God in the Bible vs other religions

This was posted in another thread, but it certainly seems appropriate here as well:

This too:

This photo is NOT from a German Bible. It’s a dictionary of bible terms.

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I liked getting the early connections between different religious traditions.

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Oddly, Terry_Sampson cannot find the thread in which he said what riversea says he claimed, which is not surprising because riversea has substantial difficulty in understanding things that Terry_Sampson says and in finding them again after she says he claimed them.

This was probably what she was referring to?…

# For You Are My God By John Foley,S J

For you are my God by John Foley, SJ

  1. You give marvelous comrades to me:
    the faithful who dwell in Your land.
    Those who choose alien gods
    have chosen an alien band.

  2. You are my portion and cup;
    It is You that I claim for my prize.
    Your heritage is my delight,
    the lot you have given to me.

  3. Glad are my heart and my soul
    Securely my body will rest
    For you will not leave me for dead
    Nor lead your beloved astray

  4. You show me the path for my life
    In your presence the fullness of joy
    To be at your right hand forever
    For me would be happiness always

Auf Deutsch:

  1. Du gibst mir wunderbare Kameraden:
    die Gläubigen, die in deinem Land wohnen.
    Diejenigen, die fremde Götter wählen
    haben sich für eine außerirdische Band entschieden.

  2. Du bist mein Anteil und Kelch;
    Du bist es, den ich für meinen Preis beanspruche.
    Dein Erbe ist meine Freude,
    das Los, das du mir gegeben hast.

  3. Froh sind mein Herz und meine Seele
    Sicher wird mein Körper ruhen
    Denn du wirst mich nicht dem Tode überlassen
    Führe deinen Geliebten auch nicht in die Irre

  4. Du zeigst mir den Weg für mein Leben
    In deiner Gegenwart die Fülle der Freude
    Für immer an deiner rechten Hand zu sein
    Für mich wäre Glück immer

  • So @riversea, I know how busy you are, but I have a question for you and Bharat and anybody else in the world you may want to consult.

  • I ask the question because you and Bharat believe that you are or are becoming one with the Universal Collective Conscious and contribute to making “God”, which I assume includes: Yahweh, Allah, and Brahman.

  • So while you’re busy "making God/Yahwe/Allah/Brahaman et al." have you ever wondered what to do do with Psalm 95?

  • What does Psalm 95 say, you ask? Here’s a copy of it:

      1. Come, let us sing for joy to Yahweh; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
      2. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
      3. For Yahweh is the great God, the great King above all gods.
      4. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him.
      5. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.
      6. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
      7. for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
        Today, if only you would hear his voice,
      8. “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,[as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness,
      9. where your ancestors tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
      10. For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray, and they have not known my ways.’
      11. So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
  • Psalm 95 tells me that Yahweh doesn’t sound like the kind of God who shares his glory with anyone else. In other words, He kind of frowns on idolatry, which is what you two are doing.

  • I agree with psalm 95

  • allowing God teach me and feed me in my spirit heart, not to harden heart means allow be fed in spirit heart., and allow listen to God

  • when I read the words you wrote of Psalm 95 I agree with this.,

  • when I’m angry harden heart blocking, I’ll allow Holy Spirit teach me, in the midst of blocking, what is going on that I’m blocking, how to allow Holy Spirit more and blocking less, and I learn from this too. I have a personal relationship with Holy Spirit through all my situations

  • So I can relate with this song.

@bharatjj @jim1 @MelekRimaye what is panpsychism?

Can we have a discussion what is panpsychism?

  • What is panpsychism?

  • please show me how to have a value discussion here at Biologos, where people have value. Please teach me how to do this. I appreciate this thank you

@jim1 wrote: One of the most challenging puzzles for philosophers and scientists is how did consciousness originate? Did it emerge from the complexity of neurons or is there some other explanation? The idea of panpsychism grew out of the realization that consciousness could not have emerged solely from the material elements of the periodic table unless those elements had a spark of consciousness. It is an interesting idea, but how would one test it. Another idea that is not amenable to testing is the Greek idea of the logos which refers to words which are the outer manifestation of self - consciousness. Max Planck, the discoverer of quanta as he immersed himself in the developing theory of quantum mechanics said, “We can never get behind consciousness.” What if consciousness is not emergent but is the ground of all being as Paul Tillich famously proclaimed to be God.

