Humor in Science and Theology

New Science Fiction Movie – “65”

Astronaut Adam Driver accidentally drives his spaceship back in time and crashes into the earth of 65 million years ago. And he is attacked by dinosaurs??? Well, the famous asteroid that killed off the non-avian dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and most big, scary stuff happened 66 million years ago. So nothing much would be around to hurt you 65 million years ago–just some tiny chittering mammals, birds, insects and the like.


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Decent sized crocodilians, sharks, and cephalopods would still be potential problems. They were about the only carnivores over 100 kg to survive K-T. Novel-to-humans parasites and disease agents could also be an issue.


Well, it’s not really science or faith, but it comes up here enough that I think it’s appropriate, particularly lately:


That’s an interesting idea…but what do you do when theorists seek out books like those by Judy Mikovitz, Kennedy, Graham Hancock, and so on? Thanks.

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Oooh. Randy, I haven’t heard of them–or forgot I had. What do I need to know?

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You probably just gently steer them towards good resources… Mikovits was a scientist who starred in Plandemic and wrote against masks, Robert F Kennedy Jr is an anti masker who wrote “The Real Anthony Fauci,” and Hancock believes(like the Giants of North America) that there is a conspiracy to suppress knowledge about advanced ancient civilizations like Atlantis, I think. We all struggle. It is a hard one. I have unintentionally sounded harsh in talking with people about masks and shots … I need to be sensitive and listen. I could learn from librarians.

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I am not always so gentle, rather stern and honest. I taught high school before. There are people who mistake me for a therapist. If I can turn the conversation toward a library-related issue (how to set up a password for your library card or research dead relatives) I will. Otherwise, I try to end the conversation tactfully. That’s hard.

I have had to tell a patron that since she rejected the newspapers we have for her to do research on current events, I had nothing to provide her with.

Most people who are looking for conspiracy stuff don’t come to us, though. Since we’re a government institution. We’re tainted already. And we are all in in the cult. We’ve drunk the koolaid. Our minds are unrecoverable.


Oh no … how far does the deep state go?!


At least as deep as my windowless basement office where I lingered for over a year, trying to make it work with crappy internet and lousy lighting. At least I got myself a nifty little crank-up-and-down desk to replace the put-it-together-yourself one I bought in college in 1986. (It took about 6 months before I could tolerate to be in my home office for more than 10 minutes after WFH (Work From Home).

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Hopefully he’d be smart enough to stay out of the water. But never say never.

Yeah, but they wouldn’t be the huge parasites like the Xenomorphs in the Alien franchise. They would probably just be little guys that shed eggs in your poop.

btw, isn’t it curious that nobody has ever though to make a movie about getting lost in space before?





I’m dying over here, @pevaquark! This IS my cousin’s husband.

Have them pretend that they are in a pre-professional curriculum class or a graduate level class where the best students compete for front row seats (and on the left side if the professor is right-handed).

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Maybe the asteroid flyby is a little closer than thought…


I came across this on Russell Moore’s blog, and it is so true:

Quote of the Moment

No one over the age of 30 can recognize Grammy winners and no one under the age of 30 watches the Grammys on television.

—Philip Bump, in his new book The Aftermath: The Last Days of the Baby Boom and the Future of Power in America (Viking)


Yesterday was Saint Brigid’s Day