So, an example is, over the course of a day or two I had very bad days and had certain outbursts of anger against people close to me, and was stewing in rage on those days. At one point during this I talked to her on the phone and out of nowhere she shared this story from her life about a woman who claimed to be Christian but acted very unloving against her relative. I explained that I agreed with her and was angry and having trouble loving people lately. And she said, yes, it looked like God wanted her to share this story for a reason.
On her divorce and remarriage thing when I pointed out where in scripture that it made an exception for divorce she got really angry and actually insulted me during the conversation and left. And later on I was talking to her about it just saying I saw the Bible verse and followed it, and we talked back and forth and she said to study this one Bible verse that confirmed her position, and told me it wouldn’t work because my heart was hardened. Well, I went to the verse and was for a short time convinced (sue me, I was not an expert on divorce and remarriage in the Bible at that time), but then I studied more and came to doubt her again. The point was though that my heart was not hardened and I called her out on speaking falsely. I didn’t tell her that I was going back and forth weighing the options on this doctrine, but she then told me that my heart was still hardened because I was going back and forth and was undecided about it. She didn’t know that because I didn’t tell her.
Then there was the time we were arguing and she was being very insulting to my region of the country, the South, and she didn’t know that her version of Christianity basically comes from here, and she denied it saying the Bible Belt was evil, and talking all kinds of trash about it. And I responded by telling her she was a Southern evangelical and she immediately goes, “how is your Bible reading going?” When I ignored her she kept going on about my Bible reading. I had missed my Bible reading yesterday.
Things like that and other things. Maybe she is really just very good at guessing things but she says that God puts thoughts in her head and that’s how she knows these things.
However, one time I asked her about quantum physics as a test to see what she would say about it, specificially if consciousness causes collapse. She didn’t understand quantum physics very well, or what I was asking, and had a very sketchy answer… let me see if I can find it…
Okay, her text says this.
Wow. Quantum science sucks and is beyond boring. So having you explain didn’t help much. But all I can tell you is this. God tells me yes there are souls. And physical isn’t required as an observer for anything to exist just so long as there is at least one soul/consciousness in existence. Physical exists by the unphysical only so never alone. But unphysical is energy, power, and consciousness in itself. It also cannot collapse or need anything to be. It can expand or decrease but never cease… on it’s own Sorry can’t do a yes or no answer. Don’t get your question or your explaination even. So I hope what I can tell you is enough.
Now I’m pretty sure that is not what is meant by collapse in quantum physics. Collapse means the collapse of the wave function upon measurement, not things ceasing, (this came up because I asked if the Spirit world acts like the physical world with something akin to the wave function collapse upon measurement, a hypothesis of mine that I won’t go into) if that is indeed what she meant. I’m not a scientist or that literate in it beyond the basics so i’d like a more scientifically literate person to review this statement.
There was also another spooky incedent where she was talking about how God put thoughts in her head, and as I responded a very strong thought popped into my head that said “I WILL KILL YOU!” When I told her about it, she told me it was Satan and that he couldn’t kill me because God had not given him permission, and he was just trying to scare me.