In crisis, and suffering greatly

We need a time, it’s late here in the UK, 23:28, so I bid you good night. I’ll pick up tomorrow before work. There are a lot of very good people here. Like you. They will join with you and synchronize in prayer. I pray for the miracle of peace for you now.



And sing. In tongues even. I have.


I can point to Maggie’s testimony about how God took care of her when she was in desperate straights, and to Rich Stearns, who was not looking for God’s intervention. George Müller’s whole life was an apology. (I love that face! :slightly_smiling_face: look for his autobiography there.)

But since God uses his children to help others, is there a church you can connect with?

I just asked my wife to, and I am and have.


I pray for you, we remind ourselves that God is there for us in our darkest days. I would encourage you to not read internet stuff, but seek good medical care from reliable providers. ALS to me seems unlikely as it occurs in older males more frequently. A good neurologist is the place to go for answers. In the meantime, seek a few believers who can pray with and for you, and you for them.


Please reach out to someone in your real life who can give you support and put you in touch with mental health resources if that is what you need right now. The internet can only get you so much help. I will pray for you that you will sense God’s presence and feel strengthened to face whatever hard realities and future pain might be part of your journey with your health.


Hey, I couldn’t respond until now. I had hit my maximum post limit as a new member. But Laura fixed it for me. It’s interesting to hear that you’ve sung in tongues before. A well respected bishop that I admire, N.T. Wright, speaks in tongues. I was so surprised when I heard him say it. He seems like the farthest thing from a Pentecostal. But he fully believes in speaking in tongues. Tomorrow I’ll look up some of my favorite gospel songs to listen to. They always put me in the right mindset to hear from God. Thank you for the suggestion.

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Thank you very much Dale. I followed all of the links you posted and saved them. I know they’ll be very useful. I don’t have a church right now. But I plan on finding one soon and being in church on Sunday. You guys can hold me to it. Thank you


Thank you for your optimism. I’m honestly really glad for it. I do have an appointment lined up with the doctor soon. I’ll keep everyone updated. And thank you for your prayers. It means a lot.

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Hi, Christy. I’m sorry if I scared anyone. I was having a rough night. I’m somewhat better now though. I called my mother and told her i needed help. She came to spend the night with me and the baby. It helps keep me distracted. I am currently seeing a therapist, but it’s through video chat due to Covid. I’m having a hard time connecting. I did tell my primary care doctor everything that’s been going on with me and she was very understanding. She prescribed me an anti anxiety medication but I was trying to not take it and just tough it out. I took some this evening though and it’s definitely helping. Thank you for your prayers and I’m sorry if I stressed anyone.


Don’t worry about us! You need to take care of you! Medicine is good, I’m glad it’s helping and that you have a support network around you. :slight_smile:


There is nothing weak about taking medication. Not for fevers and not for stress. Life often seems overwhelming. It often is. From a natural position, and from a Christian position, we seem to do better in groups. Imperfect friends and relationships are better than no one. That’s not a excuse for toxic people but it is something to weigh against isolation over little things.

As others have said it’s good to find a church family. Sometimes we need short breaks from them, or specific people or places and just be alone, but we also need to have others to lean on and for them to be able to lean on us. Social media can help with some of it but it always seems like local, in person, relationships are best. After all no one wants to be in a long distance relationship forever.

I always think of this.

James 2:14-17
New American Standard Bible
Faith and Works
14 What use is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? 17 In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

In these verses many often focus solely on the individual’s responsibility of belief and actions lining up. But what I tend to see is that it’s about a community. By that I mean the person starving and needing help is being reached out to by their local disciples. Their congregation is there to help feed them and keep them warm. God never said to just pray and do nothing more. It’s funny to me in a way because it almost seems like the bad ones in this narrative are those just offering prayers. It’s like the others are praying for the needy saying “ god feed them and keep them warm” and walking away. But the disciples who bear the fruit of Christ are the ones inviting them over for food and shelter. Granted I think this is more about the local community as a whole and not the individual.

