In a similar vein I wonder if we might hav e a tag for “what I saw at the natural history museum today”. Asking for a friend.

But seriously I have no sense of anything needful being missing and I’ve looked through a couple times. Of course I have no idea what might be missing from the theological side of the ledger.


Titled “TL;DR”


And maybe some warning labels:

caution: may cause drowsiness


caution: post is written in a Martian creole. No translation available.

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Or Eutychus’ Porch!
(the story of the young man who fell to his death when he fell asleep listening to one of Paul’s long sermons, though God revived him with a miracle. There was actually a magazine which had an editorial section called that–a very good one!).


CT, Eutychus and His Kin, maybe?

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Good question…maybe that was it. I thought it was from Prairie Bible Institute, but I Googled it and couldn’t find it–so maybe you’re right. that would fit. Thanks!
Eutychus and His Kin: December 5, 1975 | Christianity Today

@Christy subscribes, I think – maybe she could tell us if it’s still a thing.

I do, too–it’s not there any more that I have seen. I really like the magazine, though. I have given it away to family.

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  • Scientific method. Discussions about how science works in general, how scientists know what they know, and what we need to do if we want to challenge a scientific theory.
  • The workplace. Discussions about science in the workplace, pursuing a science-based career, and the like. This is a topic that is often overlooked in discussions about science and faith, but for many of us, even if we don’t have “research scientist” as our job titles, it is where the rubber hits the road in terms of how we approach all things scientific.
  • Physics. Looking at the list of tags, they physical sciences are somewhat under-represented in comparison to the biological sciences – there’s astronomy and technology (and arguably geology) but that’s about it. It would probably also be useful to introduce tags for mathematics, chemistry, and computational science as well.
  • Old-earth creationism and Intelligent Design. If we’re going to have a tag for YEC it might be worth having tags for these as well. (Edit: I see we already have these.)
  • Pastoral issues. Discussions for pastors and church leaders, or for people seeking pastoral support.
  • Events.

Our goal with tags was predominately to establish the topic, and not necessarily label every “type” of post, if that makes sense!

I tried to add Physics the other day but apparently it didn’t go through! Will add.

I will add “Nature of Science”!

I like this suggestion! I’ll ponder this one more.

We just don’t really want to become the catch-all place for those seeking pastoral support, but I appreciate the sentiment. I hope that pastors looking for support on a certain topic will find the appropriate topic tag.

We have a BioLogos Events tag but yes, maybe I should add a general events tag. Although it would benefit everyone if the topical tag was also included for the event.


Not that I know of.


Hilary, I have a suggestion for a tag and actually a Mod or Admin created thread intended for Forum Participants to use to help each other with low-level Discourse Software issues, like “Why don’t I see all the new topics that show up, that I can tell other people see?” “How do I code ______ cool thing I want in my post.” “What is a good source for special characters I need to use in my typing?” “How do I quote a person properly in a post?” and much much more that the mods could easily have off their over-full plates.

Here is an example of a recent problem I bugged Merv with, and managed to figure out myself, but that I know other people have had as well:

I may have figured out why I wasn’t seeing some of the new topics that came up. I checked my settings and went to categories. At the bottom of the category setting section, you can see that somehow I had managed to MUTE both fora. Who knows how. But I have gone in and made adjustments, and I am l ready seeing topics, I had not seen before.


Thanks for the suggestions, Kendel!
I think for the time being we will still want Forum/Admin stuff to be relegated to PMs to moderators. You did the right thing by asking for help! Sometimes we don’t know the answer either, and it’s easier for people to find the answer on the Discourse forum.

I’ve attempted to find answers over there and find it, as I find most tech wikis, an absolute mess. I’ve tried on a number of questions I’ve had, and I don’t believe I have ever found what I needed.

Two factors that make wiki-format tech help so useless are the size and the lack of controlled language. If you don’t guess right what to call something, you are just going to waste a lot of time, scrolling through masses of unrelated information.
Thus I usually end up bugging a mod.

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There’s not a tag for Philosophy (or Philosophical ponderings ; - ). Was that an intentional omission, with maybe the thought that some other tag would cover whatever?

Yes, philosophical ponderings must have some sort of overlap to a stated current topic. :slight_smile:


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