The Exodus no or little evidence

When was vowels used, because way back when there wasn’t any vowels or wasn’t allowed for vowels to be used right?

Egypt back when was called KMT right?
So was Egypt called KMT during Exodus time?

Yes Mitsrayim is located in India.,

What I don’t understand is The Greek ruler of Egypt named Ptolemy commissioned 70 Jewish priests and could actually commission 70 priests to research where Mitsrayim is located, how can a ruler of Egypt have that much control over 70 Jewish Priests?

That was way after Jews live in Yisrael when that Greek ruler of Egypt commissioned 70 priest, so how is it that ruler is Greek, how come there’s a Greek ruler in Egypt, how come there’s not an Egypt ruler in Egypt

How come those 70 Jewish priest couldn’t ignore a ruler from Egypt because what power did this ruler of Egypt had over these 70 Jewish priest to commissioned them

Because if the Jews were left alone maybe then those Jewish Priest would figure out that Mitsrayim is in India

Those 70 Jewish Priest were in Yisrael so what power would a ruler of Egypt make those Jewish priest explain about where Mitsrayim is, how come those 70 Jewish priest couldn’t be assertive towards a ruler from Egypt?

Household idols were small. They had to fit in a house after all. So a 3 inch calf is about the right size. Where do you get that it was “big”? I have also heard it described as a wooden calf that was covered with gold leaf which doesn’t require a large quantity of gold.

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This story is based on the Letter of Aristeas which appears to be fictional. The translation was done because the Jews in Egypt were losing their grasp of Hebrew and needed scriptures written in Greek, which they knew and used. Given the number of Egyptian papyri that have been found the translation certainly appears to have been written in Egypt.


It takes enormous time and effort to even have an undeserved hope of transcending that.

The hope is definitely undeserved, but a child can have a sure hope in Jesus without “enormous time and effort.”

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Dr. Falk says Israelites are Amorites
Did I hear that word correctly?
Here’s 50 second YouTube clip showing this

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He did say that, but I would disagree with him; Abraham did come from the same region as those nomads of old, but using this as an excuse to call the Israelites “technically Amorites” would be like saying that all White Americans are technically English because the colonists came from Britain, never mind all of the Spaniards, Germans, Italians, and Slavs that came here and make up this group tpday.

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Since there was no MSR at 2000 BCE–the time of Abraham–thus the name MSR would have been ascribed to Egypt later–perhaps after the Exodus from India at 1500 BCE.

All of which, one way or another, demonstrates that the Exodus is an C8th BCE Israelite (=N. Amorite-Canaanite) myth set seven centuries before, refined by the Judeans (=S. Amorite-Canaanites) over the next three centuries and arrogated millennia later by Anglo-Israelites and others.

Where did I get this information, from images from artists online…

Later when reading jewelry was used, and realized this Calf was around 3 inches tall.

How come so many artists give false archaeological details about size of golden Calf, when only jewelry was used?

Here’s an example how unrealistic artists are: showing an extremely huge golden Calf, that’s made from Jewelry


The purpose of art isn’t to record accurate data. If you want to know actual data consult scholarly sources and not a Hollywood movie.

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MSR and KMT have no vowels, because vowels hadn’t been invented yet, correct? What was India called without Vowels?

The Greek ruler Ptolemy was living in Egypt.
The 70 Jewish Priests were living in Yisrael.
How much power does Yisrael have, to keep the Torah to themselves? Or was Yisrael seeking to share the Torah with Egypt? How come Ptolemy was so interested in the Torah?

There no name for “India” since they were living there. Mistrayim=Mathura and other similar citi names are attested. the 70 priests too were living in Egypt, I believe.

I don’t understand how this is relavant, though we do have very different ideas of an Exodus.

I’m still not sure why it would be India; are there certain cultural and religious traditions and symbols of Vedic India featured in the Exodus narrative that suggest that the Jews were in the subcontinent as slaves?

