Common Question: Should Christians get vaccinated?

Since this forum is about asking questions, let me ask. How many jabs are you willing to get in a year? 4? once a quarter?, how about 12, how about once a week 52 a year? How many bottles of pills are you willing to have at your bedside table when you die? 2, 6, a dozen? Where is your limit, where you say enough is enough? My gut feeling is that we ( the US and the world) are headed to vaccine passports, then what Dale? Money passports, work passports? Maybe the new world order by then will just include a vaccine with all of your passports into one shot. Of course satan is not so stupid to call it the 666 mark of the beast shot, but at what point are you going to say NO?
I digress a bit at this point to mention my experiences with medicine. First of all, I like surgeons. They get in fix the problem for the most part, some new numbness happens but over all good. I also like anesthesia, especially when I’m under the knife. But, if I followed doctors advice for myself, I would still be on pain management taking some pretty hard pain killers. My father-in-law would have died at 90 instead of 96, when my wife finally said enough of the pills and got him off of all of them with just a good diet. My mother-in-law would have died in the hospital under the “care” of doctors who gave up on her and said “accept that she is dying, put her into hospice”, we said NO, took her home and again my wife and I nursed her back from the doctors care. She is currently on zero meds, survived covid and double pneumonia and is 94, pretty much because of prayer ( in which we saw 2 miracles) and again good diets and common sense. We have friends that are on so many medications that they are practically insane with fear and other crap going on. Another close family who took their son into the hospital, ( I think he was 3 or 4) got a shot, and came out with out the ability to talk, he is now 25, mentally retarded, and will forever be in the care of his parents. At what point Dale should we all say, God, Jesus I trust that you made my immune system good? I refuse to live in fear, guide me I don’t what to trust in drugs to fix me or keep me healthy. I have made that choice, so one last question. Why won’t you respect my choice for my body and my faith? If I die from the next virus, then at least I died with conviction of doing what I believe to be right, if I remember right I believe that is called freedom.

That is not even close to reality. The question now is whether or not and when a single booster is needed. Perhaps a yearly booster or occasional varient shot will be needed. If enough people get the vaccine, this would essentially be over. With fewer infections, there would be less chance for mutations to arise. Worldwide it is a different story, as the vaccine is not as available, but in the US, Covid would be history pretty much if only people got vaccinated. God has provided an effective vaccine through to efforts of many, but we have to have to wisdom to use it.

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Of course there would be much less need for that if there wasn’t such a large pool of folk providing a safe zone for the COVID organism to mutate and improve its survival capacity at the cost of our own. One thing that separates humans from the rest of creation is our capacity to live cooperatively in large numbers. I wonder if we’ve exceeded our capacity.

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Why ask hypothetical questions that have no connection to reality? I’m fine with getting an annual flu shot; adding a covid shot to that is hardly the end of the world.

I already have a vaccine passport and have had one for years – it’s a little yellow booklet stapled to my actual passport. It shows that I’ve been vaccinated for yellow fever, and I can’t travel to lots of places in the world without it. Having to have that little yellow booklet has not made my life a living hell, nor has it led to me being ground under the heel of the government.

I’ll say NO when they tell me to do something wrong and not before. I’m certainly not going to say no to something that saves countless lives (in particular the lives of the most vulnerable), and when the only reason for saying no is ungrounded fear and politically motivated misinformation.


Talked to some of my friends this morning who are all nurses and doctors. In my county there are only 30-32 covid patients considered to be in critical condition and they are considering critical condition anyone who can’t move around for 15 minutes without oxygen levels dropping below normal. Out of every single one of these patients not one of them has the vaccine. They are all unvaccinated, including people who previously caught covid early last year. I have yet to see any negative drawbacks in the long term, or even a few days after receiving the free vaccines.


What is it about this vaccine that you think is so evil?

We are being much more critical about people repeating false information about the vaccine and COVID-19. I fully respect your right to deny medical treatment, but I don’t see what that has to do with misleading people with false information.


