Does God grant mercy even if you don't repent?

The Word has it God is Spirit and His Spirit is love.
And sharing my vision of love as all-giving and all-sustaining.
Love seems foundational to creation.
God in all things and we are in Him
In this perspective, love is very competent.

Yeah, but competent enough to deconstruct and reconstruct any ordinary fouled up person? To Love them better? Not just passive.

I cannot even see the point of a human judge granting mercy if the person does not repent.

Justice lies in the fact that people need to face the consequences of their actions. The purpose of mercy is to give people a chance to learn from their mistakes. If there is no repentance, then mercy only encourages people to believe that their actions have no consequences.


Good question and I’m thinking reason alone may not be able to answer this but it is His promise to answer.

For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
2 Corinthians 8:12

For “love to be competent in the transcendent”, Jesus is going to have to have a chat with Hitler and tell him he screwed up and won’t you please repent. And then we have the question of seared consciences.

Not a problem for Love Competent.

Disembodied and abstract, imaginary.

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