Humor in Science and Theology

Rats, they don’t have an emoji arrow that’s right. Just click on Randy, Randy. :grin:


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got it! the “trying to impress the ladies at church by carrying as many fold up chairs as you can” one!

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Just heard a relevant joke I found funny while watching “ Joe Bob Briggs’s The Last Drive-In “ steaming on shudder live.

An alcoholic man who was drunk suffering from a hangover was trying to find a place to park early in the morning to nap but could find nothing. A storm was coming in and so he prayed to god “ lord please help me find an empty parking lot and I’ll get sober and never drink again “. Suddenly the stormy clouds parted and a the sun was shining brightly and then rays landed right on an empty parking spot. The drunk looked at it and said, “ oh thank god never mind lord I found one “ lol.


(I’ve found that you can carry three of the folded metal Samson chairs in one hand fairly easily if you turn one the other way around, thusly: ))( ←⁠These are metal chair backs.   This is a close parenthesis⁠→⁠⁠)

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The trick is the chairs interlock for stacking, so you only have to hold two and prop the rest onto your hips bones. I used to do that when working at our county fair when the gym/showroom/auditorium had to be emptied of four hundred folding chairs in five minutes, but I wasn’t carrying them far, mostly lifting them high enough to swing onto the mobile rack that carried fifty.
If you lack ‘padding’ above your hips, it’s also painful after the first two seconds.


I’ve tried that, and the folding chairs at our church don’t hold together well enough for that to work (enough not matching or slightly warped). Also, I can’t open the requisite doors for the longer-distance moving when I have more than 2 per hand.


Depends on what poison–one of the 18th century naturalists fed the meat from a Carolina Parakeet (for a stuffed specimen) to the cat, and the cat died from something the parakeet had eaten. Apparently, a lot of psittaciforms can tolerate plant toxins that most mammals can’t.


Oldy but a goody.


Salt water came out of the faucet?

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Hm, I hadn’t thought of that. Honestly, if I found a wet copy of the book I had just thrown off a pier in my bedside drawer, I wouldn’t have thought to test it to find out. But I live in Michigan, where the water is unsalted, and may not think of it!
I thought you’d like this one.


I probably wouldn’t have either – maybe more of a smell than ‘wet new book’ though? (I’m sure Lake Michigan could compete. :grin:) Someone reading that kind of stuff that recently would likely be too freaked to notice anyway.

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My quarterly contribution. As Wittgenstein observed, if a lion could talk, we would not understand it.

credit: Existential Comics

Edit that mods can delete if it’s too political: This comic makes me laugh but reminds me of trying to talk to my MAGA relatives. Try as I might to find common ground, they’re living in an alternate reality, and we don’t speak the same language anymore.


Shibboleth, anyone? :grin:

A thousand, thousand :heart: :heart:. I realized just today how I was missing “a bit o’Wittgenstein.”
Thanks, Jay.

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The demons purged the book of salt, obviously. :wink:



This checks out:

xkcd: Real Estate Analysis



I was reminded of this from a post in a PM (this is about science be cause it involves acoustics ; - ) …

  :grin: (*Or substitute a member of whatever your favorite prejudice is.)

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