Are those people under 30 all doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who work directly with Covid patients?
Right now in my state, they’re starting with healthcare and nursing homes, though I don’t know if the nursing homes have actually gotten started yet. They might be planning to use Moderna for that, and we got Pfizer first. The hospital here can handle the Pfizer vaccine. A nursing home can’t.
After those two groups, they will start on people over 75, like my parents. Now my parents are high risk of serious disease if they get the virus, but since they live at home and are staying away from people, they’re much lower risk of getting the disease than a 25 year old nurse working the ER. So I’m ok with the nurse getting the vaccine before my parents, but I’m also glad my parents are tier 1b for getting the vaccine. I’m way at the bottom of the list, so it will be several months before I get it. In the meantime, I wear a mask when I deliver my parents’ groceries and talk to them a bit, and I keep my distance from them.
It looks like you began with pitting “governors telling people they will get sick” vs. God telling someone in a particular situation they wouldn’t get sick.
I tried to point out that it doesn’t matter what governors think, it matters what the science of how the virus spreads are and which activities have increased risks.
I shared with you some of excess deaths (people who would not have died this year otherwise without getting COVID-19) in Texas.
You then ignored this and said “I don’t know the numbers” and then you mused that nobody knows why certain states are doing poorly with COVID-19 cases and then figured this was too off-topic. Getting back on topic you added:
There’s a lot to unpack in this final paragraph, but it sounds like you don’t trust people who don’t trust in God? What about people that do trust him and accept the leading science:
No need to unpack anything. I explained most of what you are seemingly stymied about. Or are you trying to make some point or statement about my delivery?
The reality is: “in their world” Governor’s are indeed making decisions for a lot of us. Especially in my state (RI). And by saying they are guided by “the science”. Then go on to break their own rules that are guided by this science. Obviously their science is only for the masses.
Florida & Texas have very low C19 death rates compared to the more locked down states. I supported that statement with a link that I provided. I don’t know actual numbers? Just what I’m told or read about. I have no firsthand knowledge. Nor do I know “why” some states are doing better than others in that metric. Apparently the “science” doesn’t explain this either. Do you know what “laws of nature” are involved here?
Apparently, you don’t comprehend much that I write. I’m sorry if I’m being vague, in your opinion. Maybe we have a basic disconnect? I find that with atheists, or people lacking spirituality. But anyway, I don’t see what it is that you are complaining about? I went on to explain both my trust in God that he will work in any way that suits Him. And that I would accept whatever way it is. That would include working through others. Even if they are not spiritual or believe in Him. Also, I didn’t say I “don’t trust” people. I said; “I have a hard time listening to them”. This relates to myself, when I wasn’t close to God. I didn’t make “good” decisions. Yet, according to you it shouldn’t matter what my personal feelings are. Even when the science and its authorities have proven to be lacking during this pandemic. Or am I drawing a wrong opinion of you? Or twisting words as you have with me?
I’d rather have you ask me for clarification. If that is what you want? I will return the favor. Otherwise, some may draw opinions based on your, or my speculation of context or intent. Thx, Ron
Obviously not? Then you feel free to drive on the wrong side of the road at any time, and would advocate that others do, too? You would tell someone from the U.K., “Sure, it’s okay to drive on the left side of the road – we don’t let the government decide what is best for our health.”
How about reckless driving laws and residential, business and school zone speed limits? Are they not about the government telling us what is good for the health of the general population?
You say so… I never make a habit of telling anyone to do anything. Unless it affects me directly. Government has no control or power except what is given to them by the masses. Driving dangerously is a decision. Any other riddles? I’m hoping for the punchline, or reasoning behind these obviously leading questions. Or, are you just playing w/ me?
I’m just try ing to make the obvious case that, yes, we do let and support governmental legislation and enforcement that prescribes what health-related behaviors should be (not to mention that scripture tells us to obey).
Submitting to behavioral recommendations and mandates regarding COVID is no different. The wearing of seatbelts is a legitimate mandate, but back in the day there were those who opposed it, and I suspect there still are, because it infringes on their freedumb. I won’t go into all the details about how wearing seatbelts (and also motorcycle helmets) improves the economy for all of us, including those who do not drive vehicles or ride motorcycles.The wearing of masks in this COVID era is pretty much an exact parallel.
It has nothing to do with fear. It has way more to do with good sense.
I have heard some people say some things that I did not believe God really told them. Examples include:
God told me that I was going to win the lottery.
God told me that you should go into business with me.
And the related “God is leading me to buy a Volvo.”
On the other hand, I have seen God lead people to say and do things that were clearly miraculous.
I am reminded of the saying that economists predicted 15 of the last 5 recessions. God spoke directly a few of the last dozens of times people thought they heard him.
This is why in 1 Corinthians 14, Paul said that a prophet should speak and then others should judge it.
Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said.