How John 3 explains how to interpret Genesis One (Changed Topic Title)

Creation according to Genesis 1:1-2 and John 3 con’t

Here is a graphic to explain what the above means. The illustration is to show the complete creation of all material things were done within Genesis 1:1-2. All that follows is after is Cosmic Temple Narrative.

The combined tri-unity of the Godhood. Each primary RBG color bleed into one another providing a visual representation of how three separate things can be combined into one unified whole, three-in-one.

YHWH Father. Color Blue for Royalty.

YESHUA Jesus, Son. Sits at right hand of Father. Color, Red for Royalty and humanity (Blood)

Holy Spirit, Color Green for Life.

Creation comes out of the center of the godhood, crafted by Jesus (hand of creation, the “seen” and Holy Spirit “unseen”. Both together the same way the colors above blend together. The Material and the Spirit world are both mixed together with the seen unable to see the unseen (with exceptions).

Note: This is my work I have spent years on it. This is its first outing! I would appreciate if you would credit me if you copy this for any reason. Thank you!


Ray :sunglasses:

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