God's Stories as Told by God's Children

This looks like a neat Bible book for kids that’s (hopefully) coming out next year. I’m still deciding if I want to back it, but I really like this idea of a collectively told story that isn’t invested in literalism and acknowledges the “multivocality” of the Bible. It’s got Pete Enns, Jared Byas, Shane Claiborne, and many others involved.


I for one am very excited about this project by The Bible for Normal People. My wife and I are children’s ministers at a small church, and we really STRUGGLE to find curriculum that doesn’t set kids up for disappointment as soon as they are old enough for serious study of science and history. Further, we really want the kids we care for to have a foundation that prepares them to understand the multivocality of the Bible once they’re old enough.


I hope it ends up working well for you! It looks like you aren’t the only one who wants it… the project ended up being funded waaaay beyond the original goal.

I just found out about another one that was published only a few days ago that I might have to check out:

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Gods natural truth. By Phyllis McCullough. Its children book , for all young Christians. Shepherds chapel sells it on Google. Its a book list.

Just sharing it. If anyone is interested.

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