Like I said, bizarre! But maybe pharisaically appealing, in that there would be a checklist to get sins forgiven and thus easier to avoid examining or yielding your heart? (And avoiding true remorse, confession and repentance.)
follow your concordance and bible referencing Dale…you really need to stop following the words of seemingly intelligent church leaders and just read your bible (i am simply posting included cross referencing and bible passages…none of what you will read below is my own interpretation)
Read the following in their entirety. If you are genuine you will read them all and take special note of exactly what Romans 6:20-23 and James 1 are actually saying…we are freed from sin by Christs sacrifice…it is not because the law got thrown out the window. WE all know the law has never saved anyone…we were never saved under the law. That is a biblical theme intiated by God in Genesis when he warned Adam and Eve “do not eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden”…this was a command of obedience which they failed to follow)
Genesis 2:1-11
Exodus 16-22-30
Romans 6:20-23 20For when you were slaves to sin, you were free of obligation to righteousness. 21What fruit did you reap at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? The outcome of those things is death. 22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and the outcome is eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
James 1: 25 25But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom, and continues to do so—not being a forgetful hearer, but an effective doer—he will be blessed in what he does.
Hebrews 4:1-11
Revelation 14:12
The Sabbath command is entirely about worship and salvation. The passages of scripture in the above references i have provided, and these arent just single texts btw, they are dozens of verses all about the same thing…these are directly linking the institution of the Sabbath with salvation and redemption. And that is the entire point of the bible. God is trying to redeem us back to Himself…to return everything to its former glory before sin entered this world and corrupted it!
We were cut off from God when Adam and Eve sinned…that i believe is the significance of the sabbath, its the very commandment that is found in between the two parts of the golden rule Christ gave us.
Love the Lord thy God with All thy heart and mind and soul and (Commandments 1-3)
Sabbath (commandment 4)
Love thy neighbor as thyself (commandments 5-10)
When we read Revelation 14:12 regarding the patience of the saints what do we read…Keep Gods commands and the testimony of Jesus. Christ not only followed the commandments (he is the only man alive who did) and he also modeled to us exactly how we are supposed to love our neighbor. The significant thing is, Christ kept the Sabbath!
The Holy Spirit did not include the Sabbath in His reduction of the Old Testament rules:
For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements: that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality.
That has nothing to do do with a weekly Sabbath, it has to do with this:
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
I guess the Holy Spirit is “very very mistaken” then.
He did. But if you get the gist of the whole New Testament (I’m at all sure you do), a, if not the, main thrust is the exaltation of Christ. Read the little essay with that in mind, what our Father’s heart wants.
written like you were raised by Seventh Day Adventists…so why the issue with my earlier post where you dissgreed with my theology?
I have read it quite quickly however, my theology appears to me to be the same as what you have posted in your Google doc reference!
Is your point of contention simply that you cannot accept that entering into the rest of the Lords Sabbath is direct evidence for the literal Creation in six days?
that is a misconception…how can you call an institution (ie the Sabbath days rest) that is specifically enacted in remembrance of our Creator (ie entering into His rest), a shadow? Christ modeled that very institution you call a shadow!
We’ve already talked about that, that they were Jews and that they were familiar with The Sermon on the Mount? So I think it is superficial to avoid it.
That’s almost funny. You have very obviously not read well, not understanding it at all, let alone thoughtfully considered it. The very title is a big hint.
premable statement that i believe sums up your entire thesis. (or at least thats what i thought opening paragraphs/statements are supposed to do) =" it would be better to say
that it [the Sabbath Commandment] is especially close to h[H]is heart."
(I’ve corrected a grammatical error…words referencing our creator in the bible are always capitalized. Obviously, they didn’t have this in the original language. however, we do have the ability to acknowledge God where appropriate)
Im sorry but if the above are not what you mean, then you have completely lost me
If you capitalize every pronoun that refers to God it becomes affected and does not enhance smooth reading.
In your hurry to be right about something, anything , why did you not capitalize Creator? (I would have.) So what have you actually corrected? And more to the point, it would be far better to correct your reading and thoughtful understanding of the essay. But no. You have your rash and rushed agenda.
I am not submitting a thesis in document form where spell checkers and grammatical checkers should be used before publishing. Yours is apparently a well-thought-out and well-referenced article of belief on the matter. That is a far cry from forum posts in small windows within a web browser.
Again, your opening statement in the essay states the following
" it would be better to say
that it [the Sabbath Commandment] is especially close to h[H]is heart."
