Humor in Science and Theology



What about spitting up? :grin: (And that is denominationist, not PC. ← That’s politically correct, not Presbyterian or Pentecostal Church. :slightly_smiling_face:)

Took this Baptist Kid a moment. I was 16 or 17 when I was immursed. Really hoping no one had peed in the baptismal tank!


i vaguely remember posting this sometime before, but with 5000 posts, could not find it, so forgive me if repeating myself, as I love The Farside:


But you only made 388 of them. :grin: (Or 386 – Discourse can’t decide.)


I’m not finding the way to see that datum on myself, but I estimate that about 220 are from me. Maybe I can increase that by posting parts of The Pun-Dementals: Biblical Limericks From Verse to Bad. For me (or my father) to do that wouldn’t violate its copyright.

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218 (± 2 because I don’t trust Discourse’s counting :grin:). You can’t see your own at the top of the thread below the OP?

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I was sucked down this rabbit hole. I think some of her other stuff is a bit funnier, but thought this would be a good introduction.


The McRib would have to be a son of Eve though, wouldn’t it?

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It’s also not buried under Oak Island by the Knights Templar after they took it from where King Arthur put it 

Yes, someone has claimed that the Knights Templar buried the grail under Oak Island.

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West around the corner from Cape Fear? :grin:

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The Nova Scotia One.

Outstanding. I have a new favorite, Phil!

Shame on you
 Pulling me and my family down into the rabbit hole right after you!

Her questions to the Egyptologist “why are the pyramids that shape? Was it to keep the homeless people from camping out on them? 
 And did they build them from the top down or the bottom up?”

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That point is rather memorably made in Germs (the Weird Al song from about 2010).

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I hope Library Science isn’t stretching “science” to thin in the humor thread. If you know librarians, you know this:

This would also be appropriate in the closed thread “What do we Mean When we Talk About Meaning?”
Come to think of it, I’m coming on 25 years in the next few




I can’t do that because my arms don’t fit through the gap on the chairs far enough.

Sorry, I’m sure that you made a witty rejoinder, but I can’t recall what you are responding to :slight_smile: Can you remind me? Thanks