Is the spiritual less real?

Take a look at the chart I put up over in a now closed topic: How John 3 explains how to interpret Genesis One (Changed Topic Title):

It is my graphic representation of how both the “Spiritual” and the “Physical” are both separate yet coterminous with each other. They were both made out of the same “essence” coming from Elohim tri-unity, with the physical via the Son, and the spiritual out of Holy Spirit, while the are also both completely mixed. Note the color blending to represent the mixture, and yet the difference between the two.

We are created (however it occurred) as a a physical being, with “the Set-Apart Breath of Elohim” breathed into us.

The trouble we are discussing here is that if we believe that, then how do we explain “what we cannot see”.

Jesus explained it to Nicodemus quite clearly. Only he has the means for us to “see the unseen”.

That we argue about if it is “real” is because we don’t trust anything we can’t see. It requires faith.

Blessings on the “Lord’s Day”.

Ray :sunglasses:

@gbrooks9 Apologies to George, Decided to carry another cup of water over to my precious “plant”… :grin: