Common Question: Should Christians get vaccinated?

Why haven’t we see the same death rates from viral infections in the last few decades?

What viral infections are that deadly and contagious exactly? In the last decade?Smelling some bs bias here.

You seemed to be pinning the blame on everything but the virus.

Dude a communist authorotative regime let the virus go worlwide and the blame is on the virus? I would say 50-50. Your complaints on them not me

But yeah tell that to the families of the dead people that already died because of that accident . People here are so naive i cant even imagine

Americans shouldn’t throw stones from the porch of their glass house. The Chinese did a better job of trying to contain the virus than the US did.

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Neither did . Neither China nor the Us. And take that from a European

But if that helps you sleep at night sure. China did it best. Because theyve shown to care for their people of course

Im getting only based opinions and not arguments though.

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  • Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.
  • The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data.

Extrapolate. If you don’t get vaccinated yesterday for the variants that comprise Covid 19 already available, you are asking for the Delta variant to infect you and it is much more easily transmitted that 19 is. Even with the standard 2 dose vaccine protocol, you have an increased chance of getting sick from the Delta variant, but not as sick as we would without them. The good news is with the development of the man-made mRNA, modifications directed at combating the D strain will be easier and more accurate than ever. In fact, a booster is ready for testing in August.
The bad news is the efficacy of these vaccines may wane quicker than previously thought.

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Here are the results from a UK study:

2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine was 88% effective compared to 94% effective against the Alpha variant. It appears they are defining effective as PCR test negative.

Even with 88% effectiveness you can still severely limit spread of the virus if enough people are vaccinated.


I’m in agreement. That’s what the stats I quoted suggest.

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Thank You for the blessing! I listened to Dr. Peter McCullough talk about VAERS and the numbers. Also there was a Harvard study done on the underreporting of the VAERS numbers, I think in 2016, showing that these numbers are at least 10x lower. In essence:

50% of the deaths recorded ( the 11,000) happened within 48 hrs
80% “” “” “” “” within 1 week
86% of the deaths had no other explanation

About the randomized controlled trials, I heard in this video too that they purposefully excluded pregnant or child bearing age girls for the test, yet how many like that are getting the vaccines now.
Around the 37 minute mark.

23:00 - 27:00 Discussion of the VAERS numbers
24:15 We exceeded our max threshold of concern for mortality on Jan 22nd, 2021 (from the vaccines) with only 186 deaths
26:30 50% of 10,000 reported deaths (VAERS) happened within 48hrs, 80% with 1 week, and 86% don’t have any other explanation

So now we are at an impasse, I am quoting a doctor with great credentials and you are a doctor whom I’m sure have great understanding too, and I have no way of knowing who to believe. But I must say thank you for being civil and kind! blessings to you as well!

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Hello All,
I’ve been corrected about the way these forums work. I stumbled onto your site and this forum caught my interest. Since it was titled “Should Christians…” I assumed the intent of the forum was to encourage debate and sharing of opinions and beliefs. I did not understand that it was only for asking questions. So I imagine I caused many of you angst, which was not my intentions. For that I apologize, and I only wish you all well.

Thank you for your note.
Well, there are some funny jokes about how we should not trust doctors who are trained in one specialty to talk about another doctor’s specialty.

  1. There difference between a primary care doc and a specialist is that a primary care doc learns less and less about more and more, till he knows nothing about everything; and a specialist learns more and more about less and less, till she knows everything about nothing.
  2. if you want to hide $100 from a doctor: a) if it’s a surgeon, hide it in the notes, because they don’t read the notes; b) if it’s an internal medicine doctor, hide it under a bandage, because they never look at the wound; c) if it’s a neurosurgeon, hide it on their kids…(that’s not so funny)

All of which is to say, if you want a good opinion about something, having an MD or DO after the name only tells you their degree, not that they know everything. I was just talking about with my sister, an ICU nurse, and we agreed that as medical professionals, we know enough beyond our degrees to know that we should go to the specialist in that area. In Covid, she and I know that we go to infectious disease and epidemiologists like Dr Fauci, Dr Collins, and the CDC and NIH. A cardiologist like Dr Mc Cullough is great at treating the heart, but should not touch Covid.

I have been following Dr Fauci intermittently since 2004. He is human, but excellent. He has a reputation for listening to those who really hurt–for example, those suffering with AIDS (he worked with President Bush to save millions of widows and children with HIV from AIDS and death in Africa).

Great question on the VAERS. This sort of thing happened in the '70s with the H1N1 flu vaccine, and unfortunately skewed the reports so much few people got the shot (thankfully, the flu didn’t turn out ot be as terrible that year as there had been concern). Here is a response on the VAERS data; but CDC and NIH can give you more. I am sorry–I’m in the middle of work today, so. I have not had time to boil it down for the response yet. However, we do respect the experts in that field. Thanks.

Viral Posts Misuse VAERS Data to Make False Claims About COVID-19 Vaccines -


Het ten2four,

This forum is not only for asking questions (I hope especially). I personally found that your description of science and medicine as being a two camps perspective (Conservative vs Other) and that truth is just relative to these camps is hard. Truth transcends that and it appears that many of your comments have focused on phrases that most of us know quite well from the Conservative culture warriors. People who generate those perspective usually want to control perspectives and the debate and ultimately power. There are usually an infinite number of sides to most nuanced arguments. There are also ways to learn about concepts without introducing hyperpartisanship to them.

Please stay if you want, share, discuss, make relationships.

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@Ten2Four – I am interested in Christians getting vaccinated, the topic of this thread. That is independent of culture – it is a matter of science and medicine and loving your brother, and especially your brother’s unvaccinated and vulnerable children, plus his immunocompromised mother on chemo, the children’s beloved grandmother. I suppose some cultures are more susceptible to misinformation, however.

It’s simple, nothing nuanced about it:


Blessings and I think respectful discourse is very welcome, including yours. Thanks.

Thanks! You were a champ through all my arguments. To write all this while being busy working you sacrificed to a total stranger, I appreciate it. I liked the jokes too, good stuff and memorable. May Jesus continue to bless you and your family. take care my friend!


Thank you for your humble discussion. I hope I can approach things like that, too.

I found this quote funny, but it hits too close to home. Blessings!


That meme hits home, as I am a bit socially awkward and insecure in groups. I just need to adopt that attitude and wear it proudly.


Of course, regarding the forum, while we have a wide latitude in discussion, it is not an undirected open forum where anything goes. Biologos has a mission, and that is reflected to the best of our ability in the forum as well.

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