So it’s beneficial to have that community so that you can get more than just prayers. You mentioned not being able to dedicate much time to hobbies because of your child. But often we can have more free time by having more around. Even if it’s just some other moms around your age coming over and y’all all watching your kids together while watching a movie or something. Sort of like how I really enjoy listening to podcasts. More and more though me and some others gather and just sit together at someone’s house and listen to a podcast together. We are currently going through Wyllis Cooper‘s radio drama “ Lights Out “ from the 30s-40s. Definitely hope that you can continue to grow your social networking and find peace. Even 1-2 friends watching a show with you once a week can be much more fulfilling than binging something alone.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I don’t have any close friends right now that I can gather with. I had kind of gotten used to being isolated. It’s not good for my mental health.
Hopefully when I find a church home, I’ll be able to make some friends there. Please pray that God would lead me to the church He wants me at. Thank you.


Dale, I read Maggie’s testimony on the link you sent. It was very touching, and I honestly believe her 100%. Thank you for sharing that. It encouraged me. It also reminded me of all the times God has shown up in my own life. I guess I’m not so different from Peter when he walked on water to get to Jesus but saw the wind and was afraid. Even though He saw God with his own two eyes and saw him perform miracles.


Just to share a little of my own testimony, my 19 month old daughter was shot at 9 months. We were laying in bed sleep together when a bullet came through the wall and struck her in the back. I woke up out of my sleep to a loud pinging sound. I vaguely felt my chin stinging. I realized later it was shrapnel hitting my chin from a bullet striking my metal headboard. I looked down at my daughter who was crying, and there was a hole in her back and blood. This all happened in the space of a few seconds. I jumped out of bed screaming and yelling for help. My sister called 911 while I sat on the steps screaming and holding my crying daughter. I knew how long it could take an ambulance to get there. But suddenly I saw blue lights at the top of the road, and then two police cars sped down to us. An officer jumped out and ran towards me. I ran towards her carrying my baby. We ran to her squad car and she gave me a cloth to cover and put pressure on the spot on her back. She checked to see if there was an exit wound, which there wasn’t. Then she sped us to the hospital. I was squeezing my daughter and praying to God as she cried. We pulled up to the ambulance entrance where a nurse was waiting for us. I jumped out and the three of us ran into the hospital where there was already a whole team waiting for us.


The nurse took me to one of the big open rooms with the sliding door. She instructed me to lay my daughter on the table. When I laid her down, my daughter tried to get up and come to me. Then officer Danielle led me away to wash my hands. I was barefoot in my pajamas, shirt and hands bloody. They took me to a side room and a chaplain arrived shortly. She asked if she could pray with me and I said yes. So we prayed. I was numb. I couldn’t even cry. Finally the doctor came in and I asked about how my daughter was. He said she was doing pretty good for having been shot. The bullet went in her back, to the side of her spine, and lodged somewhere in her lung. They weren’t exactly sure at the time where it was. They had put in a drain tube in her lung. And she was also intubated. There was a woman standing over her with one of those squeeze balls and her sole job was to breathe for her. They had already had me sign a release form to have her airlifted to Levine’s Children’s hospital in Charlotte. I was able to hold her hand and she squeezed my finger while we waited. It seemed like it took forever for the helicopter to come. But from the time we were first woken up out of our sleep, to when I was standing in Levine Children’s hospital was no more than 2 hours.


We spent one day in the PICU and 6 days in the regular part. They didn’t have to remove the bullet. They just covered it with gauze and let her body heal around it. She only received one unit of blood. By the time we got out of the hospital, she was pretty much back to her normal herself. You’d never know it happened if not for the scars on her back. God really took care of us.


This is a screenshot of a video I took in the hospital. I was able to pump and the nurse fed her with the bottle.



Welcome, Brittany. I hope you find this forum a place of refuge. Don’t worry about your doubts. Francis Collins spoke at length about his faith at a World Science Festival event in Brisbane, and he pointed out that doubt is a part of faith.


Hello Brittany,
I’m praying for you and your daughter right now.
Here are specific benedictions that I’m praying for you and that you can also pray, when your mouth is empty of words and your heart won’t budge:

Romans 8:38-39 - For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 11:33, 11:36 - Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

2 Corinthians 13:14 - The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Ephesians 3:17-19 - (May) Christ dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3:20-21 - Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 6:23-24 – Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

To repeat what others have said, you need real humans in your life as well, in the form of a church. I know finding a church feels risky and scary. Maybe you know of one already. Right now it’s Wednesday, but Sunday’s coming. I encourage you to find a place to start going for this week.

If you would like to investigate a completely different kind of online group that is very supportive, the Theology Gals facebook group is a good one. Their focus is reformed theology, but focus a lot on prayer requests.

God bless you.