There’s something you need to understand here.
The hostility isn’t towards Christians who adhere to a particular approach to the Genesis creation narrative. The hostility is towards Christians who make claims in support of their approach that are factually untrue, misleading, conspiratorial, or antagonistic towards science.
It’s as simple as this. If you are going to critique scientific discoveries, you MUST make sure that you are getting your facts straight. Claiming that scientists make assumptions that they do not is lying. Claiming that the assumptions that they do make are not testable when in fact they are is lying. Claiming that assumptions are a get-out-of-jail-free card when they are not is lying. Claiming that reasoning is circular when it is not is lying. Claiming that outliers are representative of the entire body of evidence is lying. Claiming that new, improved techniques must be unreliable because their older, more rudimentary predecessors are unreliable is lying. Exaggerating the extent and significance of unreliability in those techniques is lying. Fudging measurements is lying. Quote mining is lying. And repeating falsehoods after having been told that they are falsehoods is lying.
I for one don’t have any objection to the possibility of the Earth being just six thousand years old. But I do have a problem with bad arguments, falsehoods and conspiracy theories being presented in support of such a possibility. I have a problem with antagonistic or denialist attitudes towards honest science in the Church. I have a problem when people with science degrees make arguments that fail GCSE mathematics or demonstrate an ignorance or denial of basic measurement or laboratory techniques. And I have a problem with demands that I lower my standards of rigour and attention to detail in order to accommodate doctrines that are nothing more than a cartoon caricature of the Bible with a thick layer of science fiction slathered on top of it. Such things are bad for science, bad for society, bad for our young people, and bad for the witness of the Body of Christ to the world.