If there are long term drawbacks from the vaccine then those who have had the infection are at just as much risk. When you have the infection your cells are translating mRNA for the spike protein because SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, and that is what leads to immunity after an infection. Either way, you will have mRNA for the spike protein in your cells. That is why it is rather strange that the same people who think the vaccine is super risky see no problem with kids getting the infection.

Also, the question arises, if you see everything as being the providence of God, why is the vaccine not included in that?
It is as though Moses raised the serpent on the staff, and the Israelites said, “We’re not looking at that thing, freedom demands we not be told what we should do. Besides, the serpent is a symbol of the devil.”


Why isn’t isn’t it the equivalent of refusing anesthetic for surgery, I wonder, or for dental work.

Here is why I don’t respect that decision. At the beginning I did. As more and more time has gone by, we’ve had well over a year now, to research it. We have thousands of papers, articles and talks by medical professionals , microbiologists, pathologists and even and even researchers who specialize in organizing data and almost all of them supports masks, social distancing and getting the vaccine. So we have no academic, medical or scientific position to reject getting vaccines and we can’t pretend as individuals that we’ve not had enough time to look into it ourselves.

So the only reason why someone would choose to not get it is because they are intellectually challenged or cold hearted. So why would someone willingly decide that they don’t want it despite all the evidence and that’s because they buy into conspiracy theories. Dangerous ones that helped promote the virus.

One thing I use to be a bit uncertain about but have since changed my mind is do Christians have a moral obligation to get the vaccine. My answer use to be no. Now it’s a definite yes. This is why.

The Old Testament is not valueless. It has a lot of value and it helps define righteousness and sin. In the Tanakh when someone was sick they left the camp. They isolated themselves to prevent a spread of the disease. I’m fairly certain there would be punishment if someone tried to hide it and not leave. Likewise as Christians we have a responsibility to limit our part in the spread of covid by our personal choices is something we will have to give an account for.


For that matter, why ever get up from the couch? If we go to work and earn a paycheck does that mean we don’t trust God to provide us with money? If we plant crops in the ground does that mean we don’t trust God to supply us with food? Do Christian fishermen show their trust in God by not throwing their nets in the water and expecting God to put the fish in their holds for them?


Who is living in fear?! I fairly often post that “The most frequent mandate in the Bible is “Don’t be afraid” or one of its several variations – “Be anxious for nothing”, “Fret not”, …” Characterizing getting a vaccine as “living in fear” is like saying driving on the right side of the road is living in fear. :grin:

Because it is not all about you. (Nor is driving on the right side of the road.)

We should say that all the time. That does not mean that we do not take advantage of things that support it and aid the immune response, any more than we would trust that merely eating an apple would adequately clean our teeth without brushing. We should also be thankful that he that he has given us the intellectual and technological wherewithal to produce effective vaccines. Be thankful for smallpox and polio vaccines, right after you’ve thanked him for your good immune system.

vaccines reinforce the defenses we already have, so that we can encounter the virus safely and potentially build further upon that protection.

Short, especially for an Atlantic article :slightly_smiling_face::

What do Christians say when they pray before a meal? Usually it is something to the effect of, “God, thank you for providing the nourishment placed before us.” Humans grew that food, bought it, and prepared it, yet Christians believe that it was God’s providence that put the food in front of them. I would assume the same logic would apply to a life saving vaccine.


