not in any way interfere with their medical treatments.

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I am no where near finished enough to approach a publisher but maybe I should in preparation. I hadnā€™t thought of talking to any oncologist. Most are deeply committed to the official story about cancer and the medical treatments they give. I am in conversation though with some biomedical people, some of who have shown interest in my work and my hypothesis on cancer. As I am attacking the official medical position I want to research this very well and be up to date with the medical research. That is taking up a lot of time.

Well, this is lovely. Letā€™s make parents feel guilty for the cancer in their kids and pets. How does breed-specific cancer in dogs work in all this? This plays a part in rates set by pet insurance companies. And why does one child or pet in a household get cancer and others donā€™t?

I have been accused by many that I am blaming the cancer patient for the cancer. This is not true nor am I about making anyone feel guilty. The cancer patient is not at fault, not to blame and should not feel guilty.
We can all be cheated and it doesnā€™t feel good. I didnā€™t like it when I first realized it. BUT if we are cheated it is best that we understand what is going on. We canā€™t address the problem if we are unwilling to see how we reacted. Once we realize that we are reacting to some hateful suggestion that have no authority then we can stop reacting and recover the health, our own or the childā€™s or the petsā€¦

This is a simple case that happened recently but it illustrates the problem. I heard a friendā€™s son making a strange cough for quite a while one night. When I saw her again I asked about her son. She told me that they had been to the doctor and the boy had a thorough examination and they couldnā€™t find anything wrong. I told her about the cheats and she realized it immediately that she was being adversely affected. The next time it happened after one cough the problem was gone because the mother realized that the ideas were bogus. She could dismiss those ideas know that it was just someone trying to adversely affect her son by first affecting her with bogus ideas.

One child in a family of many children can be affected while none of the others are affected because the hateful suggestions presented are specific to one child. I have never seen more than one child affected at one time anywhere on the net. I donā€™t know if more than one child could be affected at the same time.
The problem is most often someone outside of the family wanting to hurt the parents and see them sad, punish them for revenge or it could be to gain power and influence over them. The attitude can be upheld that if you donā€™t do x or y then your child can suffer.

Sadly, I have seen a few cases on the internet where I feel certain that one of the parents is the offender. It happens when one parent is inhumane and there is a special bond between the other, humane parent and the child. It is very underhanded and aimed to hurt and at the same time control their partner.

I donā€™t know much about breed specific cancers but a quick search I found this paper. It looks to me that they want to make a case because then they can start trying to prove the physical causes. How many have to be affected to count as a breed specific effect?

That is all sheer speculation. I will be so bold as to say God caused my cancer, because from start to finish (whenever the mutations ā€“ or even the predispositions to the cancer ā€“ began), it was a beautiful display of Godā€™s sovereignty and providence. Some are going to roll their eyes when I bring up Maggieā€™s account* again ā€“ it is comparable because no natural laws were broken, but Godā€™s sovereignty, love and immanent care are illustrated more arrestingly and dramatically in hard times than they are in good. Times of testing are exactly that, tests, and we are better off and stronger for them, if we are Godā€™s children ā€“ Paul speaks to that in multiple places in the epistles.

*My nephrectomy story

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So he also kills a lot of people with cancer?

Breed-specific cancer is a real thing. And your whole belief-system seens a lot like the Christian Science religion. They believe that sin causes illness, not germs, etc.)

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Mine is the same One as Jobā€™s.

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Sounds like the kid might have had a habit cough. Iā€™ve had two kids develop this at separate times. Thankfully, with the first kid, a lady at church who sat behind me worked for a local pediatric pulmonologist. They see this a lot. She gave me the name of a speech pathologist that treats this, and after one session by son stopped coughing. What likely happened was he had a cold at some point and developed the habit of coughing. He just needed to be reminded that he didnā€™t really have to cough. Swallowing could be done instead. Later, my autistic son developed a habit cough. It took a little longer to get rid of it in him, because he needs something to replace the habit, but we did get rid of it.

In both cases, no cheating going on by anyone. In fact, Iā€™ve had plenty of heavy emotional stuff in the last two years that havenā€™t affected my kids at all. Their habit coughs occurred in years where things were going well with all of us emotionally. :woman_shrugging:

I do hope you donā€™t give your cancer advice to others. Iā€™ve already lost one friend to bogus natural healing (she turned down chemo and radiation for her uterine cancer and did coffee enemas insteadā€¦ thought she was cancer free for a little while, then it came back quickly and left her 2 year old daughter without a mother).


Yes, I had that thought, as well

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Sheā€™s already doing it here. Biologos isnā€™t just a place to spread kooky ideasā€“it can be used to spread dangerous ones as well.

Yes, this is correct: that transfer experiment shows that transformed (ie. genetically mutated) stem cells taken from a tumor can give rise to a new tumor, thus those cells are the source of the tumor

There are normal stem cells in the body: different stem cells for different tissue types. Within each tissue the stem cells are the ones that are the least differentiated and when they divide can give rise to the various different types of cells that make up that tissue. For example hematologic stem cells give rise to to lymphocytes (T and B cells) and myeloid cells of various types that are all more terminally differentiated. There are also neural stem cells that give rise to different cells in nervous system, and different muscle stem cells that divide and differentiate into terminally differentiated (nondividing) muscle cells.

Cancer stem cells could have the same markers as normal stem cells if they derived from genetically mutated normal stem cells.

So you are not talking about the immune system, but rather using the word ā€œimmunityā€ as a synonym for ā€œbarrier?ā€ That is a very confusing mix of technical and colloquial language. Itā€™s also an inaccurate description of the actual biology of cancer.

That is not correct. Genetic changes do not happen during normal wound healing. Wound healing is a normal tissue response where cells (like fibroblasts) move in response to signals changes that happen at the site of the wound that result in regrowth and healing of the damaged tissue.

In contrast, cancer growth is abnormal growth of tissues that fail to respond to normal cell signals, do not conform to the normal tissue structure, and fail to perform normal tissue function. In some cases that abnormal growth includes leaving the original tissue location and traveling, or metastasizing to other areas of the body. So the key feature is not necessarily rapid growth, but abnormal growth.

Unfortunately, it seems that you are partially but not fully understanding the papers and books that you have been reading, which is leading to your misunderstandings about the biology of cancer.


Hopefully it is abundantly clear how incorrect, and thus unhelpful Kyraniā€˜s ideas are. Fortunately, the great work of many scientists and doctors has led to increasing understanding of the biology of cancer, which has led to some great advances in cancer treatments over the years.

Itā€™s important that rebuttals of bad ideas can also be offered at places like BioLogos


I saw a cartoon where Jesus is standing besides 2 surgeons saying, " Better leave that tumor in thereā€“I might have a purpose for it!"