For those that believe in modern day supernatural miracles performed by Christians do you also believe in demonic supernatural powers?

We looked for the particles predicted by supersymmetry and didn’t find any.

Personally, I think the idea of string theory is too compelling to give up on completely. But clearly we are missing some crucial piece(s) of the puzzle. If we turn our attention elsewhere then perhaps we will find a clue to what we are missing somewhere else. It wouldn’t be the first time that we abandoned an idea and then resurrected it again later when we have more information.

God doesn’t need someone to defend him.

You sound so immature with these statements as if you are a little kid trying to impress his mother because you love her. You remind me of children honestly.

Fanaticism won’t do you any good. In your last couple of comments and threads you dwelve into the realm of evangelical friction and fanaticism . Which is sad. Try to see the bigger picture and learn to allow your mind to critically think the points others make here about God and the faith,instead of auto-lock defend them.

I too am guilty of doing this. Especially past some months ago where my experiences blinded me from seeing anything else rather than Christians as the worst of the worst. Thankfully I’ve grown out of it. Somehow

‘the real reason why people have got attracted by it is because there is no other game in town’

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