Jesus' identity and Trinity

Concerning the trinity again. When Jesus went to the desert for 40 days satan didnt knew him . In detail Satan dint know who Jesus was . But Satan new God. So i assume that he met the other two persons just not the son somehow . Again this is just a spceulation but i would like to see your answer and everyones here. Had that question for a long time but i came up with my conclusion

I believe that Satan knew who Jesus was.

First because of revelation 12 it states that a war sparked over satan trying to destroy Jesus and I believe this goes back to King Herod trying to kill Jesus.

I also don’t see why you believe Satan did not know Jesus especially considering the temptations he used against Jesus.

Well Satan did say If you are the Son of God when tempting Jesus. So i took it from there . I might be wrong

I always like to keep things simple Nick. Make the minimal necessary assumptions. If the story is literal, Satan had control over Jesus like He did over Job. Jesus was not a Person of the Trinity. He was a person like you or I, suffused , lit up with the nature of God, unlike you or I. The NT writers couldn’t but help blur Jesus as person and Person in their triadic and simple Trinitarian understanding of God.

What? Nope . he was divine and human. he had weaknesses as a human but still was divine. If you were there you couldnt resist.You speak against his divinity right now? I have not understand if you believe if hes God or if hes not .If youre not then i dont have to debate something with you thats fine anyways

Satan did not have control over Job. God allowed him to have control over job and to tempt him and to destroy those around him and so on.

That is what happened to Jesus. He was killed. He was persecuted. The apostles were persecuted and killed for the most part and so on.

What nope what Nick? I’m creedal, orthodox. I know he was divine and human. I would never speak against his divinity. What makes you think that? He was fully divine and fully human. He wasn’t God. He was the ultimate manifestation of God. In, through a human. The most complex being that will have ever walked the Earth with us.

Yet here you are saying that Satan had control over Jesus.So satan had control over God. Dont you think if Satan had control over God we woould be screws

And how can Jesus be not God yet be full divine and full human?

By nature. In the quality of His thinking. [How could a Person of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, encapsulating infinity from eternity, worlds without end, physical and heavenly, become only and just a man just and only once, for 33 years?]

So Jesus thinking he is God makes him God? If i think im God therefore im(This is what i understood about your statement).If you could explain that more that woud be helpfull

Now we are talking. Yes jesus as flesh and bones didnt “exist” of coursed. He was formed .

Before His death and resurrection He never said that He was God. He never claimed to be God. Referred to Himself as the son of man. He did claim divinity. And… it’s not as clear cut as that : )

He is the greatest mystery we will ever encounter.

I and the Father are one. Which Father is he speaking of ? Joseph? You are making him a second god caliming that he is divine yet he wasnt God.

So if he wasnt God what as he a prophet? And what we believe then?You are rejecting hes God yet you call him divine you are rejecting he claimed to God be before ressurection but after somehow he was ? Now you are the greatest mystery for me sir :sweat_smile:.But i love you!!!

As posted using all those verses earlier scripture is clear.

Jesus was the word of God made into flesh. Jesus did not know everything and so he was not all knowledgeable. Jesus could be tempted. Jesus could be killed. Jesus , was a human. Divine nature or not does not change while in flesh Jesus was fully human. He even did not consider himself comparable to God and said only the father was good.

We can either look at Jesus through our own will and the thoughts of others or we can compare that and see if it fits with clear scripture.

When God became a man, that’s exactly what happened. He became a man made lower than angels. He was not sin proof. It could be useless if he was. He was tempted, and he conquered it and that allowed him to conquer desth because it’s sin that’s wages is death. He overcame it. By choice.

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yeah but the divine still was overlaping with his human weakness. The divine steped in when he refused Satan because if he had lost the divine he wouldnt. Plus if he had lost it he wouldnt have resurected from the dead. Thats what i take from the gospel.God became a servant leaving all his "godlinness"asside but still attaining it somehow. I think i agree with you we just use different terms

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We disagree there. I don’t think Jesus had any extra help then we have to avoid sin. Sin is a choice for every human and angel. Jesus confronted that choice as a man and conquered it. He did not have special help. If he had to have special help then that means we don’t choose sin and are not guilt of it. It has to be a choice and he had to choose rightness.

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I dont get it. So can you refuse sin alone Mi Krumm? I know i cant. And what about the garden. Father let this cup pass from me. Knowing he has to die doesnt only requires help to overcome that but also diviness i think. If he wasnt "getting " any help as you say he would chose an alternatve way sort of

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So he chould chose to sin? So basically we are lucky he didnt?