Similarly, what if the universe begins in the present?

stoppit. my brane hirtz

I looked up Paul Tillich and found some quotes I found interesting

Paul Tillich quotes
“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith, it is an element of faith.”
“The first duty of love is to listen.”
“The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.”
"I hope for the day when everyone can speak again of God without embarrassment.

I can really use the quote “The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.”

To actually accept self when others don’t accept me.

  • I’m new to Panpsychism - learning - see me as a beginner at this ok.

  • would this be Panpsychism: Example a speaker will be aware of while a person in the audience will be aware of, both are aware of while in areas.

I’m going to study more Paul Tillich

@heymike3 you wrote Similarly, what if the universe begins in the present?

  • universe begins in the present

what is universe actually?

Time I understand this as light. I seen light in people radiate outward

I understand light., ok this light doesn’t light up things. This light is of it self and radiates of it self. But no this light doesn’t light up other things instead it radiates outward on its own. So its not the same as a light bulb how that will light up a room

This light that I seen doesn’t light up things, instead this light is a being.

this light lives in people and is usually blocked by people so this light doesn’t radiate outward, but when allowed, then this light radiates outwardly

I think this light was, before our universe

so due to I’ve seen this light, how would that apply in panpsychism when I’m sharing an area some don’t know about?

I had a philosophy of religion professor who defined it as the total collection of objects with respect to the nose of a student in our class…

I’ve been reading what @DOL wrote about nostrils, so is this what you mean by respect to the nose of a student in our class?

Image from @DOL from his info some where. I will go get and update this message after I find.

The nose of the student was the reference point for the collection of objects

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Ok., thank you for explaining, the nose of the student was the reference point for the collection of objects

Wow was I off when it came to nose.

Nose as a language of reference for objects, while also nose being used in the bible of Ps 18:16, 2 Sam 22:16

Panpychicism when referencing using the langauge of nose in many ways

spirit mind is 6th sense what do you think?

I didn’t think anything else about it, other than I had not previously thought of the universe as a collection of objects with respect to an arbitrary reference point.

You can find this image in the handouts of my Science & Religion course.

Here is the homepage: CHRTC 350 Science & Religion Homepage Fall and Winter Terms
Click the gray box on Handouts at the top, and the image in on page 86.

Hermeneutical Principle 13A-D presents the 3-tier universe from pages 79-86.
To hear the slides, click the gray box for Audio-Slides, and listen to each principle (in Red).

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@DOL thank you kindly for helping me.

I think my last message seeking to combine.

  • I still think earth doesn’t spin.

2) descriptions (noses)

1. from heymike3

2) from Dol
and the description of nose from you @DOL Here is the homepage: CHRTC 350 Science & Religion Homepage Fall and Winter Terms Click the gray box on Handouts at the top, and the image in on page 86.

I’m learning what is Panspychism because I want to learn this.

**1) Heymike3 description of nose about reference point.
2) Dol description of nose of reference point.

Both are reference points and is this Panspychism?

Reference points from each person and reference point from understanding perspectives. Using the name nose to help communicate.

Nose bible: as Dol describes from bible is used as reference point.
Nose school: Heymike3 learn that nose from each person is to reference point

What type of language is this that people use the word ‘nose’

I used the word light. When seeing light in people radiate outward. I understand light as God who lives in all of us.

Is this the same as you two using the word nose, as how I used the word light?

Because borrowing a word due to no word for original thought. Because what causes borrowing words and not create original word?

Yet I seen light though., and your knowledge of nose is on the face.

But you used a word nose to help communicate, just like the bible used nose and that school used the word nose. It’s borrowed by many. Because there is no word so you two borrowed a word from a different area, to help communicate, yet many has already did this too borrow.

well me too, I borrow a word light to help me communicate.

I used the word light because that’s what I saw in people radiate outward.

But light sun and light from bulb isn’t the same as light that I seen in people radiate outward. But I borrowed that word light like you two borrow the word nose, and so did bible borrow word nose., and school borrow word nose, is to help communicate.

How does borrowing words do what to panspychism, will panspychism be more comprehended as there’s more original words? Is borrow words due to still lacking understanding for many? What causes slowly towards original words?

Bible uses language nose, you dol draw earth showing nose. at heymike3 school uses nose of each person for explaining reference point.

Panspychism and borrow words to help communicate, how common is this 'till original word comes about?

reference on page 86 or 92 slide well 86., https://sites.ualberta.ca/~dlamoure/350handouts.pdf