Flat earth theories

Another confusing fact is that all of our current science to prove the globe is from ancient Greek astronomy. Can we have some new science to prove it? Like a new live picture from the moon? Oh wait, that opens another discussion. We could do it in tin and plastic in the 60s but we can’t get there with our current technology?

Here are some more. Why can’t people in Australia see the North Star? Why can’t people in North America see the Southern Cross? Why do the stars move in opposite directions (clockwise vs. counterclockwise) in the two hemispheres? Why is the Moon in “upside down” in Australia? How is the Sun directly west during the equinox for everyone on Earth?


Ok. Now that’s some interesting information. Thank you! This is what I’m searching for!

Dude, we have pictures from space.

What’s wrong with the old ones? What’s wrong with the live pictures from the international space station?

We can get there with current technologies. It’s just a matter of wanting to and being willing to spend the money. We have put rovers on Mars, for crying out loud.


We have put unmanned rovers on Mars… and the space station is not “from space” it’s in the outer atmosphere. But I’m not arguing the earth is not round. I’m arguing that all the information we have is just as provable or unprovable as the flat earth theories.

The space station is not in the upper atmosphere. If it were, it would come crashing down in a very short period of time. We already did send men to the moon, so I don’t see why sending more would be more convincing to the Flat Earthers. We also have the DSCOVR satellite which takes pictures of the whole Earth. Check out their website:

It even captured the shadow from the Moon moving across the Earth during a solar eclipse.


Thank you. More information that isn’t just theory. I haven’t seen this before and I’m interested to see it all. I am just tired of all the information that were all supposed to just believe because we are told to. Thank you again

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That’s what the Flat earthers push. In the real world, you can perform experiments yourself which demonstrate a round Earth. It’s even better if you work with a network of people across the Earth. For example, you can locate the position of the Moon in the sky on a given night. If multiple people do this on the same night from different places on the Earth you will find that those locations only line up on a globe. On a flat earth, the moon will appear to be in different locations for different people. People at different lattitudes can measure the direction of the Sun at sunset during the equinox, and they will all see it directly west which can’t happen on a flat Earth. A good camera, a good telephoto lens, good weather, and access to a sea port should be all you need to take videos of ships disappearing over the horizon. You can measure the size of the Sun during the day and see if it changes size.



It is indisputable that with a Flat Earth, you cannot get from southern South America to South Africa or Australia without crossing the equator.

It is indisputable that hundreds of people in planes with windows make those trips every day by flying near the waters around Antarctica.

Maybe the problem is that they don’t teach from the bottom up in high school (I don’t know if they do or not now).
I remember learning about atomic theory in high school chemistry (in the '80s). It seemed excruciating at first, but they described in detail how people finally realized the atom existed, what gamma and other rays are, and why the competing theories didn’t match. In the end, I learned not only patience and listening skills, but also how to think critically.
It would be neat to see if curricula could teach how people came to the realization of a round earth, etc.

They do. My seventh grader could explain it to you. But if you get sucked into flat Earth conspiracy theories, facts don’t really matter.


How much you want to bet that even when NASA is live streaming video of the round Earth from the moon space station, the flat earthers will think it’s fake?


NASA also has a live feed from the space station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEIk7gwjgIM


Lies…all CGI!


Arguing with Flat earthers reminds me of Lucy and the football. The very moment you give them the evidence they ask for they yank it away and claim it isn’t evidence anymore.



Another classic Lucy moment was when a group of Flat earthers bought a laser gyroscope claiming that if the Earth were round and rotating then it should detect a 15 degree/hour drift. Sure enough, they recorded a 15 degree/hour shift, but they then claimed it wasn’t evidence for a round Earth because it was actually some ether in the sky rotating once per day.


I wonder why we even waste time on this, but just look at sunrise and sunset times around the world. In Fairbanks the sun rose at near 11 am and set at 2:40 , while in Equador, it rose near 5 am and set at around 5 pm, while at the tip of South America, it rose at 3 am and sat at 10 pm. On a flat earth, all locations should see the sun the same amount of time.


My son was in Australia in August, a couple of summers ago. He was noting that the sun angles above the horizon and the daylengths were different than they would be in the northern hemisphere for the same time of year.

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I mentioned different directions for star trails in the northern and southern hemispheres, but the view at the equator is quite stunning, and inexplicable for a flat Earth. There are two foci for the star trails at the northern and southern poles, and the stars zoom straight overhead when facing east or west. Here is a great website detailing the paths of stars at the equator:

[360 degree panorama]



I have pointed out the problems with flights in the Southern hemisphere. @T_aquaticus has pointed out the problems with flights in the Southern hemisphere.

So far, the only thing you have offered as counter-point is a flight in the northern hemisphere. Are you intentionally ignoring the indisputable facts so you can still talk about something that is indisputably wrong (i.e., flat earth)?

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