Favorite Christmas Movies

What are your favorite Christmas movies? From the thoughtful to the funny, it would be interesting to discuss. Thanks. Thanks. to @bluebird for the idea.

My favorite movies are all light–so Charlie Brown is the highest for me. My aunt, an English teacher who I love discussing lit with, watches “It’s a Wonderful Life” every year for decades.

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Charlie Brown and A Christmas Story are our family traditions.


Probably this one:


Sorry, which one is that? (title)? I lived in Africa when growing up so didn’t get enough American culture :).

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. I’m also a huge fan of Home Alone (the first and second ones but mostly the first only):


For me it’s a toss-up between Die Hard and Die Hard 2.



Randy…your aunt has a great choice. There is a man in my church who – honest injun!! – says he watches It’s A Wonderful Life’ once a month, year round. Not sure I would do that in July – but hey, to each his own.

I seem to have a lot of “likes” in that category…and It’s A Wonderful Life is one. I do like The Nativity Story and the Jesus of Nazareth miniseries goes “in and out of style” with me but watch it every second or third year…Yesterday, while driving my school bus along, I heard some Christmas songs that I know are used in scenes of “Home Alone” – and got the urge to watch that movie again. I see it every Christmas…

There surely are some Christmas movies that I do not “watch” – not into the Grinch, for example …but so many that I watch (I prefer the Pacific Northwest version of Nutcracker over Barishnikov and others) and watch again and again – “Holiday Inn,” :“Bells of St Marys” and no I am not Catholic…that all have just become part of my Christmas holiday (I did not list them all here…A Christmas Carol…and ???)

I know The Reason for the Season but love certain movies being part of the whole event.


The problem with “Holiday Inn” is that I get it mixed up with with “White Christmas” and the story lines get all confused in my mind. (Which one has the old general who is going broke?)

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I enjoy the original Grinch with Boris Karloff, and also the Baryshnikov Nutcracker since I grew up with a VHS of that taped off of PBS. :smiley:

I recently was introduced to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” with the voices of Mickey Rooney and Fred Astaire… can’t believe I never saw that one as a kid – I found it very charming, but I enjoy that period of movies/musicals anyway.

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Oh, and I can’t forget Mr. Bean’s Christmas special!

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The Grinch (2000) is my favourite film, which I grew up watching. I also enjoy the Polar Express.

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Well…both titles work here…Holiday Inn is the one with the old general going broke…and they sing “:White Christmas” in the movie…\

It truly is a period piece —as many movies eventually are…

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Elle…glad you enjoyed The Nutcracker. Baryshnikov & friends were talented and creative. But I liked the interpretation by the Pacific Northwest Ballet better…still do watch both at holiday times

And how could I have missed Mickey Rooney and Fred Astaire?? Will have to look into that one at, maybe, the local library’'s DVD shelf…Thanks for the suggestion!!


Another one I have not seen!! Thanks, Elle, for expanding my repertoire…Did forget to mention that I watch Passion of the Christ even though it is more “:Easter”" – I suppose – than Christmas…but the objective of the Incarnation was the latter event, in any case.

Gotta go watch a movie!!

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I love Joyeux Noël , the 2005 movie about the Christmas truce of 1914. It’s based on a true story! Amid the carnage on the Western Front during World War 1, Scottish, French and German officers defy their superiors and negotiate a Christmas Eve truce. Bitter enemies became brothers as they left their trenches and came together to celebrate Christmas and bury their dead. It started by singing Christmas carols to each other!

Truly remarkable and heart-warming!

There was also a recent opera on the same subject called Silent Night. It aired on PBS some years back and I loved it, but I can’t find a DVD of it. There are clips on YouTube.

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I never thought I would see the day when I would talk about Will Ferrell two times in one day on the BioLogos Forum, but since nobody else is admitting that Elf is one of their favorite Christmas movies, I’ll say it: Elf!


yeppers, I think we can agree that that was Will Ferrell at his best.

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Yes. You can’t recommend every Will Ferrell movie, but he was pretty clean here, and there are so very many quotable lines in that movie!

My mistake.,…the movie I have is “White Christmas”"…this is the one with the grumpy old general who is going broke…

Not sure of the name of the inn that the retired general owns…

It is going to be interesting to see Ferrell in the upcoming Sherlock Holmes movie. And @bluebird, you can see my confusion.

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