Are there skipped generations in Genesis that can account for all the long ages of the patriarchs? If so, how many and what is the significance of pointing this out? Lets take a look!
- Luk 3:38 …Adam, which was the son of God.
Adam is called the son of God. Could this just mean that there was no record keeping of anyone that lived before Adam? He may have been a nomad living a hunter gatherer life style, and learned in the garden (the fertile crescent) that he can take fruit from a tree (a fig tree perhaps) and plant it in the ground.
The flesh looks a little like a tree canopy and the seeds like the fruit on the tree. Oh, it even has a trunk at the bottom… an aha moment for sure! So tasty to!! Hmm… what if I plant this in the ground? …I’ll bet Adam didn’t even notice the grapevine growing upon that tree in the midst of the garden of God.
He can till the ground and make a row of them, but the downside was that it brought forth thorns and thistles. …So we have a story of a hunter gatherer going to a life style of farming and animal husbandry. Settling down and taking possession of land invites conflict for sure… that’s one short of the long of it.
Sin and death entered the world through Adam, or perhaps its through Adam’s generations:
Generations of Adam | Lifespan | Begat |
Adam | 930 | 130 |
Seth | 912 | 105 |
Enosh | 905 | 90 |
Kenin | 910 | 70 |
Mahalalel | 895 | 65 |
Jared | 962 | 162 |
Enoch | 365 | 65 |
Methuselah | 969 | 187 |
Lamech | 777 | 182 |
Noah | 950 | 502 |
Sum of Ages | 8,575 | 1,558 |
Number of Generations | Avg Lifespan | Avg Age Begat |
120 | 71 | 13 |
Could it be that one person on this list can represent multiple people? We can find support from this in this verse on Noah’s generations:
- Gen 6:9 These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
- Generations (1755. דּוֹר dor) means: a revolution of time, an age, generation, a dwelling
In the list of the generations of Adam, if we add up the total of all their ages and when they begat children, then divide that total by 120 individuals (instead of 10), we end up with an average lifespan of 71 years and an average age of 13 for when they began having children… I mean, there were no laws for turning 18 first back then.
The meaning of the number 120 in Hebrew is ‘age of flesh’.
- Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Noah, being perfect in his generations, brings an end to this ‘age of flesh’, and a flood begins. We are made perfect through Jesus. He saves us from our flood… our baptism of full submersion and then are brought back up to newness of life.
Now lets take a look at the second list of 10 generations, the generations of Shem:
Generations of Shem | Lifespan | Begat |
Shem | 600 | 100 |
Arphaxad | 438 | 35 |
Shelah | 433 | 30 |
Eber | 464 | 34 |
Peleg | 239 | 30 |
Reu | 239 | 32 |
Serug | 230 | 30 |
Nahor | 148 | 29 |
Terah | 205 | 70 |
Abraham | 175 | 100 |
Sum of Ages | 3,171 | 490 |
Number of Generations | Avg Lifespan | Avg Age Begat |
40 | 79 | 12 |
In the list of the generations of Shem, if we add up the total of all their ages and when they begat children, then divide that total by 40 individuals (instead of 10), we end up with an average lifespan of 79 years and an average age of 12 for when they began having children… Oh man, kids having kids again, and even younger.
The meaning of the number 40 in Hebrew is ‘testing’, so we have an ‘age of the flesh’ followed by and ‘age of testing’. Abraham’s faith saved him, bringing an end to the age of testing.
- Rom 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.
Whats next? Well if we add 120 and 40 together we get 160. This number 160 means ‘heart’ or ‘love’. Have you found the heart of God?.. where there is an ‘age of love’?