I believe you are partially right in your summation.
First of all, because man cannot be in the Presence of God, lest he die, God, divided Himself into three persons. By dividing Himself, He made Himself approachable or so that is one theory.
Remember, God taught man the difference between right and wrong, for it was unwise for man to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for man had not earned or gained enough wisdom to handle this. The serpent knew this. For the first 2000 years of existence, man was defiled by the angels. We know these angels to be devils, and since these devils infected man by creating for themselves a creature called the Nephilim or a creature part man, part angel.
God then as Moses, St. Jude, and the books of Enoch and Jubilees, describe, punished these angels by holding them prisoner as their sons and daughters killed each other off. Then God, imprisoned for eternity these rebellious angels. But at this time man is defiled. The first generation Nephilim, after death became known in Jewish circles as the demons. These disembodied spirits that cannot nor deserve heaven roam the earth doing the bidding of their father the devil.
God knowing that the rebellious angels defiled His greatest creation, sought to heal mankind from this great attack. For it was the serpent that introduced sin to man, and it was the serpents buddies that amplified that sin. It was so amplified that by the time of Moses, man was ready to receive God’s Law. Yahweh who’s name in English means I AM, was Christ, for all men are sinful, and sin cannot survive in the presence of God. However, man can survive in the presence of Man. Therefore, the Son of Man, who is God, teaches man.
It was He, who spoke to Adam in the Garden,
It was He, who spoke to Abraham,
It was He, who wrestled with Jacob and named Jacob, Israel–"One who wrestles with God"
It was He, who gave Moses the Law of God, and dictated to Moses the first five books of the collection we call the Bible.
It was He, who spoke with Elijah.
It was He, whom John called the, "Word"
It was He, who had to finish creation, from the rebellious angels.
And it was He who healed us from the genetic gene of the Nephilim. It is this gene, that gives man the tendency to sin.
The old Covenant is a Law of Death. For the Law of Death is made of Stone. It draws the line between actions that are righteous, and unrighteous. The Law is the foundation of the truth.
The new Covenant is a Law of Life. For the New Covenant is a living law. Where the Ark of the Covenant was made of earth and stone, the New Ark of the Covenant was Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Where the old Covenant shows no compassion to man, the New covenant shows compassion to Man.
The old testament speaks of Jesus, as Wisdom.
The demons that Jesus cast out of many of the people, knew Jesus, for Legion said to Christ, that his name was “Legion” for we are many. And Christ cast Legion into the swine, and the swine into the sea. However, Legion recognized Christ.
Other demons recognized Christ and though the authority of Christ they were driven out. These miracles were done not for the benefit of the Glory of God, but so that we would believe. As John states, “If all the miracles of Christ were written down, I doubt the earth, itself, could not contain all the volumes that would be written.”
For according to ancient text, and according to the Bible and other historical witnesses, There are only three people that entered heaven and did not experience death, and was born sinless.
The first was Enoch, seventh generation from Adam. For even in the Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, Book of Genesis and the Book of St. Jude, Enoch walked with God and was no more.
The second was the prophet Elijah, who was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. As the witnesses of the ancient Israelites or Samaritans testify to in the old testament.
And the third was a woman, Mary the mother of Jesus, for she undid the sin of Eve. For Christ is the new Adam and Mary was the new Eve, for Adam was made sinless, and Eve, who was flesh of his flesh, was too made sinless. Through their own choice they were made into sin, so that from their own choice we can be made righteous. Adam was a child of light, and so are we. But Adam had a choice to become evil, and so do we. But it is through God’s High priest and prophet; it is through His Son, that we are made righteous, through our own choice.
For this is the testimony of St. Steven and St. Paul. This same testimony fulfills the law, and does not destroy the law. For the Law of Moses is a law of Death, for the Law of Moses is not alive, it is made of Earth and stone, yet Christ is alive, and is the law of the New testament. Through sin, and through force, Man was deceived, and was enslaved through Sin. But through love and compassion, God joined man, for if Jesus is our brother, and Jesus is God, then we too share in God, not as god’s ourselves but as part of God’s family. And in this sense we are lifted above the angels in freedom and we break the bonds of slavery.
Jesus took upon His soul, all the sins of the world, from the beginning of time until the end of time. By doing this, He destroyed death which is a result of sin. For God’s original command to all of creation is to be fruitful and multiply, populate the earth. But we, a creation of God, from the clay of the earth, for “remember Man, thou are dust, and on to dust thou shalt return”, but we were created in the image of the Father. Then the Father married us to Him, so that “None shall perish but inherit eternal life”
For this reason, Jesus, an alien to man, came down from heaven and joined humanity. By His birth, He elevated Man, even above the Seraphim and Cherubim, through His death, He saved man, from the evil of the rebellious angels who made the nature of man evil. Jesus is the cure, and the rebellious angels are the disease. By taking upon Himself, all the sins of the world, Jesus was condemned to hell, at His point of Death, for God is Just! For three days in Hell, He gave the righteous in Hell(at the time it was called Sheol or land of the dead. In Greek it was Hades) a chance of salvation. So, after the three hours of Great Mercy on the cross, He descended to hell, and went to Adam, to welcome him into heaven. For Adam’s exile from paradise was concluded.
On the day that we call, Easter Sunday, Adam and Eve, the heroes and prophets of the Old Testament, and many others who lived their life by walking in the light of God’s righteousness, gathered at the tomb of Jesus, early Sunday Morning before dawn. And in a blink of an eye, at dawn’s early light were welcomed into heaven. This was testified to by Pilate, and the Temple guards; and Caiaphas, himself, who later retracted his statement.
However, at the moment of Christ’s death, God being a just God had to condemn Jesus. However,
how can the Almighty condemn the Almighty? For Jesus showed the greatest love of all, that is dying for those he loved. This death was not an unrighteous death but a righteous one. For one innocent man, died for all the guilty ones. Allowing the Law to be forever revised to include rules for forgiveness. For the Law of death, eternally became a Law of Life.
A Law of Death, does not change the heart, but a Law of Life does. Remember it is Satan that deceives, ask God, and He will reveal the truth.
If it wasn’t for Jesus, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution would not have been written. But like the Law of Moses, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are laws of Death, it takes a human being to give it life. Therefore, a consideration was made to make all those who accept Christ, to give this law of Death, life. For these laws are nothing without the spirit of God, believing in these principles.
Remember, since the Declaration is the foundation of the Constitution, So is the Law of Moses the foundation of Christianity. And unlike the Constitution being limited, Christianity releases the limitation of the Law of Moses, to make it a choice of Love, instead of a choice of hate.
God Bless you all and enjoy what I have written.