The ‘group’ was a military unit, comparable to a squad. It is not linguistic nonsense to speak of 600 military units, like 600 divisions, 600 brigades or 600 squads.
For that level of medical technology that’s a pretty darned good rate of population increase, it’s better than 15% every ten years.
No, it’s a ridiculous number, a growth rate of over 2% per year. At that rate, Egypt would have had a population over 8 billion by the time of the Exodus if the Egyptians were equally prolific. Population growth didn’t reach 2% per year until the first antibiotics were developed.
No, you need to pull out a calculator and do the real math, not arbitrary comparisons to some modern family.
No, it’s based on known historical population growth rates and algebra.
No, he’s looking at the actual text and comparing it to reality. If your claims are right, where did Egypt keep its eight billion people by the end of that 400 years? That’s patently ridiculous, so the question is whether we’ve been translating the text correctly – and it’s translating correctly that gives us “what the bible actually states”.
Like this:
Let alone the impossibility of that many people living in Goshen at that level of technology!
Huh? Now you’re just making stuff up – there is no double use of “group”; אֶ֧לֶף appears only once in the passage.
That doesn’t change anything – the same word in question is used there ( אֶ֧לֶף ).
Yes: asking “What does this word mean in this verse?” isn’t being unfaithful to the scripture, it’s humbly seeking to understand it!
Reliable . . . except that we keep finding more places where the Masoretes plainly changed the text for various reasons.
Definitely worth noting.
Less is most likely; the number I recall is 400k. Egypt, with its organized agriculture and fertile lands, held maybe two million; Canaan/Palestine would have been doing extremely well to have had half a million, especially considering how frequently armies marched through.
Exactly – the numbers as traditionally translated do not fit the rest of scripture.
Applying the same rate of increase to the Egyptians themselves, given an initial population of 1.5 million for the first dynastic period, growing over the same 400 years, would conservatively work out to a population of some 5.5 billion. That is the global population at about 1990.