Skipped Generations of Genesis

I believe each of the patriarchs can represent a condensed list of 160 generations that show they can be historical individuals (see OP), but your comment is a good lead in to something else I really would like to show in this discussion thread.

What the patriarchs symbolize (or personify if I may) is our common descent with all life which is described by their character in story, in the meaning of their names, their location, where they are going and what they are doing/accomplishing.

To go along with this we need a timescale: In reading through the genealogies (generations of Adam), when we view the long life spans and when they beget children as representing a new kind… (meaning of Adam is mankind (120. אָדָם adam) …a kind or species of man descended from an original mankind (root meaning “to be red” or “ruddy”) made of the earth, of dust - the smallest spec that Moses could think of)… instead of an individual person, we will see that the chronology lines up almost perfectly with what we know from science today.

And one more note on kinds before we jump to the timeline is that it can mean not just a species, but a whole family. A family or superfamily is a scientific taxonomy for organizing a class of organisms. When Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob or Esau move to different locations, its not just them. Its a whole camp, a whole group of people in their household including family, and workers managing livestock.

The timeline matches up what we have learned from science just in the last 200 years or so with what has been in the Bible for over 2,000 years. The creation days and genealogical record are an accurate and highly condensed timescale which can be unraveled based on 2 Peter 3:8 of which I defend the math and grammar discussed with @St.Roymond and others in this thread:

  • 2 Pet 3:8 (NKJV) But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Do not forget this!*… be not ignorant (KJV)… don’t overlook (ESV)… don’t let it escape your notice (BSB)… this one fact!* (NASB)…

* Emphasis mine

(BLB) Do not let this one thing be hidden from you:

One day with the Lord = 1,000 (literal) years …So
then… One year with the Lord = (365 x 1,000) = 365 thousand years

and 1,000 years (with the Lord) = One (Creation) Day = (365,000 x 1,000) = 365 million years

The creation days need to be adjusted based on the number of days (a variable) in a year as we go back through time and find that the beginning of Day 1 lines up with 4.5 bya (billion years ago). Full discussion on the creation days in the other thread.

So, here we will look at the generations of the heavens and the earth (in the Garden of Eden), the generations of Adam, the generations of Shem, and then fill in gaps with the generations of Cain, of Japheth, and of Ham. There is much detail but to see it we need to be grounded in Christ… Yes, that’s right, Jesus is our ground zero, our starting point, born in 4 BC (or 1 AD) and we can work backwards from that zero point to find how all created things fall before and after Him, the Alpha and Omega. He is the Image of God that mankind is made into at the conclusion of the 6th day of creation.

A very clear type for Christ in Genesis is Isaac, the son of Abraham, who is a type for God the Father. Abraham was willingly going to sacrifice his son Isaac, but because God saw his faith, a lamb was provided in Isaac’s place. Jesus, the Lamb of God was the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world, provided in place of everyone who is found in Him.

Isaac is also a type for Christ in that he followed the footsteps of Abraham, doing what his father did. Both married their sister, both told Abimelech that their wife was their sister and were blessed. We (the church) are the bride of Christ and yet are also called His brothers and sisters.

Both Jesus and Isaac had miraculous births. Sarah was in her old age and Mary was yet a virgin. The meaning of the name Isaac is “to laugh” or “to rejoice”. Rejoice! for unto us a Son is born. One year after Abram is given a new name ‘Abraham’, Isaac is born when Abraham is 100 years old.

  • Gen 21:5 Now Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.

If we are to say that Abraham is a different ‘kind’ from Abram, then for Abraham to be given his new name only one year before Isaac is born, then Abraham and Isaac bust be the same kind, the same likeness, for one year is too young to have children, to beget a new kind. So, Isaac is really more like a spiritual rebirth of Abraham.

  • Gen 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram… 5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.

Abraham means “father of many (or a multitude) of nations”. How many nations of the earth would you say came from Abraham? Is that many?.. a multitude of nations? Yes, thats right, of the many nations of the earth today, Abraham is the father of all of them, as he is a type representing the entire human race. Anatomically modern humans are one year (with the Lord) before Christ (1 x 365 x 1000) = approx. 365 thousand years ago.

  • Gen 16:16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.

Ishmael means “wild donkey of a man” for his hands were on everyone and everything.

  • Gen 16:12 He shall be a wild man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man’s hand against him.

Ishmael used his hands and so is shown to represent the advanced use of hands with tool making found with bipedalism. Australopithecus is a good representation of Ishmael, born 13 years before Abram is given a new name. 365,000 + (13 x 365 x 1000) = approx. 5.1 million years ago (mya).

  • Gen 16:16 Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram.

Abram means “exhalted father”. One thing that distinguishes primates (and simians in particular) from other species is that they have an advanced social structure, often headed by a dominate male elder. Scientific estimates for our common decent with new world monkeys is 42 mya and with old world monkeys is 27 mya. Abram is a type representing simians. 5.1 mya + (86 x 365 x 1000) = approx. 36.5 mya

  • Gen 11:26 Now Terah lived seventy years, and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

Terah means “breather” or “wanderer”. He set out with Abram on the journey to Canaan (means “subdued”) but stopped in Harran (means “elevated”) and ended up dying there. Tarsiers used to be globally widespread “wanderers” but are now only found “elevated” in the liana in southeast Asia.

Interestingly if you try to touch tarsiers, take them into captivity i.e. “subdue” them, they will commit suicide. Scientific estimates for our common decent with tarsiers is 68 mya. Terah is a type representing tarsiers. 36.5 + (70 x 365 x 1000) = approx. 62.1 mya

  • Gen 11:24 Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and begot Terah.

Nahor may mean to “to snort” or “to breathe hard” and also may mean “scorched” or “charred”. It sounds like Nahor was living during some difficult times, and indeed our common decent with lemurs lines up closely with the most famous extinction event of all time, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event of the dinosaurs about 66 mya. Also the island of Madagascar where lemurs are found stranded or “left behind” by Terah and Abram is an arid place. Scientific estimates for our common decent with lemurs is 75 mya. Nahor is a type representing lemurs. 62.1 + (29 x 365 x 1000) = approx. 72.6 mya

  • Gen 11:22 Serug lived thirty years, and begot Nahor.

Serug means “branch”, “layer or twining”… you know I think I’ll pause here and let y’all have a chance to look that one up and the next few after it. I’ve set you on the path and there is something to be said for seeing things for yourself instead of having it shown to you. :blush:

Edit to add: Continued here.

And that person of the Son of God is bigger than the entire universe. The known universe is like one charged neuron in the mind of God. So its locative… All things are made “in” 1722 en (a preposition) – properly, in (inside, within). Thayer’s says “in the interior of some whole; within the limits of some space”.

These are all false elohim. There is only one God Elohim and angels or spirits are not gods or sons of God:

  • Heb 1:5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And He shall be to Me a Son”?

We are sons of God only by being made in the Son of God… like a single cell in the whole body.