Are you disagreeing with your own opening statement or was this simply an error in your well-referenced essay?
BTW the following in your footnotes is worrying…"Ann Voskamp, in her excellent book on thankfulness, One Thousand Gifts, suggests that fear, not doubt, may be the opposite of faith. Certainly, being fearful is not trusting and resting in God.*
I disagree with Anne’s view on this… I do not believe that God has ever presented himself as a one-sided tyrant but maybe i am just not privy to the entirety of her book and so i might be taking it at face value. Fearing God in spiritual terms is not being scared of Him…that is not the type of worship the bible endorses. However, if she is simply referring to those who “call out to the rocks to fall on them” in Revelation…alrighty then!
BTW I really like your google document…you have clearly put a lot of thought and work into it and i intend to keep it as a reference if thats ok. I will add a caveat though, the hidden theme of your epilogue appears to suggest prophetic enlightenment and that is worrying for me. Even as a Seventh Day Adventist, whilst i do believe in inspiration, i do not claim EG White to be above the bible or even use her views on doctrine as my authority…rarely will you ever see me quote her and there is good reason for this…hence my worry about that aspect of your epilogue!
oh…i should add the “why” to my above statement about enlightenment…I believe that history has shown us that God has progressively withdrawn his…hmm how do i say this… for want of better in the moment…God has increasingly withdrawn direct communication from us since the cross. I am not explaining this well (im sure as i talk my way through it, the right explanation of what i mean will eventually come out). SDA’s will claim that the last of the prophets of God is EG White…i dont have a position on this claim personally.
Are you majoring on the minors? I already said why it is not necessary to capitalize every pronoun. Not just incidentally, you avoided addressing your failure to capitalize Creator.
And how in the world is using a different capitalization convention than yours disagreeing with my own statement? You can be quite bizarre.
Huh, interesting. That would be an incorrect inference. Besides, as a Christian, you should not worry.
And with all of that, it still does not seem that you understood it very well, only addressing things on the periphery and none of the main points.
You should put a little more thought into understanding the rest of it, because you belief about that is not unlike others of yours: you are incorrect.
I do not know any prophets like those in the OT, which is understandable because we have now the biblical scriptures and the revelation in them. In the OT, God informed His will through prophets at least partly because there were no other ways available. Copies of the existing pieces of scriptures were probably very rare, they were also mainly communication through prophets, and unknown to almost all people. In this sense, there is less OT-type direct communication by God.
On the other hand, if we are speaking of the type of prophecying and revelations that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12-14, there may be more direct communication from God than before. Pentecostal churches and groups are globally the dominant sort of Christianity today. These churches and groups teach “full gospel” in the sense that they believe that also 1 Corinthians 12-14 should be applied today. There is much immaturity in the use of the gifts, including prophecying that comes from human misunderstandings rather than God, but there are also lots of genuine direct communication from God.
As always when a message comes through a human, the message gets ‘flavor of the vessel’ in the sense that the message is expressed in a personal way, using the language and words of the person prophecying but the core of the message can be directly from God. There is a need to test what is said, not to believe everything that is said but take what passes the testing. Even after testing, there are much direct communication or other types of revelation from God.
I have experienced personally many cases where a believer got information or a message from God that revealed something that the person could not know. In some cases, it lead to the repentance of the person that confessed what was revealed, matters like adultery (these messages were typically told in privacy, not before a large group of listeners to avoid shaming the person, even when the revelation was given to the believer in a situation where there were many present). In other cases, the hidden matters revealed strengthened the faith of a person as they showed that God knows even the hidden matters and was compassionate towards the person. There were also other type of communications that were shown to be true.
If a denomination teaches that direct communication by God has ended, it is natural that there is no or at most very little communication from God in those circles. What happens inside that kind of bubbles does not tell the whole truth.
As far as I have understood, the idea of Temple sacrifices being resumed comes from a particular interpretation of the Revelation. If those parts that speak of sacrifices are interpreted to happen in the future, then Temple sacrifices have to be resumed or the interpretation of Revelation needs to be changed.
Whether or not any Christians hope to see Temple sacrifices resumed is irrelevant and a nonsense pipedream. Rebuilding the Temple anywhere outside of Jerusalem is not the hope of any Jew. Rebuilding it in Jerusalem, however, and resuming sacrifices there is a hope and goal of some Jews, most commonly Orthodox Jews, I think.