Please humor me as I recount a discussion i had with my husband after the death of Leon Russell a week or so ago:
Me: I can’t wait to meet Leon Russell in heaven! Yay!
My husband: (scoffing) What makes you think heaven will be like that?
Me: Like what?
My husband: Like you’ll just be yourself as you are now and be able to sit around having (derisive emphasis) “chatty time” with famous dead people?
(Husband dislikes what he interprets as frivolous socialization)
Me: Why not?
My husband: Because it would get incredibly boring. Besides, you might not even be you. Jesus said we’ll be neither make not female. Nobody knows what it’ll be like.
*There followed an escalation nearly into a full-blown argument until we agreed to disagree. Still, I found my husband’s vision of heaven extremely discouraging. Although it’s true no one knows what it will be like, I believe we will still be out individuated selves, albeit perfected in Christ and through Christ. Jesus was still Jesus, after all, after his resurrection. I have read nothing in scripture which contradicts the idea that we will still be our individuated selves, on the contrary, I find much to affirm it, though not necessarily in an explicit way. After years of being lost in new age thought, it was such a profound relief to find Christ and realize there is a person at the crux of the universe and not a void or amorphous “all in all” as I’d been struggling to believe (and despairing thereof). Yes, we lose our lives in discipleship to Jesus, but they are given back to us tenfold and more in Him, resurrected, reborn, made new.
So, I don’t see why I shouldn’t get to meet Leon Russell after the resurrection and judgement. And this for me thinking - the selves which are made in the image will be risen from the dead… but where does that begin? I know there is lots of different thinking on this, and I’ve read some on biologos, but the question troubles me. It seems to me that there must be a clear demarcation in the course of evolution where “human” was born. So will homo habilis be in heaven? Homo erectus? And if so would we even be able to communicate with them? Will communication supercede our languages here on earth? I should expect so… but with such varying levels of intelligence, what would that be like?
Forgive me if these speculations seem childish, or missing the point. But they are just things I think about and times I find it helpful to go ahead and being up the “childish” or naive-sounding or silly questions. But also to just trust that when we do see face to face, it will be glorious beyond our paltry imaginings!