And if any were in use in Meteora, doubly so.
- has an Argument Clinic. I wonder if they take Medicare patients.
To be honest, I’ve only ever read about Schrodinger and philosophy here …but I thought it was funny.
I think the cartoonist mistranslated whatever Hebrew it was that he inferred stood for GPS.
Given that written Hebrew of that date doesn’t include vowels, those letters could be a number of different words. I checked our exhaustive concordance, and neither (גּףס in their modern forms) nor
(גּףשׂ in their modern forms) are words or series of words in Hebrew.
I’ll take your words for it.
You could talk to Milo of Croton about it? (One wonders how high he could count or how well he could multiply.)
We use to say something similar in church like 15 years ago concerning the great commission. It was if you get one person to believe in God and come to church a year, in one generation the world would be saved. That’s with you baptizing someone into Christ who then the next year both of y’all do it followed by everyone plus the new people the following year and so on.
Good to see you, Dillon!
What separates the soul from the brain?
That is not a question that we have to answer for everyone.
Psychic hit by a car … and he never saw it coming?!
Well - givem a break! He was obviously off-duty!
I always wonder what they did in a drought – maybe really long ropes and buckets?
Now I’m picturing a drill rig on top. Maybe a helicopter got it there?
There are monasteries in Greece that were built stone by stone carried up narrow paths by monks; there are a couple where there weren’t even any paths; the first guys did rock-climbing, and later obtained ropes with which they hauled up essentials that were provided by admirers – and when they finally decided to build something more substantial than rude tents the bricks and mortar also went up in baskets on ropes, and the only workmen allowed up were those willing to never go down again.
And water? The same way I expect, for what rain collection did not provide. (The stepped roofs in Bermuda are interesting, to slow down the runoff to not overflow the collection gutters, plus hillsides covered with something non-absorbant to catch rain.)