Glossary of common abbreviations and acronyms for these here parts

We’ve probably done this multiple times before - but since I wasn’t able to see where in my own casual search just now, I’m gonna start this here until somebody points me to a better place it’s already been done. Short of that - we can grow this one right here. I’ll salt the pot with a few off the top of my own head. Others can chime in with more, which I’ll add alphabetically in here to keep a ‘master list’ at the top for easier reference.

aa: amino acid
Aig: Answers in Genesis
ANE: Ancient Near East
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
ASA: American Scientific Affiliation
bp: base pairs
BTW: By the way
CASE: Christians who accept science of evolution
CDC: Center for Disease Control
CMI: Creation Ministries International
CMIIW: Correct me if I’m wrong
CSCA: Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation
CSI: Complex Specified Information
CT: Christianity Today (Periodical)
DI: Discovery Institute
EC: Evolutionary Creationism
ECT: Electroconvulsive therapy in most contexts; but here, probably Eternal Conscious Torment
EES: Extended Evolutionary Synthesis
ERV: Endogenous retrovirus
FWIW: For What it’s Worth
GE: Genetic Entropy
GYA: Billions of years ago (as in … GigaYears…)
IC: Irreducibly Complex
ICR: Institute for Creation Research
ID: Intelligent Design
IDK: I Don’t Know
IIRC: If I Remember Correctly
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
indel: an insertion or deletion of DNA, portmanteau
IOW: In Other Words
IRL: In Real Life
JEDP: letter for each source in documentary hypothesis
KYA: Thousands of years ago
lncRNA: long non-coding RNA
LUCA: Last Universal Common Ancestor
LXX: Septuagint
MN: Methodological Naturalism
mRNA: messenger RNA
miRNA: microRNA
MT: Masoretic Text
MYA: Millions of years ago
NDE: Neo-Darwinian evolution … or … near death experience
NIH: National Institute of Health
NPP: New Perspective on Paul
NSF: National Science Foundation
OEC: Old Earth Creationism
OoL: Origin of Life
OP: Opening Post (as in the one at the top of the thread)
QED: Latin phrase… roughly “…which is now proven”, but may also be Quantum Electrodynamics
QM: Quantum Mechanics
RM+NS: random mutations plus natural selection
rRNA: ribosomal RNA
SDA: Seventh Day Adventist
TE: Theistic Evolutionism
TLDR: Too Long Didn’t Read
tRNA: transfer RNA
ToE: Theory of Evolution
TOE: Theory Of Everything
WRT: With regard to
YBP: Years before present
YEC: Young Earth Creationism
YMMV: Your mileage may vary
YOYO: You’re on your own
ZNF: zinc finger


CASE: Christians who accept science of evolution
CMI: Creation Ministries International (
ERV: Endogenous retrovirus
ICR: Institute for Creation Research ( )
GE: Genetic Entropy
MN: Methodological Naturalism
OoL: Origin of Life
OT: Old Testament
SDA: Seventh Day Adventist|


Thanks - there were even some new ones for me in there! I’ll leave your posts with the links in place down here, but incorporate them into the top one for easy lookup.

ASA: American Scientific Affiliation
GYA or Ga: billion years ago/giga-annos (pedantic plural)/giga-annums (normal plural)
IDK: I don’t know
IIRC: [I don’t know what this one is]
IMHO: in my humble opinion
IOW: In Our World
IRL: In Real Life
KYA or Ka: thousand years ago/kiloannos (pedantic plural)/kiloannums (normal plural)
MYA or Ma: million years ago/mega-annos (pedantic plural)/mega-annums (normal plural)
NT: New Testament
CDC: Center for Disease Control
NIH: National Institute of Health

Do we need to bother with things that are better known abbreviated than spelled out, like DNA, RNA, CoViD-19, SARS-CoVi 2, US, USA, etc.?


I think we can leave those simpler things out … unless somebody makes a special request about one. But otherwise … yeah … our list will explode fast enough just with the stuff that is more specialized.

Thanks for these latest entries … incorporating now…

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I believe it’s “if I recall correctly” – one I’m sure I will only have to use more as I get older :wink:


IIRC - If I remember correctly (according to the internet) had to look that one up myself…

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I guess we were typing at the same time, haha. This thread is a good idea… the less I have to head over to Urban Dictionary, the better. :smiley:


Wow. Thanks to the group of you for so quickly responding to my request! There were a lot more abbreviations than I had expected.

Now, the question is how can we make sure that the list doesn’t get lost again? Perhaps someone could link it to something that is always available such as the FAQ section? Or maybe it’s sufficient to have it always present in the list of topics?

Another thought is to segregate the list into two lists: abbreviations that are specific to BioLogos topics (ANE, AiG, YEC …) and those that are generic internet abbreviations (AFAIK, BTW, …). It was the former list that really slowed me down when I joined this forum.


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IOW typically means “in other words.” Noobs!


Thanks for the correction … yeah - I knew that! Was just copying it down without thinking.

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That’s a good suggestion - to keep the list from just getting buried. I’m not prepared to think about it much today - or others can act on it maybe. Meanwhile, our sporadic additions to it which will probably keep trickling in for a while will keep it from getting buried too quickly here.

Regarding segregating the Biologos specific ones from the generic internet ones - my simple mind is thinking it’s just easier to find what one’s looking for if they only have one list to look in. And there are some generic internet ones out there that still throw me for a loop, or had in the past, so that’s why I took your idea and expanded on it to make it as broadly useful as possible - but still limited to ones that actually do get used around here - generic or otherwise.

Why not BYA or Ba?

CMIIW: Correct me if I’m wrong

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I think OT and NT is a bit overkill… can streamline the list by 2.


Giga- is the standard prefix for billion, the same way that kilo- is for thousand or milli- for thousandth.

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I just “pinned” it, which should mean that new visitors see it at the top of the thread list, but CMIIW. :smiley:


FWIW, here are a few:

FWIW: For what it’s worth
CSCA: Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation
ToE: Theory of Evolution
KB: Kilobytes
MB: Megabytes
GB: Gigabytes
TB: Terabytes

(I had better stop there with the computer-related acronyms :slight_smile: )

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Thanks! Good ones to add - though hopefully most of our typical readers should be all over the computer memory metrics, so I may leave those out for now.

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That’s a good idea. Thanks.