Oh man you guys, I can’t keep doing this. This is taking too much time
A) why ask… I purposely chose a ridiculous number (52 shots, 12 bottles of pills) so that we both may agree that there is a limit for any reasonable person. The 4 shots/per year is where we are at, so that number is our reality. As Dale was saying, the vaccine ( 1 or 2 shots), booster, and perhaps another, so 4 is not outlandish. 2 bottles of pills at the bedside is realist too. 12 bottles is crazy. My question is about faith. When do you say, “I will trust God with my health not doctors/drugs”? 2 bottles, 4 bottles, 8 bottles? Now no judgement here about whatever answer you have. I am curious if a doctor/or your authority in your life said you need 12 shots this year, and they are someone you consider trustworthy is that ok with you? My point that I’m driving at is this. We all have our own limits. I have a low to no limit. Others, have higher. That’s all ok with me. We each have to stand before our maker alone. I don’t care if you all get all the vaccines, I’m not your judge. But, I do have a big problem with others making choices for me. Do you? Regardless what we believe where this virus came from, I believe, this last year may be the new norm. I could easily see 2 sets of shots each year, that would be 8 shots plus your flu shots. There’s nothing immoral about it, neither is dying with 6 bottles of pills near your bed. I just reject living that way.
B) passports… what I’m talking about is what is happening in our society today. There is talk about vaccine passports for normal activities not traveling to other countries. Let me form a question. Why vaccine passports vs anti-body passports? Why wouldn’t we do that? Does that make sense to you? I got covid and recovered, what are the pecentages of recovered covid people getting it again? If I heard correctly something like .02%. Why am I being pushed to get jabbed? This does not make sense, again imo. They are also talking about mandated vaccines. Are you in favor of mandated vaccines?
C) the vulnerable… I agree on the vulnerable. Smart people should figure out who is at most risk and then we should have good measures. The problem is we didn’t do that in the beginning and we still aren’t doing that completely now. The elderly are at most risk, so obviously let’s protect them, and by all means don’t send people with covid back to their care centers (Coumo are you listening). Look at things now. The young rarely are dying from the virus. They probably have a higher risk making it to the mall without dying in a car accident than getting covid and dying. (if kids even do that these days??) If you are under 50 and healthy your chances of survival are really high. ( Like if those odds were at Vegas, I would be a professional gambler.) Now, they are pushing the vaccine to pregnant girls and kids. Are they the vulnerable? Another question. Do NFL players seem like the vulnerable to you? Young, models of fitness, they probably have thee best healthcare and thee best nutrition. Look what’s going on there, they are pressuring these players to get it. Does that sound like a rational amount of fear?
D) last question about fear… Q- When you see a young person, say in their 20’s, jogging on a trail in the forest with fresh air wearing a mask, do you think they are: A) anti-vaccers B) pro-vaccine? I see lots of these people. My aunt who is in the sticks in Michigan, lives alone without any close neighbors. She is vaccinated, she will be working in her garden with a mask on. Take a guess where she got that crazy fear from. Watching the news, main stream media. She is scared to death of getting this virus, and even with the vaccine she still is unreasonably fearful. The fear and the politically motivated misinformation is on both sides of the isle.
E) just a note about the beast shot. I doubt highly that it will come with a moral choice. It will probably come wrapped in a social sugar coated trick like- get the tat and stop human traffiking. or stop drugs, or get the money tattoo and wipe out poverty. This is only my almost worthless opinion.

ok everyone, I really do want to leave. If I can just stop thinking about this now, that would help. I wish you all well!

Prayer is awesome. If medicine = no trust in God, then why did Paul encourage Timothy to have a little bit of wine and not just water (1 Timothy 5:23).

Untold millions of people have died due to disease over history. Did God make their immune systems faulty? There is no evidence that vaccines cause intellectual disability.

I really encourage you to use that same spirit of discernment to actually look at the data, the methodology and the results and to test your idea that science/nature = worldly/men’s ideas.


Can’t be done Daniel, due to motivated reasoning.

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Ask someone who has type I diabetes how many shots they have to take in a week or month. Ask them if they want to stop taking those insulin shots. Do you think diabetics should stop taking insulin and put everything in God’s hands?

It’s really strange to put a limit on something that could save your life.

That would require a blood draw that uses a needle. You sure you want to do that?

I only support mandates where it makes sense, such as in a healthcare setting. I have learned that you can’t force people to be good citizens.

The good measures is having nearly all of the population vaccinated.

Chances of survival from the vaccine are orders of magnitude greater than the infection itself. The chances of surviving an infection after being vaccinated are also orders of magnitude greater. The vaccine holds no more risk to fertility or pregnancy than the infection itself since the virus is RNA based just like the vaccine.

They are orders of magnitude more vulnerable to hospitalization or death from the virus than they are from the vaccine.

Why are you scared of the vaccine?

Added in edit:

Vaccines have become mandatory for VA healthcare workers. This is the reasoning given by the Secretary McDonough.


Thanks Klax, you stopped me from another reply :).

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