Hi Jammycakes, thanks for your warm welcome and for your post.
Honesty is paramount for any Christian and it should go without saying in this forum that I expect is mainly filled with people who are Christians.
That said, as technology advances our measurement instruments get increasingly accurate, that is a given. The problems with radiometric dating, whether it be Uranium - Thorium - Lead , or Potassium - Argon, or any other type is that a precisely accurate measurement is obtained of the quantity of parent and daughter isotopes in the sample, no problem there at all, that is just straightforward empirical science performed in the lab. But that measurement is simply that, a measurement of the mass of the parent and daughter isotopes in the sample, it is NOT an age, far from it is simply how much of each elemental isotope remains in the sample. As you would be well aware, many assumptions are made to attempt to derive a date from the mass measurements. The problem with using assumptions is that there is no empirical way of accurately calibrating the calculation to acquire the derived dates, it is just not possible to know what has happened in the past to a particular sample be it organic matter or mineral rock. The ONLY way to proceed is to make assumptions and in a nutshell that is not very good science.
In the case of Carbon dating for instance:
- We do not know in the case of Carbon dating what the atmospheric ratio of Carbon 12 to Carbon 14 was in the distant past, i.e., thousands of years ago.
- We do not know if the sample had any Carbon leach out over the period since the organism died.
- We do not know if the sample had any Carbon leach in over the period since the organism died.
By altering the assumed values of the three assumptions above, just about any date can be derived.
It is as always, the worldview of the person doing the ‘dating’ that will determine what they consider to be an acceptable value or ‘contaminated’ value (because it does not fit in with the old Earth ‘deep time’ paradigm, that currently has a stranglehold on academia).
Although the instrument being used will provide a very precisely accurate figure of the amount of isotopes being tested for, this is NOT, I repeat NOT an age date, the age is forced onto the measurement via a convenient set of assumptions that frankly are nothing more than hopeful guesses that are known will derive the age required for the ‘deep time’ paradigm that of course is a prerequisite for evolution.
Nobody is going to accept evolution under any circumstances if it is clear that God created the universe around about six thousand years ago, so the powers and principalities of darkness that we wrestle against made certain that people in positions of influence in the media, academia etc all pushed the long timeframe, evolutionary myth upon millions of poor unsuspecting people who have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Carbon 14 has a half life of only 5,730 years.
Carbon 14 found deeply embedded within the hardest known naturally occurring minerals, i.e., Diamonds that are presently dated at 300+ million years old by mainstream secular academics uncover the lie for all to see, if only they would open their eyes and not be blinded by the ‘deep time, evolutionary mythology’.
This is because if we had a ball of Carbon 14 the size of the Earth, it would have all decayed away in far less than a million years,. Therefore, as considerable measured masses of Carbon 14 exists in Diamonds dated at over 300 million years old; you don’t need to be a scientist to see that something is drastically wrong here!
Real empirical science proves that the ‘deep time’ ages ascribed to diamonds is in error. There is no way that a diamond can be contaminated by atmospheric Carbon 14 as the extreme pressures required to form diamonds are only found hundreds of miles below the earth’s surface in the Crust to Mantle region. It is believed that the diamonds have been ejected to the surface by high speed volcanic eruptions such that the diamonds remained in their crystalline form and were not annealed by the extended time exposure to extreme heat in magma chambers.
It is time that the lie of deep time and evolution is exposed as evil deceptions of the worst kind, that are misleading millions away from the salvation of our Lord and Saviour. Children are being systematically brainwashed into ‘deep time, evolutionary belief’ at most secular educational institutions across the planet.
This must stop!
I urge you to consider the honest valid information in the article below by Tas and the article after that by David:
Tas holds a B.Sc. (Earth Science with first class honours), a B.Eng (hons) and a Ph.D.in mechanical engineering, all from the University of Queensland.
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The article below further reinforces the straightforward fact that the creation is young. Six thousand years is still a very long time but not ridiculously long as the deep time mythology posits. Evolution is simply not a sustainable position for any honest scientist to maintain, if they truly research the facts without the ‘deep time’, evolutionary baggage to interpret it. If they just look at the facts without any preconceived belief system it is clear that the creation very young in currently accepted academic geological terms.
Dr David Catchpoole received his B.Ag.Sc. (Hons) from the University of Adelaide and a Ph.D. from the University of New England (New South Wales).
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Apologies for the length of this post, but the subject matter is far too important, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few…
I pray that all will come to realise the error in placing belief in current fallible science over the Bible.
The Bible must always be the primary source of truth and not wherever mankind has ended up in researching the creation.
To put today’s science above the Bible runs the risk of repeating the same error that many in the Church made with respect to Galileo when he stated that the earth moved around the sun and argued against the popular view that the sun moved around the earth.
I suggest that future generations will look back at our present society and wonder how and why so many otherwise highly intelligent people could get it so wrong with respect to the ‘deep time’ age of the Earth and the Neo Darwinian evolution mythology that is presently taken as fact by so many in academia to all intents and purposes.
May our loving God, full of grace towards us, open the eyes of the many presently deceived into not believing the straightforward historical narrative account that He has provided us with in Genesis in His Word.
God bless all,