Please bear with me, this is going to be a long text.
I’m having difficulty understanding Galatians 2:11-13 as I couldn’t come to a conclusion that hypocrisy was present in that incident. Allow me to first share my cultural perspective on hypocrisy.
In my cultural viewpoint, it’s inappropriate for Mr.X to immediately judge Mr.Y as a hypocrite. Mr.X should first to know the reason behind Mr.Y’s action on that specific day. Only if Mr.X frequently witnesses Mr.Y act which not align to what he used to say/believe, then Mr.X may conclude that Mr.Y is a hypocrite. In summary, my cultural lens emphasizes understanding context and consistency before judging someone as a hypocrite.
Paul revealed of what’s in his mind: “it’s because Peter was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group”
. In my cultural perspective, this assertion lacks evidence; it merely exists as a thought in Paul’s mind regarding Peter’s fear of the circumcision group.
Anyway, even if there were evidence, such as a verse where Paul privately asks Peter, “Why did you separate yourself?” and Peter responds, “Because I was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group”, my cultural viewpoint still deems it inappropriate for Paul to judge Peter as a hypocrite if it is because afraid/pressure/fear of something. So, because of my cultural view, I can’t see that hypocrisy was present in the “Incident at Antioch”.
I asked ChatGpt if there is a different view of hypocrisy from each culture.
ChatGpt’s answer is Yes. Something like below:
- A. In one culture, a strict rule about hypocrisy is applied without consideration for the reasons behind an action. People in this culture can directly judge Mr. X as a hypocrite based on a single observation of Mr.X’s action contradicting his beliefs or statements. This judgment is immediately accepted as truth by the people in this culture.
- B. In another culture, a reason is demanded before judging Mr. X as a hypocrite if it’s based on a single observation of Mr. X’s actions contradicting his beliefs or statements (B is similar to my cultural view).
Up to this point, my focus has been on Paul’s judgment of Peter as a hypocrite (what is in Paul’s mind).
Now about the confrontation (Paul’s rebuke).
Paul confronted Peter because Peter’s refusal to eat with the Gentiles contradicted what Peter had long since recognized: that the Gospel was for Gentiles too. Because of the vision Peter had received at the house of Simon the tanner (Acts 10:9–15, 28), he felt free to eat with the Gentiles. Galatians 2:11-14 – Paul Opposes Peter - Seeking Our God
From the article’s quote above, my own conclusion is that the article places “The Incident At Antioch” after Peter’s Cornelius event (following Peter’s vision).
However, when I read verse 14:
“If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?”
Based on the verse above, it seems to me that the incident happened before Peter’s vision.
So, I asked ChatGpt to provide a conclusion from the same rebuke (verse 14) with two different conditions: (X) The incident happened before Peter’s vision. (Y) The incident happened after Peter’s vision.
Here is ChatGpt’s answer for X:
- If the incident occurred before Peter’s vision, it would suggest that Peter, despite living among Gentiles and adopting some aspects of their lifestyle, still held onto traditional Jewish beliefs to force circumcision for Gentile converts. This interpretation aligns with Paul’s rebuke, questioning why Peter force Gentiles to conform to Jewish practices when he himself did not do so (eating together with Gentiles).
To me, it’s interesting result about Peter where if X the result is “bla” and if Y the result is “blo” although both based on the same rebuke words.
I’ve searched the internet quite deep, but I fail to find the things I’d like to know. So there are two key points in my question :
- Is there any writing from Church Fathers about the cultural view of ‘hypocrisy’ during the Apostles’ era?
- Regarding Paul’s rebuke, was the “Incident At Antioch” before or after Peter’s vision?
Thank you and I’m sorry if it’s too long.