Alright, I’ll make that adjustment next.
Maybe I don’t understand what you mean by a binary morphological character. I think you mean something like ‘has wings’, which for some creatures is true and others is false. We have an array of such properties, and each creature gets a string of trues and falses, or 1s and 0s, representing whether they have each particular property. If this is what you mean, then as I said, this is the first analysis I did, and the CI values were even higher than what I get with this DNA version.
You can see that work here.
I used this primate dataset:
Which I got from here: Quick Start | PAUP* (* Phylogenetic Analysis Using PAUP)
Can you post your settings so I can reproduce what you’ve done? For some reason I can consistently get well supported trees with my datasets. My settings are probably wrong.
Also, the question is not ‘are there DAG datasets that produce bad trees?’ Rather, the question is ‘are there DAG datasets that produce well supported trees?’
Some of the DAG datasets are indeed pretty poor, but others seem to produce well supported trees.
This may indeed be the fatal flaw with my approach. I don’t know what counts as a ‘high’ RCI value. Do you know the range of ‘high’ RCI? The values I see from my datasets are pretty small, less than 0.1.