There are two possibilities of identifying Mitsrayim: “Misr”=Egypt; or Mathura=Indus Valley. If Misr is not attested before 1300 BCE; and Mathura is attested from 2000 BCE or earlier then it is more likely that Mitsrayim was located in the Indus Valley.
Indus Valley is a possibility because many problems of the Exodus get resolved: The first Yam Suf could be the Indus River; the Sinai Volcano could be Taftan; the second Yam Suf could be the Shatt al-Arab. Then we have parallels between Adam and Swayambhu Manu, Noah and Vivaswat Manu; and Abraham and Rama. Hence it is possible that Adam-NOah-Abraham-Moses lived in Indus Valley and Moses led the Exodus from there. Thx.

How desperate for significance we are that we take a remote ancient culture’s myths and make them our truths. Guilty. Like the vast majority of evangelicalism. Myths that were ancient at the time of Christianity’s founding myth. The unaddressed embracing of them undermines the credibility of the latter now, even though the founder had no option.

Hi! Thanks for responding!

Or perhaps this word for Egypt is a retrojection; it wouldn’t be the first in the OT.

Why not a shallow string of lakes or the East Nile Delta?

Gods are often said to reside on mountains; the smoke and weather could be theological.

True in that they were both the first man, but there is no cycle of Adams and no concept of any Fall for the first Manu.

True, but the inspiration behind this story most likely came from Mesopotamia.

But Abraham was just a man, not a beautiful incarnation of a deity who smote a demon king.

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I thought Mitsayim was located in Indus Valley India., during the Exodus era, now I learn there’s no name India during the Exodus era., is there no name Pakistan too, during Exodus era too?
I am correct that Mitsrayim is in Indus Valley India now correct?

About Mitsrayim during Exodus era:
Place: Chanhu Daro that’s in Pakistan now but no Pakistan during Exodus era correct
Semitic Name: Mitsrayim (in the narrative of Moses)
Hindu Name: Mathura

However from Chanhu Daro Pakistan, Mitsrayim extends further southwest of the lands, Goshen and Rameses - that’s India or is that Pakistan now?

Because now Mitsrayim is located southeast Pakistan and northwest India

I hope I understand this now

Some myths are true and to be embraced gladly.


//Or perhaps this word for Egypt is a retrojection; it wouldn’t be the first in the OT.//

Yes, retrojection is possible. However, a plainly speaking Mathura still stands on a higher pedestal than a retrojected Misr.

//The first Yam Suf could be the Indus River. Why not a shallow string of lakes or the East Nile Delta?//

There would be no need to cross the marshy lakes when one could circuit around them on dry land. Also the Pharaoh need not follow them knowing they will come out on the other side. Also there is no natural event corresponding to separation of waters. On the other hand eruption of a mud volcano—known in the area—could have led to the separation of waters as described in the Bible.

//the Sinai Volcano could be Taftan. Gods are often said to reside on mountains; the smoke and weather could be theological.//

Possible. But in the first instance we must look at what is staring in our eyes.

//parallels between Adam and Swayambhu Manu. True in that they were both the first man, but there is no cycle of Adams and no concept of any Fall for the first Manu.//

While looking at parallels, I feel that methodologically we must give more importance to geographical, archaeological, etymological information, narratives and living traditions than theological constructs. Theology must come last because it is most influenced by contemporary developments. Further, the numbers of Prophets are parallel to numbers of Avataras. The fall of Adam is a true difference that has to be considered.

//Noah and Vivaswat Manu. True, but the inspiration behind this story most likely came from Mesopotamia.//

The Jewish tradition holds that the flood took place in early October. The floods in India take place in July-Oct while in Iraq in spring. Secondly, the flood waters do not stay for 150 days in Iraq which has an open channel to the sea to drain the waters. The city of Jalore (“Water City”) in India is located in a bowl-like geological formation and even normal rain waters stay for 2 months.

//Abraham and Rama. But Abraham was just a man, not a beautiful incarnation of a deity who smote a demon king.// Again the parallels in etymological information, narratives and living traditions, I suggest, dominate the differences in theological constructs. Further, as said above, the numbers of Prophets are parallel to numbers of Avataras.

Thanks for this dialogue.

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